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 Post subject: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:18 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:18 pm
Posts: 559
This is for the character sheets of everybody involved. I will try to keep the sheets as up to date and understandable as I can. These are for reference purposes only, DO NOT USE THEM IN RP except for the equipment list.

Everybody reply to this thread ONE time.

Your reply should include your characters back story and what you have thus far for a character sheet. I will contact each of you individually with needed changes and other information as needed.


Last edited by Jedi_Master on Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:19 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:18 pm
Posts: 559
Player: Jonnyb815

Character Name: Dr. Ryuu (Ithorian, Scoundrel 1) Exp: 0

HP: 19
Threshold: 12
Ref 12, Fort 12, Will 17

Destiny: 1; Force 5
Init:-1, Perception +10

Speed: 6 squares
Melee by weapon: +0
Ranged by weapon: -1(point blank +0)
Base Atk: +0; Grp +0
Bellow Atk:(0+level, 1d20) Standard action: 4d6 vs Fort def, 6-square Cone(half damage if missed),-1 down the track, add a die to the damage for an extra -1 down the track(max 3 times)

Abilities: Str 10(0), Dex 9(-1)Con 12(+1), Int 17(+3), Wis 20(+5), Cha 17(+3)
Talents: Fools Luck
Feats: Devastating Bellow, Point blank shot, Skill Focus Life Science,Weapon pro (pistols, simple)
Trained Skills: Perception +10, Knowledge (Life Science) +13, Use Computer +8, Deception +8, Gather info +8, Knowledge (Physical Science) +8, Treat injury+10
Untrained Skills: Acrobatics -1, Climb +0, Endurance +1, Initiative -1, Jump +0, Knowledge (all others) +3, Mechanics +3, Perception +5, Persuasion +3, Pilot -1, Ride -1, Stealth -1, Survival +5, Swim +0, Use the Force +5

Age: 61, Height: 1.6, Weight: 90
Languages: Basic, Ithorese, huttese, Rodese, Ryl

Credits: 245
Med pacx4
all-temp cloak,med kit(mini),
wood quarterstaff(Cane)
MDS-50 medisensor
hypoinjector wristband
breath mask
mesh tape
energy cellx2

Load: 21.6/25 kg

He is a plant geneticist and that is what he went to school for.Ryuu has been known to go on the edge of the law when it comes to science and getting things done his way which is the only way. Science is his main passion and just doing experiences to see what happens.

He has his own farm and does his testing there in his lab.The farm was given to him when his father passed when he was a teen. This father was murdered by a Rodin smuggler that his father owed money to(gambling).His father was exiled from his home (unknown to most) and stayed on the planet Ryuu lives on now till he died.Ryuu saw the whole deal and hates rodians with a passion.He has lived by himself most of his life. Ryun is the son of an ex senator.

Ryuu is not very agile and does not like range weapons at all. Ryuu's shot with them is one reason he is not a fan of them.Ryuu uses his brain, bellow over physical weapons when it comes to encountering others when things go bad.He uses his staff to get around(was in a farm accident that messed up his leg at a young age.)that use to be his fathers and rarely but sometimes in battles when needed.

Many people that know him well think he is a little out there and some have even called him a genius at times.ryuu overall is very peaceful and easy to get along with.he does keep to himswlf when ever the chance.He was a medic in the army when he was younger. Ryuu a lot of the time knows or thinks (wise/older)that he is smarter than most and tries proving it to others at times.Overall Ryuu loves trying new things and experiencing with his planets.


Last edited by Jedi_Master on Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:31 am, edited 5 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:19 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:18 pm
Posts: 559
Player: Azavander

Character Name: Remal Revino (Human Scoundrel 1) Exp: 0

HP 18
Threshold: 11
Ref: 18, Fort: 11, Will: 13

Destiny: 1; Force: 5
Init: +9, Perception: +6

Speed: 6 squares
Melee by weapon: +0
Ranged by weapon: +4
Base Atk: +0; Grp +4

Str 10 (+0), DEX 18 (+4), CON 11 (+0), INT 13 (+2), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 16 (+3)
Feats: Skill Focus (Persuasion), Point Blank, Precise shot
Talents: Knack

Skills Trained: Persuasion +13, Stealth +9, Deception +8, Initiative +9, Perception +6, Pilot +9 Need 1 more (race bonus)
Skills Untrained: Acrobatics +4, Climb +0, Endurance +0, Gather Information +2, Jump +0, Knowledge (all) +2, Mechanics +2, Ride +4, Survival +1, Swim +0, Treat Injury +1, Use Computer +2, Use the Force +1

Age: 19, Height: 5'11", Weight:

Credits: 500
Blaster with holster concealed
Utility belt
Weapons Blaster (subrepeating)
Helmet and Vest

Load: 0 / 25 kg

Still a young man Remal has a vision of the future where he and his friends carve out their own future. Growing up on a farm without parents has been a hard on him while young, while still alive his parents spent time as general labourers before a tragic accident ripped them away at 7. The farm owner’s wife took pity on him and kept her husband from just sending him away to an orphanage, giving him odd jobs around the farm yard to keep him busy and to pay for his food.

When he was about 9, Remal was taking a trip with the farmer’s wife going to the market and drop of their good for sale, when their speeder broke down. While this normally may have not been a worthy event to notice, it changed his fortunes forever setting up a path for him to someday make an escape of this world. The area between the farm and the town had seen an increasing amount of raiding by local Tuskens, nobody stopped or travelled alone for fear of being one of the 27 people already killed that Autumn. So when the repulser engine began to short out and drop the speeder crashing to the ground, the farmer’s wife knew she was dead. Remal however was not ready to give up, After the hard landing the boy hoped over the side and headed to pop the engine compartment, standing on his toes he peered in, like he had done from the shadows, while watching the farmers owner fix things in the past. Seeing the blackened wires around an engine component he realized that engine had somehow overheated and shorted out some cabling that controlled the power. With the lack of supplies in the speeder and the howl of raiders in the air, Remal devised a make shift cable from the wire bundling holding the crops and got the speeder up and running after just a few minutes.

But that would not be the end of the adventure as the story is told, for jsut at that time the raiders made their appearance with shots flying. The farmer’s wife took a shoot in the stomach while trying get back into the speeder and collapsed. Remal taking a shot in the arm managed to get into the driver’s seat and get the speeder moving again in the direction of the town. Quickly picking up the how to drive, Remal struggled with a single arm and being slightly to short he managed to limp it into the town. The doctor told the Farm owner that his wife was lucky to be alive and if it was not for the young boy Remal she would have died there.

The owner recognized Remals ingenuity and put him into work in the vehicle workshop, a good paying job for a young boy. Remal would go on to save his money, splurging to only but nice clothes, always trying to look roguish with a smile and a quick word with the ladies. His cleaned up look earned many a snuggle in a booth and a kiss, his amazing work on vehichles of any type kept him doing slightly better than some of his fellow.


Last edited by Jedi_Master on Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:03 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:20 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:18 pm
Posts: 559
Player: Obikenobi1

Character Name: Bruce Billex (Human Scout 1) Exp: 0

HP 25
Threshold 13
Ref 16 (flat-footed 13), Fort 13, Will 14

Force 5, Destiny Points 1
Init +8; Perception +8
Special Actions: May reroll a perception check, reroll must be accepted even if lower.

Speed 6
Melee by Weapon: +0
Ranged by Weapon: +3
Base Attack +0; Grp +3

Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 13 (+1), Int 18 (+4), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 10 (+0)
Talents: Acute Senses
Feats: Linguist, Tech Specialist, Shake it off, Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons, pistols, rifles)

Trained Skills: Endurance +6, Initiative +8, Knowledge (technology) +9, Knowledge (Physical Sciences) +9, Mechanics +9, Perception +8, Pilot +8, Stealth +8, Survival +8, Use Computer +9
Untrained Skills: Acrobatics +3, Climb +0, Deception +0, Gather Information +0, Jump +0, Knowledge (all others) +4, Persuasion +0, Ride +3, Swim +0, Treat Injury +3, Use the Force +0

Age 25, Height 5'8", Weight 200 lbs
Languages: Basic, Binary (understand only), Bocce, Huttese, Ithorese, Ryl

Credits: 2325
Sling +0 (1d4)
Stun Baton +0 (1d6 regular dmg; 2d6 stun dmg)
Field Kit
Utility Belt
Short Range Comlink
Credit Chip
Stun Baton

Load: 0 / 25 kg


A son of a skilled mechanic, Bruce has always been keen on learning about how to fix things. He grew up in a remote town on the planet, and got to fix things on farm's. His father taught him a lot about his trade, and Bruce at an early age showed that he had some promise of continuing the family line of jack of all trades. His mother prefered her son to be more of an intellectual, rather than a tradesmen, and urged him to apply for a university in a nearby larger city to be trained as a hydraulic engineer. Bruce was conflicted. He wanted to live the highlife, but at the same time, he wanted to continue getting hands on experience learning from his father. One day as he was marching through the wilderness on route to a remote farm at the request of the farmer to fix some irrigation systems, he noticed a broken droid nearby a old shed. The shed appeared abandoned, and the droid seemed in need of repair. Thinking it might be one of the worker droids in the service of the farmer, he went on to do a quick fix in order to get it to walk again. The droid stood up and stared at him, and when Bruce motioned it to walk, its eyes flickered and it obeyed. Overjoyed at seeing his handy work rewarded, he motioned it to follow him. As he was walking towards the farmstead, he tripped over a gnarly root in the ground near a ravine. Before he could plummet down into the chasm, the droid following grabed him to safety. Bruce couldn't beleive it. He had thought the droid couldn't perform fast reflexes, but he was glad he was wrong. Thanking the droid for saving his life, he continued on his way to his job. As he walked, he began to think hard about what he would do with his life. If he hadn't fixed the droid using his skills as a mechanic, he'd have most likely died. When he reached the farmstead, he asked the farmer who the droid belonged to. He had no idea who owned it, but found it strange that it had appeared on his property. No one in the area he lived in had reported a lost droid for at least 50 years. The shed used to be as a supply depot for a wilderness training camp for the local militia. Bruce decided that since no one cared about recovering the droid, he might as well take it back to his father and see if it could be fixed up to good working order. Finishing the repairs to the farmers irrigation system and recieving payment and a couple of good meals, he made his trek back to his home. Arriving at his fathers shop, he asked his father if he had ever seen a droid like the one he had found. His father hadn't ever seen a model like it. Bruce decided that he'd devote his life to getting the funds to fix up the droid that had saved his life. To do so would require a lot of money, so Bruce went on a journey to make a name for him self as a jack of all trades and decided to follow in his fathers foot steps. Traveling to the largest city on the planet with his belongings, he was determined to make a living and to get the funds needed to fix up the droid and maybe to buy more droids like it. If he could do that, he figured he could set up his own business instead of inheriting his fathers shop. Droids were amazing to him, and he had a bit of a fixation on them. Maybe he could even learn how to design his own droids some day. The future seemed promising for him. When he reached the city, he met some interesting individuals at a local cantina, and developing a rapport with them, he decided to join them in a quest to make a profit and fulfill his dreams.


Last edited by Jedi_Master on Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:20 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:18 pm
Posts: 559
Player: GrandMoffBoris

Character Name: Jorus Nottars (Human Noble 1) Exp: 0

Hit Points 19
Threshold: 12
Reflex: 14, Fortitude: 12, Will: 14

Force: Destiny: 1
Init: +7, Perception: +6

Speed: 6 squares
Melee by weapon: +1
Ranged by weapon: +2
Base Atk: +0; Grp +2

STR: 13 (+1), DEX: 15 (+2), CON: 12 (+1), INT: 14 (+2), WIS: 12 (+1), CHA: 15 (+2)
Talents: Born Leader, Wealth
Feats: Linguist, Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Pistols, Rifels), Weapon Focus (Pistols)

Skills Trained: Deception +7, Gather Information +7, Initiative +7, Knowledge (Bureaucracy, Tactics) +7, Perception +6, Persuasion +7, Pilot +7 need 2 more (race bonus and base 6 noble + 2 int)
Skills Untrained: Acrobatics +2, Climb +1, Deception +2, Endurance +1, Gather Information +2, Jump +1, Knowledge(all) +2, Mechanics +2, Pilot +2, Ride +2, Stealth +2, Survival +1, Swim +1, Treat injury +1, Use Computer +2, Use the force +1

Age: , Height: , Weight:

2 Blaster Pistols
2 Blaster Rifles
Short range comlink
Long range comlink
Ration packs
Utility belt
Power packs, recharger
Standard targeting scope
Combat Jumpsuit

Load: 0 / 42.25 kg


Last edited by Jedi_Master on Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:20 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:18 pm
Posts: 559
Player: Raylinthegreat

Character Name: Doran D'jorn (Duros Soldier 1) Exp: 0

Hp: 32; Threshhold: 16
Ref def: 16=10+dex mod(3)+class bonus(1)+nat armor(0)+size(0)+armor or heroic lvl(2)
Fort def: 15=10+con mod(2)+class bonus(2)+heroic lvl(1)+ equip(0)
Will def: 13=10+heroic lvl(1)+wis mod(2)+class bonus(0)

Force: 5, Destiny: 1
Initiative +8
Perception +7

Speed: 6 squares
Melee by weapon: +3
Ranged by weapon: +4
Base Atk: +1; Grp +4

Str:15 (+2), Dex:16 (+3), Con:15 (+2), Int:14 (+2), Wis:14 (+2), Cha:10 (+0)
Talants: Armored Defense
Feats: Armor proficient(light, medium), weapons proficient(simple, pistols, rifles), quickdraw

Skills trained(5): Initiative +8, Mechanics +7, Knowledge(tactics) +7, Perception +7, Pilot +7
Skills untrained: Acrobatics +3, Climb +2, Deception +0, Endurance +2, Gather Information +0, Jump +2, Knowledge(all) +3, Persuasion +0, Ride +3, Stealth +3, Survival +2, Swim +2, Treat injury +2, Use Computer +2, Use the force +2

Age: , Height: , Weight:
Languages: basic and durese, bonus binary, huttese

Credits: 257
Blaster pistol(3d6, 2d6 stun, energy, ranges=0-20, 21-40(-2 atk), 41-60(-5 atk), 61-80(-10 atk)
Blaster rifle, sporting(liscensed) (3d6, 2d6 stun, energy, ranges=o-30, 31-60(-2atk), 61-150(-5atk), 151-300(-10 atk)
Vibroblade(liscensed) (2d6 melee, small, slashing and piercing)
Stun baton(1d6 melee, 2d6 stun, small, bludgeoning)

Blaster helmet and vest
utility belt
power pack and power recharger
long range comlink
security kit

Load: 0 / 56.25 kg

Doran has grown up in a military family. All his life he has been trained by various members of his family. When he was old enough, he went and joined the local military academy. After graduation he went and joined any military or security force that would have him. Whether it be local malitia, planatary defense army or even the occasional contract security stint for a local hutt.


Last edited by Jedi_Master on Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:49 am, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:21 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:18 pm
Posts: 559
Player: DieAndBeMetal

Character Name: Jinn Starr (Human Scoundrel 1) Exp: 0

HP 19
Threshold 12
Ref 17, Fort 12, Will 12

Destiny 0; Force 5
Init +4; Senses Perception 0

Speed 6 squares
Melee by weapon +2
Ranged by weapon +4
Base Atk +0, Grp +4

Str 14 (+2), Dex 18 (+4), Con 13 (+1), Int 15 (+2), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 15 (+2)
Talents: Knack
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapons Proficiency(pistols, simple weapons), Precise Shot

Skills Trained: Acrobatics +8, Deception +7, Initiative +9, Persuasion +7, Stealth +9, Gather Information +7, Mechanics +7, Use Computer +7 1 to many
Skills untrained: Climb +2, Endurance +1, Jump +2, Knowledge(all) +2, Ride +4, Survival +1, Swim +2, Treat injury +0, Use the force +0, Perception +0, Pilot +4

Height: , Weight: , Age: 32
Languages Basic

Credits: 3200
Blaster Pistol(Sporting)

Load: 0 / 49 kg

As a child born of the infamous smuggler Jethro Starr, he was abandoned in the slums by his father due his overwhelming debt, as well as his care for Jinn's life. His mother was a small town farmer's maid, and he has no recollection of her in his memory due to his father taking Jinn with him at an early age. After being dropped off in the slums, Jinn struggled to find much help, until he met an elderly human named Darius Bailstone. Bailstone was the owner of a local cantina, and he offered Jinn a small time job helping him clean up after the place, as well as give him a place to stay. While Jinn was stranded in the slums, he picked up a few habits, including small time gambling and a short fuse temper. This proved to be a bit of a problem at first for Darius, as Jinn would gamble away the money he achieved from working for him, as well as him fighting with other patrons. Darius was a loving old man, and loved Jinn as his own. But, one night at the cantina, a fight broke out between Jinn and a Rodian patron, and Darius was struck with a blaster bolt between ribcage, killing him instantly. Jinn, infuriated, knocked the blaster from the rodian's hands and shot him, avenging Darius's death. With two figures gone from his life, he was left devastated. Jinn decided to run the cantina, as Darius had no heir to his property. For a few years, this worked well for him. But, he has had multiple assassination attempts over the years due to having the Starr name. It hardened his body and mind to be ready at anytime and any place.

One day, a hutt's henchman walked into his cantina and offered his a gamble of a lifetime: one all or nothing attempt in a game of cards for the cantina. The hutt desired a new place to own, and Jinn's cantina was in the perfect spot. Jinn, however doubting he was of the situation, could not turn it down due to his gambling nature. Jinn ended up losing it all, which put him back to having nothing. Jinn, devastated yet again, resorts to near death tactics and shoots the hutt several times and escapes from the facility. With nothing but his blaster and a few credits, he leaves the world in search of hope.

Jinn landed on this new world, and decided to go to the only thing he knew well: cantinas. It was here that he meets several friends and becomes a regular. The Starr name is not known as well here(if at all), and it's for the better. Jinn still wonders whatever happened to his father. He works the card tables at the cantina, doing substantially better than at the other cantina. He has grown to love this place, where his luck thrives. Will it keep thriving? I guess we will find out.


Last edited by Jedi_Master on Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:03 pm 
Junk Dealer Extrodinaire
Junk Dealer Extrodinaire
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Joined: Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:18 am
Posts: 291
Location: Jasper, MO
Character name: Doran D'jorn

Age: 27, Height: 1.9m, Weight: 71.8kg
Duros soldier

Str:15 +2
Dex:(14+2) 16 +3
Con:(17-2) 15 +2
Int:(12+2) 14 +2
Wis:14 +2
Cha:10 +0

Hp: 32; Threshhold: 16
Force: 5
Destiny: 1
Speed: 6 squares

Attack bonuses: base 1, melee 3, ranged 4

Languages: basic and durese, bonus binary, huttese

Ref def: 10+dex mod(3)+class bonus(1)+nat armor(0)+size(0)+armor or heroic lvl(2)=16
fort def: 10+con mod(2)+class bonus(2)+heroic lvl(1)+ equip(0)=15
will def: 10+heroic lvl(1)+wis mod(2)+class bonus(0)=13

Armor proficient(light, medium)
weapons proficient(simple, pistols, rifles)
quickdraw(lvl 1 selection)

Armored Defense

Skills trained(5):
Initiative +8
Mechanics +7
Knowledge(tactics) +7
Perception +7
Pilot +7

Skills untrained:
Acrobatics +3
Climb +2
Deception +0
Endurance +2
Gather Information +0
Jump +2
Knowledge(all) +3
Persuasion +0
Ride +3
Stealth +3
Survival +2
Swim +2
Treat injury +2
Use Computer +2
Use the force +2

Credits: 257

Blaster pistol(3d6, 2d6 stun, energy, ranges=0-20, 21-40(-2 atk), 41-60(-5 atk), 61-80(-10 atk)(free starting)(1kg)
Blaster rifle, sporting(liscensed) (3d6, 2d6 stun, energy, ranges=o-30, 31-60(-2atk), 61-150(-5atk), 151-300(-10 atk)(800 = 40 liscensing)(4kg)
Vibroblade(liscensed) (2d6 melee, small, slashing and piercing)(250 + 13 liscensing)(1.8kg)
Stun baton(1d6 melee, 2d6 stun, small, bludgeoning)(15)(0.5kg)

Blaster helmet and vest(free starting) (3kg)
utility belt[includes 3 days supply food captsuls, medpac, toolkit, spare power pack, spare energy cell, glow rod, liquid cable dispensor with grappling hook, 2 spare compartments](500)(4kg)
power pack and power recharger(125)(1.1kg)
long range comlink(250)(1kg)
security kit(750)(1kg)

Doran has grown up in a military family. All his life he has been trained by various members of his family. When he was old enough, he went and joined the local military academy. After graduation he went and joined any military or security force that would have him. Whether it be local malitia, planatary defense army or even the occasional contract security stint for a local hutt.

Last edited by Raylinthegreat on Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:53 pm 
Droid Army Commander
Droid Army Commander
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Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:38 am
Posts: 1959

Character Name: Dr. Ryuu (Ithorian, Scoundrel 1) Exp: 0

HP: 19
Threshold: 12
Ref 12, Fort 12, Will 19

Destiny: 1; Force 5
Init:-1, Perception +10
Special Actions: May reroll a Survival check, reroll must be accepted even if lower.

Speed: 6 squares
Melee by weapon: +0
Ranged by weapon: -1(point blank +0)
Base Atk: +0; Grp +0
Bellow Atk:(0+level, 1d20) Standard action: 4d6 vs Fort def, 6-square Cone(half damage if missed),-1 down the track, add a die to the damage for an extra -1 down the track(max 4 times)

Abilities: Str 10(0), Dex 9(-1)Con 12(+1), Int 17(+3), Wis 20(+5), Cha 17(+3)
Talents: Fools Luck
Feats: Devastating Bellow, Point blank shot, Skill Focus Life Science,Weapon pro (pistols, simple)
Trained Skills: Perception +10, Knowledge (Life Science) +13, Use Computer +8, Deception +8, Gather info +8, Knowledge (Physical Science) +8, Persuasion +8
Untrained Skills: Acrobatics -1, Climb +0, Endurance +1, Initiative -1, Jump +0, Knowledge (all others) +3, Mechanics +3, Treat Injury +5(+7 first aid), Pilot -1, Ride -1, Stealth -1, Survival +5, Swim +0, Use the Force +5

Age: 61, Height: 1.6, Weight: 90
Languages: Basic, Ithorese, huttese, Rodese, Ryl
Appearance:Gender: Male, Skin color: Dark Blue with tan, Eye Color: black, Body features: Curved neck with two mouths, Four fingers and three toes.

Credits: 45
Med pacx3: core pg 138[300](4kg)
all-temp cloak: +5 fort +5 Will vs Extreme heat or cold[100](1.5kg)
Miniture Med Kit: core pg 138[1000](10kg)
knife: 1d4 piercing[25](1kg)
Datapad: core pg 137[1000](.5 kg)
audiorecorder: 100 hours of recording sound[25](.1 kg)
wood quarterstaff:1d6/1d6 bludgeoning[65](1.8)
MDS-50 medisensor: Threats pg36 [75](.1kg)
hypoinjector wristband:Unknown Regions pg40 [350](.1kg)
Utility belt: core pg 140[500](4 kg)
energy cell: core pg 139[10)(-kg)
Mesh tape: core pg 139[5](.5kg)
Small bottle-homemade toxin(.5kg)

Load:23.1/25 kg

He has a Ph.D as a plant geneticist.He is very bright and his intelligence can't be measured on any knowlege test. Ryuu has been known to go on the edge of the law when it comes to science and getting things done his way which is the only way. He has even been know to do tests on his own body at times.Eight months ago he was able to pick up 1300kg all by himself because of some chemical experiment he did.The chemical made him stronger, better, and faster at all most everything he did. He almost died the last time the experiment was done so he has not tried another test since then. He believes the formula is really for another test but has not done it yet. Plants are his main passion when it comes to science and experiments.

He has his own farm and does his testing there in his lab.The farm was given to him when his father passed when he was a teen. This father was murdered by a Rodin smuggler that his father owed money to(gambling).His father was exiled from his home (unknown to most) and stayed on the planet Ryuu lives on now till he died.Ryuu saw the whole deal and hates rodians with a passion.He has lived by himself most of his life. Ryun is the son of an ex senator.

Ryuu is not very agile and does not like range weapons at all. Ryuu's shot with them is one reason he is not a fan of them.Ryuu uses his brain and this crazy odd luck over physical weapons when it comes to encountering others when things go bad.Ryuu does have a powerful roar that projects from his dual mouths, its as powerful as a force blast. He is known to have things go his way even though they shouldn't.He uses his staff to get around(was in a farm accident that messed up his leg at a young age.)that use to be his fathers and rarely but sometimes in battles when needed. He can still move ok having a bum leg. On mission he likes to stay together as a group than be loner. Ryuu doesn't like to be in front of the action if it can be avoided.

Ryuu overall is very peaceful and easy to get along with.he does keep to himself when ever the chance.He was a medic in the army when he was younger. Ryuu a lot of the time knows or thinks (wise/older)that he is smarter than most and tries proving it to others.Some people have called him a crazy genius at times.This nickname in the past has been doc or dr. Overall science is his main passion amd he loves doing experiments to see what happens.

Last edited by jonnyb815 on Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:30 am, edited 114 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:59 pm 
Death Star Designers
Death Star Designers
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Bruce Billex CL 1
age 25, Height 5'8", Gender Male, Weight 200 lbs

Medium Human Scout 1
Available Credits: 1485
Exp: 0

Str 10 Dex 16 Con 13 Int 18 Wis 16 Cha 10
Force 5 Destiny Points 1
Base Attack +0; Grp +0
Init +8; senses regular vison; perception +8
Languages: Basic, Binary, Bocce, Huttese, Ithorese, Ryl
Defenses: Fort 13 Ref 16 (flat-footed 13) Will 14
HP 25; Threshold 13
Speed 6
Ranged attack:
Sling +0 (1d4)
Stun Baton +0 (1d6 regular dmg; 2d6 stun dmg)

Acute Senses

Linguist, Tech Specialist, Shake it off, Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons), Weapon Proficiency (pistols), Weapon Proficiency (rifles)

Special Actions: May reroll a perception check, reroll must be accepted even if lower.

Acrobatics +3; Climb +0; Deception +0; Endurance +6; Gather Information +0; Initiative +8; Jump +0; Knowledge (technology) +9; Knowledge (Physical Sciences) +9; Knowledge (all others) +4; Mechanics +9; Perception +8; Persuasion +0; Pilot +8; Ride +3; Stealth +8; Survival +8; Swim +0; Treat Injury +3; Use Computer +9; Use the Force +0

Field Kit: pg 138 in core rulebook (provided with class)(10kg)
Utility Belt: pg 140 in core rulebook [500](4kg)
Short Range Comlink: pg 134 in core rulebook [25](0.1kg)
Credit Chip: pg 134 in core rulebook [100](0.1kg)
Sling (1d4 ranged, small,bludgeoning)[35](0.3kg)
Stun baton(1d6 melee, 2d6 stun, small, bludgeoning)[15](0.5kg)
Blaster Rifle, Sporting (3d6 ranged, energy,single shot)[800+40](4kg)


A son of a skilled mechanic, Bruce has always been keen on learning about how to fix things. He grew up in a remote town on the planet, and got to fix things on farm's. His father taught him a lot about his trade, and Bruce at an early age showed that he had some promise of continuing the family line of jack of all trades. His mother prefered her son to be more of an intellectual, rather than a tradesmen, and urged him to apply for a university in a nearby larger city to be trained as a hydraulic engineer. Bruce was conflicted. He wanted to live the highlife, but at the same time, he wanted to continue getting hands on experience learning from his father. One day as he was marching through the wilderness on route to a remote farm at the request of the farmer to fix some irrigation systems, he noticed a broken droid nearby a old shed. The shed appeared abandoned, and the droid seemed in need of repair. Thinking it might be one of the worker droids in the service of the farmer, he went on to do a quick fix in order to get it to walk again. The droid stood up and stared at him, and when Bruce motioned it to walk, its eyes flickered and it obeyed. Overjoyed at seeing his handy work rewarded, he motioned it to follow him. As he was walking towards the farmstead, he tripped over a gnarly root in the ground near a ravine. Before he could plummet down into the chasm, the droid following grabed him to safety. Bruce couldn't beleive it. He had thought the droid couldn't perform fast reflexes, but he was glad he was wrong. Thanking the droid for saving his life, he continued on his way to his job. As he walked, he began to think hard about what he would do with his life. If he hadn't fixed the droid using his skills as a mechanic, he'd have most likely died. When he reached the farmstead, he asked the farmer who the droid belonged to. He had no idea who owned it, but found it strange that it had appeared on his property. No one in the area he lived in had reported a lost droid for at least 50 years. The shed used to be as a supply depot for a wilderness training camp for the local militia. Bruce decided that since no one cared about recovering the droid, he might as well take it back to his father and see if it could be fixed up to good working order. Finishing the repairs to the farmers irrigation system and recieving payment and a couple of good meals, he made his trek back to his home. Arriving at his fathers shop, he asked his father if he had ever seen a droid like the one he had found. His father hadn't ever seen a model like it. Bruce decided that he'd devote his life to getting the funds to fix up the droid that had saved his life. To do so would require a lot of money, so Bruce went on a journey to make a name for him self as a jack of all trades and decided to follow in his fathers foot steps. Traveling to the largest city on the planet with his belongings, he was determined to make a living and to get the funds needed to fix up the droid and maybe to buy more droids like it. If he could do that, he figured he could set up his own business instead of inheriting his fathers shop. Droids were amazing to him, and he had a bit of a fixation on them. Maybe he could even learn how to design his own droids some day. The future seemed promising for him. When he reached the city, he met some interesting individuals at a local cantina, and developing a rapport with them, he decided to join them in a quest to make a profit and fulfill his dreams.


Aliit ori'shya tal'din ("Family is more than Blood")
To learn Mandalorian, go to http://www.karentraviss.com/html/mando.htm.


Last edited by obikenobi1 on Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:33 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:44 pm 
Unnamed Wookiee
Unnamed Wookiee

Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 9:09 am
Posts: 46
[Character Name] Jinn Starr
[size] Medium
[species] Human
[class] Scoundrel
Destiny 0; Force 5
Init +4; Senses Perception 0
Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 16, Fort 11, Will 11
hp 19; Threshold 11

Speed 6 squares
Melee by weapon +2
Ranged by weapon +4
Base Atk [+0]; Grp [?]

Abilities Str 14(+2 Mod), Dex 18(+4 Mod), Con 13(+1 Mod), Int 15(+2 Mod), Wis 10(No Mod), Cha 15(+2 Mod)
Talents: Knack
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapons Proficiency(pistols, simple weapons), Precise Shot
Skills (I don’t really understand it that well. But, according to the thing, I have 8 skills to choose from. I don’t know how to do the modifiers on them, but I would like Acrobatics, Deception, Initiative, Persuasion, Stealth, Gather Information, Mechanics, and Use Computer)
Possessions: 3500 credits -300 for Blaster Pistol(Sporting)= 3200 creds left.
Load [No idea?]

Jinn Starr, Human Scoudrel. 32 standard years old.

As a child born of the infamous smuggler Jethro Starr, he was abandoned in the slums by his father due his overwhelming debt, as well as his care for Jinn's life. His mother was a small town farmer's maid, and he has no recollection of her in his memory due to his father taking Jinn with him at an early age. After being dropped off in the slums, Jinn struggled to find much help, until he met an elderly human named Darius Bailstone. Bailstone was the owner of a local cantina, and he offered Jinn a small time job helping him clean up after the place, as well as give him a place to stay. While Jinn was stranded in the slums, he picked up a few habits, including small time gambling and a short fuse temper. This proved to be a bit of a problem at first for Darius, as Jinn would gamble away the money he achieved from working for him, as well as him fighting with other patrons. Darius was a loving old man, and loved Jinn as his own. But, one night at the cantina, a fight broke out between Jinn and a Rodian patron, and Darius was struck with a blaster bolt between ribcage, killing him instantly. Jinn, infuriated, knocked the blaster from the rodian's hands and shot him, avenging Darius's death. With two figures gone from his life, he was left devastated. Jinn decided to run the cantina, as Darius had no heir to his property. For a few years, this worked well for him. But, he has had multiple assassination attempts over the years due to having the Starr name. It hardened his body and mind to be ready at anytime and any place.

One day, a hutt's henchman walked into his cantina and offered his a gamble of a lifetime: one all or nothing attempt in a game of cards for the cantina. The hutt desired a new place to own, and Jinn's cantina was in the perfect spot. Jinn, however doubting he was of the situation, could not turn it down due to his gambling nature. Jinn ended up losing it all, which put him back to having nothing. Jinn, devastated yet again, resorts to near death tactics and shoots the hutt several times and escapes from the facility. With nothing but his blaster and a few credits, he leaves the world in search of hope.

Jinn landed on this new world, and decided to go to the only thing he knew well: cantinas. It was here that he meets several friends and becomes a regular. The Starr name is not known as well here(if at all), and it's for the better. Jinn still wonders whatever happened to his father. He works the card tables at the cantina, doing substantially better than at the other cantina. He has grown to love this place, where his luck thrives. Will it keep thriving? I guess we will find out.

I have a few of them i am still confused a bit on how to label. Skills and group attack for instance.
I'll edit it correctly once i figure it out. Sorry lol <----- NOOB

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:08 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2007 1:08 pm
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Jorus Nottars Noble
◦STR: 13
◦DEX: 15
◦CON: 12
◦INT: 14
◦WIS: 12
◦CHA: 15

Hit Points 19

Reflex: 17
Fortitude 12
Will 13

Gather Information
Knowledge - Bureaucracy
Knowledge - Tactics

Born Leader

Weapon Proficiency - Pistols
Weapon Focus - Pistols
Weapon Proficiency - Simple Weapons
Weapon Proficiency - Rifles

2 Blaster Pistols
2 Blaster Rifles
Short range comlink
Long range comlink
Ration packs
Utility belt
Power packs, recharger
Standard targeting scope
Combat Jumpsuit

Click here to check out all the people who have realized the truth. Someday you will, too.

"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:47 pm 
Junk Dealer Extrodinaire
Junk Dealer Extrodinaire
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equip costs and age/height/weight added as requested.

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:58 pm 
Death Star Designers
Death Star Designers
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can i take mechanics as a trained skill? fits the back story?

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 Post subject: Re: Shattered Universe RPG Character Thread
PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:11 am 
Junk Dealer Extrodinaire
Junk Dealer Extrodinaire
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just a friendly bump to keep our char's somewhere findable

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