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 Post subject: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 8:13 pm 
Ugnaught Master!
Ugnaught Master!
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Well, I just got home from what has to be one of the greatest days of gaming I have ever been part of apart from Gencon. I am wore out, so I will not get to doing all results at the moment, but I'll hit the highlights real quick!

First off, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who attended, to Jim for making this happen, and to Homero and the entire Metagames staff for hosting the event! The boys from Oklahoma were some of the classiest guys ever, and you can play your minis for sure! Great job to you all! There was a new kid named Colin who just learned to play minis this week, went 0-5, and said how great of a time he had! That is the spirit of this game, ladies and gentlemen: having fun! That kid got a free JC Map Pack 1 for his great attitude!

Well, I guess that's it for now . . . oh wait, I guess I should say who won, as if anyone really cares. It was this guy named . . . oh, what was it again . . . D E A N M I L L E R . . . yeah, that's it!

Dean, you were a machine with one goal today, and you played your heart and soul out! And the part that I love is that you didn't need it, but you won it all for your son to join you at Gencon again this year, so the Michican boys can just corrupt him again! :lol:

I'll update this fully tomorrow!


there were 26 and thanks for saying you were only interested int he numbers....... I am now going to go cry dammit :mrgreen: :lol: :ugeek: :oops:

That's right, it's always the one in the middle you would least expect to be the most dangerous!

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 Post subject: Re: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 8:13 pm 
Ugnaught Master!
Ugnaught Master!
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Okay, here comes the full report!

We began the day with 26 players, but two Springfield guys had to leave after round 3. They knew this coming in, but still wanted to start out the tourney.

I will begin with the players, their general play location from what I am sure of, and their squads. If it is pretty common knowledge as to who these people are on the forums, I am not bothering to put their name up.

(If anyone notices any errors, please let me know!)

Dean Miller, Golden City
GOWK, JWM, Dash RS, Doombot, Lobot UH, Caamasi

Nate Miller, Golden City
GOWK, Rex, Doombot, Dash RS, Uggie x8

Chase Miller, Golden City
GOWK, Doombot, Anakin CON, RC Sev, Caamasi, Bespin Guard x2, Uggie x2

Hunter Williams, Webb City (hman73)
Push Me: Luke HPU, VAR, Han Smuggler, Rieekan, Dodonna, R2 ES, Caamasi, Uggie x3

Spencer Heim, Tulsa (BobaFett)
General Menace: GOWK, Boba BH, Jar Jar, Doombot, Uggie

David Heim, Tulsa
Twi’lek Times Three: Mas, TBSV x3, Lobot UH, IG Tarkin, Jawa Scav, Czerka, Uggie DD, Uggie x2

Bryce Greig, Tulsa
Jar Jar Saves Me: CS Yoda, Jarael, Jar Jar, Mas, Doombot, Rex, Uggie

James Brown, Tulsa (mrjames)
Double Bacon: Boba BH, Doombot, Rex, Tarpals, Kel Dor, Uggie DD, Uggie x2

Brian Pritchett, Tulsa
Lil Brown Eye: Tarpals, Queen Amidala, Boba Enf, Gungan Art. x7, Uggie x2

Jon Beuchat, Tulsa
Fettssilles: Jango BH, Boba Enf, Tarpals, G Shieldbearer, Doombot, Mouse Droid, Uggie x2

Joey Beuchat, Tulsa (Spectre82)
Old Man and the Generals: Obi Unl, Luke HPU, Han Smuggler, Rieekan, Dodonna, R2 ES, Juno, Leia Organa Senator, Uggie

Bill Hazel
Da Bills: Vader COTS, Cor Guard, Dark Trooper, Imp Officer, Storm Off, DS Gunner, Stormie x6, Mouse Droid

Jason Wethy, Kansas City (lordofnitril)
Nom, Dash RS, YV Jedi Hunter x2, Yomin, Whipid, Jawa, Ewok, Uggie x2

Scott Lewis, Springfield (scottlewis001)
Mando Captain, Gunslinger x2, QM, Canderous, Uggie x6

Michael Lewis, Springfield
Star Regiment: GOWK, Doombot, Rex, Star Corps x3, Mas

Josh Harbert, Springfield
LV, Thrawn, IG Tarkin, Mas, Imp Dig, Mouse x2, Uggie x2

Chris Sherman, Springfield (darthyoda44)
Luke’s Landspeeder, Han Scoundrel, WFF x2, Wicket, Lando DS, Uggie

Colin Neal, Springfield
CS Yoda, Bossk BH, IG-86 x2, ARC Trooper x2

Justin Gargus, Kalamazoo MI (DarthGargus)
GG DAC, Lancer, BDO, IG-86 x2, San Hill, Uggie x3

Chris Freeman, Kansas City (Jaster_Mereel)
Jayhawk GOWK: GOWK, Doombot, Rex, Dash RS, TBSV, Uggie x2

William German
Da Bill’s Gungans: Tarpals, Queen Amidala, G Shieldbearer x2, G Soldier x10

Paul Erickson, Springfield
The Hunters: Aurra Sing JH, Durge JH, Greedo, X-1 Viper Droid

And now, my hometown pride brings me to the final entrants . . .

Dave Marsch, Bolivar (ithai)
Xizor, Abyssin BST x3, TBSV x2, Whipid, BBSV, Czerka, Mas, Uggie

Derek Moore, Bolivar
GG DAC, IG-86 x3, Geo Overseer, San Hill, BDO, Uggie x2

Matt Miles, Bolivar (HK-47)
GOWK, Rex, Doombot, Jar Jar, Panaka, Mas, Uggie

Luke Young, Bolivar
Jango BH, Tarpals, Queen Amidala, Caamasi, Gungan Art. x3, G Shieldbearer, Uggie x2

Round One
1. Justin Gargus defeats Michael Lewis
2. Chris Freeman defeats Scott Lewis
3. Joey Beuchat defeats Chris Sherman
4. Chase Miller defeats Colin Neal
5. Brian Pritchett defeats Matt Miles
6. Luke Young defeats Paul Erickson
7. Spencer Heim defeats William Hazel
8. David Heim defeats David Marsch
9. Derek Moore defeats Jon Beuchat
10. James Brown defeats Josh Harbert
11. Bryce Greig defeats Jason Wethy
12. Hunter Williams defeats William German
13. Dean Miller defeats Nate Miller

Round Two
1. Brian Pritchett defeats Hunter Williams
2. Bryce Greig defeats Luke Young
3. Justin Gargus defeats Chris Freeman
4. Spencer Heim defeats Derek Moore
5. Joey Beuchat defeats Chase Miller
6. James Brown defeats Davie Heim
7. Dean Miller defeats David Marsch
8. Chris Sherman defeats Jason Wethy
9. William German defeats Paul Erickson
10. Nate Miller defeats Jon Beuchat
11. Michael Lewis defeats William Hazel
12. Josh Harbert defeats Scott Lewis
13. Matt Miles defeats Colin Neal

Round Three
1. Dean Miller defeats Spencer Heim
2. Joey Beuchat defeats Bryce Greig
3. Justin Gargus defeats Brian Pritchett
4. James Brown defeats Hunter Williams
5. Derek Moore defeats Chase Miller
6. Luke Young defeats Colin Neal
7. Chris Freeman defeats Josh Harbert
8. David Heim defeats William German
9. Nate Miller defeats Michael Lewis
10. Chris Sherman defeats David Marsch
11. Matt Miles defeats Jason Wethy
12. Scott Lewis defeats William Hazel
13. Jon Beuchat defeats Paul Erickson

Round Four
1. Dean Miller defeats Justin Gargus
2. James Brown defeats Joey Beuchat
3. Brian Pritchett defeats Derek Moore
4. Spencer Heim defeats Matt Miles
5. Chris Freeman defeats David Heim
6. Nate Miller defeats Luke Young
7. Bryce Greig defeats Chris Sherman
8. Chase Miller defeats Michael Lewis
9. Hunter Williams defeats Jon Beuchat
10. David Marsch defeats William German
11. Paul Erickson defeats Jason Wethy
12. William Hazel defeats Colin Neal

Round Five
1. Dean Miller defeats James Brown
2. Chris Freeman defeats Nate Miller
3. Brian Pritchett defeats Joey Beuchat
4. Bryce Greig defeats Justin Gargus
5. Spencer Heim defeats Chris Sherman
6. Hunter Williams defeats Matt Miles
7. Chase Miller defeats David Heim
8. Derek Moore defeats Derek Moore
9. David Marsch defeats Michael Lewis
10. Paul Erickson defeats William Hazel
11. Jon Beuchat defeats William German
12. Jason Wethy defeats Colin Neal

Final Standings
1. Dean Miller 5-0
2. James Brown 4-1
3. Brian Pritchett 4-1
4. Spencer Heim 4-1
5. Bryce Greig 4-1
6. Chris Freeman 4-1
7. Justin Gargus 3-2
8. Beuchat, Joey 3-2
9. Derek Moore 3-2
10. Nate Miller 3-2
11. Hunter Williams 3-2
12. Chase Miller 3-2
13. David Heim 2-3
14. Chris Sherman 2-3
15. Matt Miles 2-3
16. Luke Young 2-3
17. Jon Beuchat 2-3
18. David Marsch 2-3
19. Paul Erickson 2-3
20. Michael Lewis 1-4
21. Jason Wethy 1-4
22. William German 1-4
23. William Hazel 1-4
24. Colin Neal 0-5
25. Josh Harbert 1-2
26. Scott Lewis 1-2

Sheesh, my fingers hurt!!! I will update with pictures and other comments soon!

And now for pictures!
(all the pictures can be seen HERE!)

What a way to be greeted!

The Rules! Oh, how many could we break in a few hours?

Round One! FIGHT!

Luke Young, one of Bolivar's Younglings!

Dean Miller begins his all day dominance!

Our Special Guest of the day, all the way from Michigan, Justin Gargus!

Nate Miller deep in thought . . .

Chase Miller deep in thought . . .

Dean Miller deep in thought . . .

When there is a Lancer Droid around, what else to do than hide! Seriously, will Obi-Wan ever come out of the closet?

Once again, Chris Freeman's GOWK in a closet . . .

And for the greatest use of a d20 ever! During the final round, Justin went to put the cap on his water bottle without looking. Well, he didn't grab the cap, and had to cut the bottle in the end!

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 Post subject: Re: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:41 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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At least tell us how many were there. It's really the only statistic I'm interested in. To me, the rest is just fluff.

Click here to check out all the people who have realized the truth. Someday you will, too.

"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:46 pm 
The One True Sith Lord
The One True Sith Lord
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ok if it is ok with Ray I will post what happened today to me.

So I arrived at the lovely setting of Meta Games in Springfield.

We got there before it opened and Ray and the always fun loving Bolivar crew was there. Justin (of the Michigan gaming group) then arrived. Justin is interning in KC and came down to play. I just want to say that Justin is a great guy and represents the Michgan boys well. He was a hoot to have around and made the day just hilarious.

So what I played and the map I chose:

Gowk (General Obi Wan Kenobi ---- yes as everyone on earth has said I can beat him he is easy to kill)
Dash Rendar Renegade Smuggler
R2 Doombot
Jedi Weapon Master
Camaasi Noble

My map:


My normal reinforcments (used these about 80% today):
Jawa Scavenger (the freakin MVP for all day---- find me a better 13 point piece I dare you!!!!)
Gran Raider (fear the 3 eyed bugger)
Ugnaught Demolitionist ( one that is painted pink by my daughter---- yes he is secure in his manhood)

Round 1:

Opponent: Nate (my 15 year old son)/Kitfisto111493

Nate playing Gowk, Dash and Rex

I won map and this game was kind of disappointing as I wanted Nate to nothave to play me or chase..... oh well life goes on right? I used the door control and was able to win after agressively going after his uggies.


Round 2:

Opponent: Dave/Ithai

Dave played Twilek BSV's x 2 and Xizor

We played on his map Muunlist. Dave probably made a mistake by spilting his forces on this map. I was able to isolate his czerka and 2 TBSV's. I used knight speed to kill the czerka and then used the JWM to get after another. Meanwhile Doombot and Dash went to work on the rest of his squad. I was able to keep and hold gambit. Dave was a real gentleman and in the end Dash did in Xizor from 7 squares away.


Round 3:

Oppoent: Spencer/Boba Fett

Spencer played Boba BH and Gowk with Jar Jar.

I won map and on to Bespin we went. Spencer is part of the Tulsa crew and I must say they represented themselves very well today. Well this game started went kind of my way. I was able to get rid of Spence's uggies early. Then I was able to get rid of Jar JAr. So around the fourth round it became my squad versus Boba and Gowk. Spence decided to leave Boba to get gambit and that probably is what hurt him in this game. This made it possible for me to send the JWM and Dash at Boba and kill him. After that Gowk was just in trouble all alone. Winning map really hurt Spence. He stated early he had not used Bespin very much I think this might have given me a bit of an unfair advantage.


Round 4:

Opponent: Justin/Darth Vargas (i think LOL)

Justin played GGDAC, Lancer, IG86 x 2, San

Justin won map and we headed off the ruined base. In the 2nd round I ever so quietly moved my jawa scavenger next to doombot. Doombot also had Dash and the JWM next to him. Because Dash could be towed this kept Justin from activating his Lancer. I then took a chance and towed the JAwa up to the unactivated Lancer needing a 9 to hit. I rolled a 10 goodbye Lancer. Justin then responded by killing our favorite little astromech. Dash then upset to see his friend scattered inpieces mobiled out and destroyed the dastardly IG86. Gowk not to be outdone then ran an end around and killed Justin's uggie. the next round the jawa took out the battle droid officer. this began a pattern inclucing Gowk getting a push on both GGDAC and the last IG86. Even though Iwon the game I must say again what a great guy Justin was all day.


Round 5:

Opponent: James (of the Tulsa crew)

James played Tarpals, Boba BH (double flame great!?!?!?), Rex, doombot

I won map. I was able to get and move early into gambit even though I was on the outside. I then went after Boba as James was really agressive with him. Dash was able to blow up James' Kel Dor which did kind of kill my gran..... but hey that is what he was there for to take one for the team. Afterwards I was able to base Boba with the Dash man and goodbye Boba. Obi and the JWM then took Rex out of the picture


Time for the playoffs:

EDIT: Time to finish

Semi -Finals

Opponent: Spence (again)

We get his death star map and he is certainly glad of it. I take the right side and begin by killing one of his uggies early and getting a small lead. I move Gowk to gambit and he begins moving towards the tractor beam area. I move into that area and the fight is on in the next round.I am able to push boba bh and jar jar into the pit. boba makes the save jar jar does not. then spence pushes my obi into the pit. I make the save. The next round is where the game gets interesting. Spence takes a shot on my gowk and first roll is a 20. There were cheers from his fellow Oklahoma players. Spence was excited..... hell I was happy for him (not really I just threw that in there.) So now I have my work cut out for me. I have Dash and the JWM to take out his Gowk and Boba. Well luckily his Gowk is at zero fp's. So I begin using the JWM and Dash to try and kill him. I then also begin manuvering the Jawa Scavenger around to Boba's area. His Boba was at 70 hp at the moment and his gowk at 90. So the next round he wins init and Gowk attacks the jwm and misses. I then bring the jawa around and pop boba bh for 30 dmg. I double gowk and hit twice but he soresus one but I get him down to 70. Boba shoots dash but i evade. dash then hit obi and 4 shots i only manage to hit for 20 dropping his down to 50. I win init and secretly i am getting gambit every round because my noble is sitting there. so i double with my jwm since obi is forceless. I manage to drop obi to 30. I am thrilled. Boba then drops my jwm to 50 (not so great) obi misses the jwm. Dash then goes to work but misses obi. I win init again. obi no force and I finally kill him it was great. Spence kills my dash. and boba starts moving. This is turns out to be the hardest game probably of the day due to the disentigration but it was also the most fun for sure. At this point I begin the movment game on spencer I have plenty of pieces still alive and spencer can only kill one. He heads off for my lobot knowing he is an easy kill. I then use my lobot and lockout to make it difficult for him to get him. Spence spends 3 rounds to get to where he can kill lobot. That 15 points of gambit during that time turns out being huge. HE then kills lobot and my camaasi in the follwoing round. I move my uggie into gambit and keep my 5 points. he then kills my uggie (no points for spence) but the score is now 148-124 and it is my turn. I move the jawa scavenger (yes the superstar of the freakin day) into gambit FTW!!!

SPence was a great opponent and did great!!!!!! just wanted to say that again

I also want to say that the freakin jawa scavenger was a beast. He put boba at 40 so it was dangerous for spence to hang around the jwm and him. he killed the lancer in one shot.... i mean what a guy.



Opponent: James (again)

I win map. JAmes takes inside and you I get outside. James is a terrific guy and we had a great time. The game was almost a mirror of the game we played in regular swiss rounds. I say it was similar just by in the fact I was able to get to boba with the JWM and Dash to kill him. JAmes went after Dash and hit hiim and doombot with double flamethrower.
Bye bye doombot!!! But I figured if he did thatit was worth it. So I tee off on Boba with dash I hit 3 out of 4 times. Boba drops to 60 hp. Now losing doombot doesnt feel so smart. well my JWM is within lightsaber assault range and even though I cant kill Boba I am going to make that punk pay because next round he is going to kill Dash. I LS Assault I hit and then rolled what is it???? a freakin crit!!!!! dead Boba BH.......yay!!!! Of course I only rolled like 3 crits all day and boy that was timed perfectly. After that it was Rex versus Dash, Gowk and JWM.... that is just too much for any one shooter. But James was great about it.



I also traded my four boosters in an recieved my LOTF force RPG book. I love it I now have 5 RPG book and have yet to pay for any of them.

I also would like to state that my map helped my squad a lot today. I won maybe the entire day 15% of all inits I rolled. The funny thing was playing Spence I won every init I need to when Obi was out of force...... strange huh???

I would like to thank Meta Games. I would like to thank the 26 that showed. Everyone was terrific fun to either meet or see again. You guys rock. I would to thank the TUlsa crew for showing after a long day they were still all smiles and did awesome!!!

Ray I would like to say to you "the next time I bribe you! you better make sure that there cannot be any disentigrations during my games!!!!!"

Great stuff guys

"What is your bidding, My Master?"

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 Post subject: Re: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:56 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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@Dean: It's not the only thing I am interested in, just the biggest thing.

Saying something is "fluff" doesn't make it not interesting. I look forward to seeing Ray's report. :)

Congrats on your win. Nice summary.

Click here to check out all the people who have realized the truth. Someday you will, too.

"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:00 am 
The One True Sith Lord
The One True Sith Lord
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Grand Moff Boris wrote:
@Ray: It's not the only thing I am interested in, just the biggest thing.

Saying something is "fluff" doesn't make it not interesting. I look forward to seeing your report. :)

I edited that you silly man!!!!! look to the far left of all the smilies!?!?!?!?!?!?

"What is your bidding, My Master?"

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 Post subject: Re: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:00 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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dnemiller wrote:
Grand Moff Boris wrote:
@Ray: It's not the only thing I am interested in, just the biggest thing.

Saying something is "fluff" doesn't make it not interesting. I look forward to seeing your report. :)

I edited that you silly man!!!!! look to the far left of all the smilies!?!?!?!?!?!?

Yeah sorry I am half-asleep. I edited my post as you were typing this.

Click here to check out all the people who have realized the truth. Someday you will, too.

"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:02 am 
The One True Sith Lord
The One True Sith Lord
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Grand Moff Boris wrote:
dnemiller wrote:
Grand Moff Boris wrote:
@Ray: It's not the only thing I am interested in, just the biggest thing.

Saying something is "fluff" doesn't make it not interesting. I look forward to seeing your report. :)

I edited that you silly man!!!!! look to the far left of all the smilies!?!?!?!?!?!?

Yeah sorry I am half-asleep. I edited my post as you were typing this.

yeah I certainly get the sleepy part too it was a long but fun day

"What is your bidding, My Master?"

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 Post subject: Re: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:16 am 
Imperial Dignitaries
Imperial Dignitaries

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Congrats Dean

Really???....... DRINK

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 Post subject: Re: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:40 am 
The One True Sith Lord
The One True Sith Lord
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Congrats Dean

Thanks Les,

I updated my original post to include playoff games and so folks can see the game my Gowk got the Big D

"What is your bidding, My Master?"

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SWM DCI Content Manager

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 Post subject: Re: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 3:44 pm 
Unnamed Stormtrooper
Unnamed Stormtrooper

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I was there and had a lot of fun. It was really great to meet Dean and Ray. I would like to maybe come to where you guys play some time but that is a pipe dream for now. lol.

my squad was
Nom Anor
Yomin Carr
2 Jedi Hunters (one stealthed)
Whiphid tracker
2 Ugnaught Demo
Dash Rendar smuggler

I was trying to find the right mix in shooters to add with the melee Vong. I was close on the middle games and could have won them just as much as I lost. Most of them was dependant on a couple saves or the fact that Durge ran away. I will post more when I get time just wanted to say I had a lot of fun. I was 1-4

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 Post subject: Re: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:03 pm 
The One True Sith Lord
The One True Sith Lord
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Ray are pics coming soon????

"What is your bidding, My Master?"

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 Post subject: Re: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:24 pm 
Grand Admiral
Grand Admiral
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Congrats on winning the regionals. The 6th game sounded epic! It always feels great to get one of your pieces disintegrated but still win in the end.


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 Post subject: Re: Springfield Regional Results!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:17 pm 
Ugnaught Master!
Ugnaught Master!
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Pics added to the main report, and a link to all the pics I didn't put up is there as well!

That's right, it's always the one in the middle you would least expect to be the most dangerous!

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