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 Post subject: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:11 pm 
Imperial Dignitaries
Imperial Dignitaries
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Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:42 pm
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Hey everyone, as always, I had a blast at Gencon: good friends, good competition, lots of SWM...what's not to like? However, this year was even more memorable for me, since I finally succeeded where I had only come close before. And in two areas, no less!

First, after coming 4th, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in the Jedi Challenge in my first four years, I finally won it this year! At the end of the final event I was tied with Greg Sutton for the most points; however, my record was 10 wins and 2 losses, while Greg had 9 wins and 3 losses, and that bumped me to the top. The prize was simply epic…a full custom set of V-Set 4 Scum & Villainy! It was definitely the best prize of the weekend, for me.

And second, but more importantly, I won the Championship too! Here is the story of how it all came down. But first, a bit of backstory:

I had been playtesting the Revan/Atton/Kaan squad that Tim used to win a Regional and which Weeks ended up using to great effect in the Championship. I really like the squad and the way it plays, with multiple ways to do damage and make things happen in a game. However, in my playtesting I was something like 2-5 with it. It was after I lost to Tim Hight (the New Zealander, MinitankHT on BM) for the third time that he said, “Kaan is devastating when you’re not prepared for him, but once you know how to defend against him, he’s not nearly as much of a problem,” and after further reflection on it, I knew that I’d probably be able to win the first 3 or maybe 4 matches without too much trouble, but that I’d have trouble with the more experienced players, who would not be suckered into taking 40/80 dmg on most of their pieces. Weeks and I had developed a number of effective strategies vs a number of the top squads, but it just didn’t feel solid enough in my hands. That’s when Tim suggested that I just go back to the Mace/GOWK squad that I played in the Vassal Regional, because as he said, “It was really tough.” I had won FrostyCon back in February of this year with it, and I really enjoyed playing it…I was just worried about those stinkin’ Naboo Deathshot Pilots, and I knew that Weir’s Storm Commandos could prove problematic as well. But I decided that, since every squad had its problem matchups, I’d rather lose playing something I loved than win playing something that’s annoying. So it was either this or an Ewok Swarm. ;)

So without further ado, here’s my squad:
--This Party's Over--
65 Mace Windu, Legacy of the Light Side
55 General Obi-Wan Kenobi
33 Captain Rex
27 Lobot
9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid
5 Rodian Diplomat
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2

(200pts. 8 activations)

First of all, this is a tank squad. There’s no need to rush into engagement (like with a Lancer), and there’s no need to take unnecessary risks; in fact, I’ve found that when I throw Mace out there “hoping for a crit,” it often backfires. Instead, just move the squad forward, building up force points while Rex and R2 do their thing, picking off key targets. I would generally try to keep Mace/GOWK/Rex/R2 all grouped together so that I could tow any of those pieces in for a particularly devastating Triple/Push 3/quad-attack when the time was right.

My map was the Cantina. Josh Hinkel and I “discovered” this map during Vassal practice one night. Most people don’t like starting from the right side on this map, but Mace and GOWK can form a solid wall as they advance, so that side is actually an advantage to this squad. And when you combine the movement-breaking potential of the squad with the relatively accessible gambit areas on both sides of the center wall, it becomes dangerous for your opponent to gain gambit after round 2 or 3.

Round 1: Will Piggott, who was running HK-47 AD, IG-86s, Whorm, San
Map: Cantina
(Massive kudos to him once again for the pairing software!) When I saw his squad, I thought, “Well, there’s nothing quite like starting with a bad matchup!” I brought Evazan/Gran for reinforcements, because I knew I’d be needing to heal a lot if I was going to win. However, it turns out that Will had forgotten to include the BDO and Geonosian Overseer in his squad, so his accuracy and damage output was quite a bit lower than the more optimized version. We played on Cantina and I ended up with the left side. I was entrenched in gambit by the end of the 2nd round, and those droids were soon up in my face. However, their +13s weren’t often enough to get by my 26 Defense (in cover), so I didn’t take nearly as much damage as I could’ve. Once combat started, HK was my primary target and then it was a matter of Mace dropping one IG per round, and Rex and Obi working together to clean up the trash. 1-0, 3pts

Round 2: James (Wannabemexican...he had a cool english accent). He was running Mace, GOWK, Null ARC Captain Ordo, an ARC Sniper, and R2.
Map: Cantina, he took the left
Ordo is scary…Twin Splash is nasty, with that being Accurate sometimes too. He’s less mobile than Rex, but more sturdy and more deadly vs grouped enemies. This was a bit of a positioning nightmare for me, but at the end of round 2 I was able to tow Rex to a spot where he could snipe the opposing R2, needing two 9s to make the big kill…then I proceeded to miss every shot. Rex, you stink! To start the next round, my opponent somehow forgot to protect R2, and so Rex did his job this time. At the end of the round I set up my GOWK to push 5 of his pieces (including the enemy GOWK), which is what I did the next round. After that, the game was largely clean-up, with all of my guys focusing on the enemy Mace and then my Mace critting the opposing GOWK and absorbing his mettle fprrs on failed SSM saves. 2-0, 6pts

Round 3: Gerry Russell (DarphNader), running Naboo Trooper Deathshots
Map: Jabba’s Palace
When Gerry won the map roll, I knew I had to take the left. My only chance was to encamp in the protected gambit area, and shoot with Rex while leaving an unactivated GOWK as the only legal target to absorb the deathshots. Whatever got through Obi’s wall of SSM was healed by Evazan. I managed to kill off about 4-6 troopers this way, but Gerry soon realized that having to roll 17s was not working too well for him, so he brought Wicket up…now he’d be hitting on 13s, and that would be trouble! So I took a gamble and towed Rex out to kill Wicket and another trooper. They soon died, but now Mace and GOWK were safe. The only problem was that Gerry now had a points lead. Luckily for me, he was down in troopers so he had to bring Yularan up as an attacker. I immediately ran out to base him with GOWK, knowing that once he was gone I would have little to fear-damage-wise from the troopers. It worked because Yularan died, but it also meant that GOWK was low on FP (having to use 2 fp to catch him for the killing attack), which allowed Gerry’s troopers to still put enough damage on him to drop him to 10hp. Mace then charged out on the other side, hoping to absorb some damage that would’ve landed on Obi. The final score was 128-113 for me. Super-close, super-intense game! 3-0, 8pts

Lunch time! I wiped the sweat off of my face, lowered my heart-rate again after that insane game with Gerry, and ate some food. I texted my wife and told her that I was 3-0 so far but that the competition was heating up, because I’d be facing a mirror-match with a good player in the next round. But that’s all part of the excitement and wonder that is competitive SWM, isn’t it? Man, I love this game!

Round 4: Josh Hinkel (Hinkbert), running GOWK, Mace, R2, Foul, Shieldbearer
Map: Cantina (Josh took the right side)
Yes, the mirror-match! [sigh] Josh and I had played this matchup already at FrostyCon, and I was nervous. I knew that Josh had multiple paths of attack, and that the one of us who rolled more crits and better-timed crits would win. We joked beforehand that we might as well just save ourselves the trouble and roll the dice once, with the higher roll winning the game…because that’s what it would come down to! Josh brought Ponda Baba GC/Caamasi, while I brought in a Human BG and 3 mice. I out-activated him (a rare luxury for my squad), which allowed me to set up Obiwan for a huge Force Push 3 which killed Josh’s R2/Shieldbearer and Ug, and also damaged his GOWK. To that, Josh said, “It’s on!” and lifted his Mace in to kill my Rex and BG with some crits. I responded by attacking his Mace. Josh won the next init, and went to town on my Mace, with massive carnage everywhere (think of the Kill Bill movies!)…when the dust settled, I was the lucky one, because his Mace missed an attack and my Mace survived with 10hp to attack Josh’s Foul and eventually take down his GOWK. As is almost always the case in a Mace mirror-match, the victory was decided almost entirely by dice, and not by skill or sneaky strategy. 4-0, 11pts.

Okay, I’ve got to point something out here: I was also 4-0 in the Championship after four games last year too, and then I lost my next 2 matches…partially because my opponents were getting better, and partially because I had lost some of my focus due to fatigue. So I was nervous going into these last 2 matches. I knew that if I won one of them, I’d likely make the top 8, but if I lost both of them, then there’s a good chance I’d miss it altogether.

Round 5: David Weeks (Weeks) He played what I had playtested like crazy: Revan, Kaan, Atton, GARY, Lobot.
Map: Cantina
My reinforcements were 5 Mice and Salacious. Thought Bomb doesn’t hurt droids, and Atton can’t hit Mice, so this was by far my best option. I hoped that Salacious would be able to get in the way at least once. When he saw my reinforcements, David said, “Oh, I wish I had chosen Momaw!” David chose the left side and not much happened for the first 2 rounds. I had advanced my Mice and R2 and GOWK and Mace into the middle of the map, with Rex and the rest of my squishies hiding further back, because I didn’t want to lose them to the Thought Bomb. Eventually, Weeks had nothing to shoot at (safely) and nothing else to do, so he moved Exar in there with Dark Aura and dropped his Bomb…Mace amazingly made the save, and GOWK made it too with the help of double-Mettle. Now I was ahead on points, with all my guys still alive and kicking, and Weeks was down to just 2 attackers. Now I had a decision to make: I could go after Atton with Mace (needing a crit), but I had learned earlier in the Jedi Challenge (vs Wes Morgan) that deep-striking an 80hp world-destroyer with Mace is a bad idea…so I spent 2 fp and went after GARY instead…now Atton was limited to +13s for 30, and he couldn’t safely shoot at Mace this round. He ran Atton away to safety, while Revan went after Rex. Rex, ol’ buddy, you just aren’t cut out for life on the road! Rex died the next round, but so did Atton…that left Revan to deal with Mace and GOWK, and the game was over soon after that. 5-0, 14pts

Whew, now I knew that I was in the Top 8, no matter what. And that’s a good thing, because I was tired! For my last match, I decided to just charge like a crazy man and see where the dice fell.

Round 6: Lou Vasilion (Lou) He ran Bastilla, Atton, JBM x2, Senator, Juggernaut, and one of the Covenant guys.
Map: Cantina.
I brought Salacious and some Mice. I started on the left, and at the end of the first round Rex had picked off Lou’s Juggernaut. Lou’s pieces were advancing in the top portion of the map, so I towed Mace up there to attack a JBM…no crits, but I took some damage back thanks to ABM. I won init the next round and killed a JBM and the Covenant guy, but lost Mace. Rex shot up a few more targets but then died to the heavy damage output of ABM-boosted freaks. It came down to GOWK vs a JBM, Atton, and Bastilla. GOWK put some good damage on his guys, and even used a force push, but he fell to the combined might of those 3 pieces. Lou won, and made the Top 8 in first place. I finished the Swiss rounds in 2nd place, which I was totally happy with. 5-1, 14pts

By this point, everyone was tired, and ready to go and celebrate after a grueling day of competitive minis. But Deri and I were still raring to go (my final game was light and short, which allowed my Regeneration 20 and Force Renewal 2 to kick in and restore my ability to think).

Quarterfinals vs Deri Morgan (fingersandteeth) He played Han GH, Corran Horn, Ganner, and Lobot
Map: Cantina
I brought Mice, and Deri brought in Dr. E for the healing and the auto-30 damage on Mace/GOWK. I know I know, Mace beats NR…but nobody plays Han GH as well as Deri does! I had to be very careful vs Han’s accurate shot…as Deri showed by using Han to make two attacks at the end of the first round. His dice? 20, and 20!!! If those had been on Mace, that would’ve hurt! To start the second round, I towed Mace up to use Force Push on Deri’s Mouse and Corran, who were sneaking up through the bottom door of the gambit area. However, I made a really dumb error and didn’t move R2 as far forward as I should’ve, which allowed both Han and the Klatoonian Captain to draw LOS on him. Han hit once, and the Klatoonian missed, but then R2 failed his Splash save. Now I had no movement breaker, and his Han was far on the other side of the map. Thing’s didn’t look good for me. At the start of the next round, Deri let me go first…and I immediately knew why: he needed 2 activations to draw an evil LOS on my Rex…and if I tried to move just 6 and attack with Rex, Han would still be able to hit him. So I started the round by moving Rex 12 squares…that is a horrible move in almost any other situation, but in this situation, it probably saved me from an early retirement. When we talked after the game, Deri confirmed that my move with Rex was well-timed. At the end of that round, Deri ran his Klatoonian Captain up to take a splash shot on an Ug and Mace and GOWK. This gave me two options: charge after Corran hoping for the big crit (in Distruptive, with Dr. E waiting behind to surgery me), or charge after the Captain for the sure kill. As I said, desperate moves are not often worthwhile with this squad, so I went for the Captain. Here’s where it got crazy: Deri responded by levitating Corran in to triple on Mace; this was bad news for me, since he would do 90 to me and it would put him in good position to kill Mace if he won init next round. By the way, during this tournament I had established a habit of losing crucial inits, so I was in trouble. Mace had 5 fp left, so he said, “This Party’s Over!” He Riposted Corran’s first attack; Corran Absorbs the Riposte; Mace Absorbs Corran’s Absorb. So finally I roll my Riposte: 17! Crit! Flurry: 17! Flurry: 17! By the way, there is a 0.8% chance of that ever happening (that is, 3 crits in a row with Mace, on 3 attacks). That dropped Corran and completely turned the tables. After that, it was a matter of clean up. I came within a dice-roll of losing the game, but the dice came through for me in a way that I’ve never seen before.

Semifinals vs Gerry Russell (DarphNader) again
I was set to play the winner of the game between Josh Hinkel and Gerry Russell. I had already beaten both of them in the Swiss rounds, but those were also two of my hardest games. I didn’t want to face either of them again. Gerry played a simply phenomenal game to beat Josh for the first time ever, and so I had to face Gerry.

Now for another aside: the night before while I was tossing and turning in bed trying ineffectually to sleep, I had analyzed this matchup and come to the conclusion that I desperately wanted to lose the map roll! If he won the roll and chose his map, I’d be able to park myself safely in gambit and ride out the dice, as I’d done before. But if we were on the Cantina, the game would be far more risky for me, since Gerry would have several avenues from which to attack my pieces, which would mean that I would no longer be able to force him to attack GOWK, while at the same time holding gambit. I was actually stronger on his map, if I could choose the left side.

Gerry won the map roll with a 20 and chose his map (phew) so I chose the left and set up as before. This time, however, I had determined to not take any foolish risks or allow him to get a points lead without sacrificing lots of troopers to do it. In our previous game he had made a mistake by allowing me to kill Yularen (and almost Panaka too)…there was no way he’d give me that gift a second time, so I would have to be even more careful. This game, Gerry was much more careful to not allow me shots on his troopers with Rex, but instead used Mobile Attack to good effect. He sent several of his guys along the top portion of the map toward the area where my weak and costly Lobot was hiding in a locked room. He was finally able to catch and kill that wimpy cyborg, but not before I had killed 7 of his troopers. More troopers fell after that, and I won on points. But even if the game had continued longer, I’m totally sure I would’ve won it, because more than half of his troopers were gone and the only damage on any of my pieces was 40 on Mace…Dr. E had no healing to do, and so he was stuck taking potshots against troopers most of the time.

Finals vs Bill Russell (Billiv15)
Meanwhile, back at the ranch Bill had just beaten Weeks by lockout, and so I’d be playing vs Bill in the final. I had lost to Bill in the finals back in 2008, when I lost the crucial init and forgot to say “Draw Fire,” so I had some history to correct. :)

Also, given how he had won the previous match, I knew that Bill would not hesitate to lock me out for the victory if he got the chance. For that reason, I brought in an R7 for extra override, along with the Human BG, which is standard fare vs Skybuck’s 30dmg strikes.

There is little doubt that Bill is probably the best player in the history of the game, but I did have a bit of an advantage in this match, because I had played Skybuck like crazy two years ago, and I knew the squad inside-and-out. As a result, I anticipated nearly all of his moves in this match before he made them.

I won the map roll, so we played on Cantina. Bill let me set up first, so I chose the right side, which is easier to defend because of the more congested hallways. I locked Lobot in a room on the far side, knowing that I couldn’t afford to give up an easy 27 pts. I advanced my pieces down the small hallway from the top, leaving only GOWK and Mace as targets for Yobuck’s inevitable first-round gallop. And gallop he did, forcing GOWK to use 2 fps to reroll. But then when he hit Mace for 30, I used Riposte…19! Then I hit the flurry for a total of 80dmg on Yobuck to start the game. Once again, Mace said, “This Party’s Over!” That changed things in a hurry. The 2nd round was more set up, until in the end of that round Bill ran Yobuck in 26 squares to open a door, and then swapped for Dash, who charged in to hit GOWK with Momentum…he hit well (no thanks to SSM), but my bodyguard did his job and absorbed the shots. Dash then took 60dmg from Mace (no crit, despite 2 fprrs). Now to start the next round, Dash was sitting in my grill, and Mace is drooling at the mouth: “fresh meat!” Big init here! …and Bill won it. He swapped Dash out for Lobot (who was the only fodder piece in a safe position), which saved Dash but also limited Bill’s ability to attack for the rest of the round. Then I towed Rex out to a spot where he could get LOS on both of Bill’s Lobot and R2. I hit Lobot, but then missed an attack vs R2. Here I made a mistake, by retreating Rex to only be beside R2 again, rather than retreating him further, toward safety. Bill capitalized by towing Yobuck up (darn that miss vs R2!) to get a momentum gallop on R2 and Rex, putting 30 more on Rex with the regular attack. He then positioned a Brute to block Mace from getting to attack Yoda that round. This is another big init: if I win it, Rex can possibly kill Yoda…but if Bill wins it, Rex is dead and I’ll have to chase Yoda down. I rolled a 16! W00t! …then Bill rolled a 20! D’oh! So Rex died to Yoda. However, Mace was based to Yoda, and so Yoda couldn’t afford to run away very easily, nor to attack Mace, for fear of the nasty riposte crit which he had tasted earlier. Therefore, in an exceedingly rare occurrence, Yobuck just made a single attack and ended his turn. Mace then went to town on Yoda, and GOWK walked up to put the finishing blow on Bill’s R2. Anakin then came up to attack GOWK, but SSM worked this time. Bill won the next init and Anakin gave up an aoo vs GOWK to gain Momentum (I missed my AOO, but that’s ok, because a Momentum Djem So attack is nasty)…he then moved back with GMA. My GOWK ran in to attack him, and rolled a 20! Anakin failed the block, so he was now down to 60hp. Then Mace spent 2 force points to run 10 and put 60 on Anakin, who made the LS Defense save. Panaka came out to bodyguard Anakin, and at 10hp Dash came to miss all his attacks vs GOWK. So now we’ve got a 20hp Anakin and a 10hp Dash (with a full-health Panaka behind them), based to a 120hp GOWK and a 120hp Mace. Bill once again won init and did no damage to GOWK with Anakin. Then, when it was my turn, I activated GOWK and said “Force Push 3” to kill Anakin and Dash and put 30 dmg on Panaka and himself. Mace then ran in to finish the party, hitting Panaka his first and second attack…but I wanted to finish the game with a crit, so I used a fp to reroll…12…and then another one: 18! I won the game—and the championship!—with a crit. But that's just how Mace rolls. :)

It felt unreal at first, having won the championship. I had made the Gencon Championship Top 8 four years out of 5, but I had never won it. After my last 2 performances (losing in the first playoff round both times), I had begun to think that I'd never win it all. And this year, that almost happened again vs Deri, but my dice came through for me.

It was a heck of a run, with some very intense competition. Thanks, everyone, for being part of this story. I'll never forget it!

"Try not! Do, or do not. Thereisnotry." --Yoda

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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:30 pm 
Droid Army Commander
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Location: Yes, I am yet another Canadian. Keeping the game alive on life support in the GTA.
Now that's the report I've been waiting for. Well done buddy... I mean CHAMP!

Congratulations again and thanks for writing up such an enthralling report, it was an amazing rollercoaster of fun.



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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:49 pm 
Grand Admiral
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thereisnotry wrote:
It was after I lost to Tim Hight (the New Zealander, MinitankHT on BM) for the third time that he said, “Kaan is devastating when you’re not prepared for him, but once you know how to defend against him, he’s not nearly as much of a problem,” and after further reflection on it, I knew that I’d probably be able to win the first 3 or maybe 4 matches without too much trouble, but that I’d have trouble with the more experienced players, who would not be suckered into taking 40/80 dmg on most of their pieces. Weeks and I had developed a number of effective strategies vs a number of the top squads, but it just didn’t feel solid enough in my hands. That’s when Tim suggested that I just go back to the Mace/GOWK squad that I played in the Vassal Regional, because as he said, “It was really tough.” I had won FrostyCon back in February of this year with it, and I really enjoyed playing it…I was just worried about those stinkin’ Naboo Deathshot Pilots, and I knew that Weir’s Storm Commandos could prove problematic as well. But I decided that, since every squad had its problem matchups, I’d rather lose playing something I loved than win playing something that’s annoying. So it was either this or an Ewok Swarm. ;)

New Zealand influences the squad choice of the GenCon winner! And makes the artwork! Hopefully some of our players will come to GenCon next year.

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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:57 am 
Imperial Dignitaries
Imperial Dignitaries
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Congratulations on your win, my friend!

This looks like a pretty decent build to me. Especially Mace looks crazy in this squad. But being the noob I am I have a question about these V-sets:

How do you get the statcards (not the pdf but the "real thing")? Is it possible to play with paper cards out of the printer or do I need to have cardboard ones? Also my PayPal doesn't work because I forgot my password and the phone number I had back then, when I created my account. So how could I donate otherwise?

I know it is a little off topic but I am simply all crazed out by the new "minis" being used at GenCon (Big WOOT! for Momaw! Die, you creepy little Diplomats! :D ) and never cared about V-sets before.

Image Image

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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:12 am 
Hall of Fame Member
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Congratulations Trevor! It was an honor to be your chauffeur this past weekend. Your second round opponent's name is James, perhaps better known as Wannabemexican on the boards. (A much cooler screen name than mine, by the way, James.) I played him right after you and also found him to be a really cool guy...and he is from England.

Cancer is not the boss of me.

Being organized is for people who are too lazy to look for their stuff.

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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:49 am 
Death Star Designers
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I kill Gungans wrote:
Congratulations on your win, my friend!

This looks like a pretty decent build to me. Especially Mace looks crazy in this squad. But being the noob I am I have a question about these V-sets:

How do you get the statcards (not the pdf but the "real thing")? Is it possible to play with paper cards out of the printer or do I need to have cardboard ones? Also my PayPal doesn't work because I forgot my password and the phone number I had back then, when I created my account. So how could I donate otherwise?

I know it is a little off topic but I am simply all crazed out by the new "minis" being used at GenCon (Big WOOT! for Momaw! Die, you creepy little Diplomats! :D ) and never cared about V-sets before.

PM Engineer, he has all the extra sets of V2-4. Sadly, not much left is from V1, so you can either try to get the promo reprints or use the PDF printouts, which are perfectly legal.

Bloomilk Ambassador

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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:03 am 
Imperial Dignitaries
Imperial Dignitaries
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Sithborg wrote:
PM Engineer, he has all the extra sets of V2-4. Sadly, not much left is from V1, so you can either try to get the promo reprints or use the PDF printouts, which are perfectly legal.

And even if they weren't legal...you could make them legal! :emperor:

And thanks Jim, for giving me James' name.

"Try not! Do, or do not. Thereisnotry." --Yoda

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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:50 am 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
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couldn't happen to a nicer guy!!

concrats Trevor!
you earned it
you deserve it

THANX!!! for your coaching!
it allowed me get some sleep Sat. night without any worries.

you are truly a disiple of the Lord.

Life!? Don't talk to me about life!
Loathe it, or ignore it.
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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:03 am 
Droid Army Commander
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The republic finally won like in the movies. Yay

Weeks saying he finally got with in the top 8 that might be true but they were in the finals before he played just wanted to point that out.

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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:10 pm 
Unnamed Wookiee
Unnamed Wookiee

Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:48 pm
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Congratulations Trevor !!

Your report is very "immersive" !

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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:08 pm 
Jedi Battlemaster
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*Han Solo voice* Nice shot kid! That was one in a million!

Extensive and Expressive congrats from me, you earned and it was well deserved.

Yay a 'Canadian' victor :D

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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:29 pm 
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Except he lives in the states now and can't be called a Canadian champ


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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:04 am 
Junk Dealer Extrodinaire
Junk Dealer Extrodinaire
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Trevor, congratulations on the culmination of an outstanding and dominant season! You showed us flashes of what was to come at Frosty and at then at the Championship.

You were a wrecking ball and are the epitome of a Champion. I learned a great deal from our matches.

All the best!

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss three bucks goodbye...

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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:17 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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 Post subject: Re: This Party’s Over—2012 Championship Report
PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:34 pm 
Droid Army Commander
Droid Army Commander
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Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:05 pm
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Location: Yes, I am yet another Canadian. Keeping the game alive on life support in the GTA.
Nice to see you dusted off good old Electric Slide Windu and took him all the way.



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