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 Post subject: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:52 am 
Moff Disra
Moff Disra

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James took first with his Mobile force push. All four rounds were against GOWK squads.
I took second with GoBuck.
Jake took third with GOWK, Boba BH, R2, mice/Ugo
Matt was fourth with Boba BH, Han Smuggler, Reikeen, new Lobot, Dodonna, Bothan noble and something else

I'll post my games later tonight.

Last edited by Engineer on Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
updated with top 4 squads

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:02 am 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
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Engineer wrote:
James took first with his Mobile force push. All four rounds were against GOWK squads.
I took second with GoBuck.
Jake took third.

I'll post more later.

All four!?!? Wow, now that is impressive.

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:16 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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How many players were there?

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"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:52 pm 
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20. the official report is being worked on by the judge (lou) as we speak. Look for it on all major sites.


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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:49 am 

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First off, I would also like to say Great job to Fanfare and to Lou for running such a great event. It was worth the 2 hour+ drive even if I wouldn't have placed 4th. So many great people to play minis with and talk to. Thank you I had a great time.

First off I had a couple of builds I was thinking of trying including GOWK with Yobuck, but I realized I wouldn't have had any fun playing it, so I opted for my accurate shooter build. (I was told I had to name it by the nice young ladies at the register) so I made a quick name Trial #1.

It consisted of
Boba Fett BH
Han Solo smuggler
general reiken
general dodonna
bothan noble
Lobot CLO
2x ugg demolitionist

My map was Taris and my squad was designed to use the sewer side.

Also some of info in this post may be incorrect from my imperfect memory but on whole is pretty close and I will edit it to be more correct if I'm corrected on some of my memory mistakes. :D

My first game was against Scott

He had the old tyranous and san hill squad with 2 TBSV and Jareal(I believe it was jareal). I can't remember his filler but when Lou post I'll know and edit this post.

My map and I had sewer side
Round 1
He rolls a 1 for init. lol great he brings in 5 BD as his reserves.
My main point in round one was to use the access tunnel side for mobile shooting with boba and the center door for mobile han.

1st round I basically was picking off a piece here and a piece there to knock down his activations without giving him a shot.

2nd round I roll a 20 against 1 of his TBSV and continued with picking off his small stuff while he went into gambit with tyrannus and jareal.

3rd round He chase boba down with jareal and I get a twin off and move away. at the end of the round he is down to san hill, tyrannus, jareal, TBSV, and a couple BDs and something else.

4th round he gets into the sewers but I killed jareal and Tyrannus rips up on Han.

5th round I do some damge to tyrannus and he finishes off han.

6th round I crit the other TBSV and auto defeat.

7th round I get an 11 and bring in new dash I finish off tyrannus and its over and no use from Dash but a well played game by Scott I thought. Thanks for the game.

My second game was against Eric. he had the the GOWK and YOBuck squad.
I know it had Gowk,YoBuck,r2-d2 ad,panaka, mass amedda,and a gran

Well 1st off Eric won the map so we played on Starship
I had a difficult choice for sides and I finally decided on the bad side so i could try and control the doors to slow down Yobuck.(I should have took the pit side and played with boba on the platform.) I don't think I would have won the game that way either but maybe made it a little closer game.

Well to make a short game story short first 3 roundsds Eric made setup movements and I was trying to figure out how I was going to get a shot off. 4th round I had ran in the 4 turbo lift area and hoped to use him as bait to get a couple shots off. Eric managed to get GOWK to him and took a couple swipes and I had 2 twins on GOWK thanks to Bothan.

It was hilarious I rolled 2,3 then a 2,3.
I win init on 5th round and try another shot with boba instead of han. I roll a 1,4. Needless to say Han dies and I still haven't done damage to any of Eric's pieces and and I haven't managed a gambit point. Eric then brings Yobuck up and kills my Bothan.

On 6th round Eric gallops on into the room I had my Commanders in and starts to just pick them to pieces but Dodonna and reiken showed some spunk and I manage to get 20 damage on YoBuck, meanwhile I get a couple shot on GOWK from Boba and hit only once but it was SSM away.

7th round I finally kill R2 yay points on the board and I manage gambit before Eric finished me off in the 8th round.

Great Game by Eric he just rolled me. It was fun playing with Eric despite the beating because he is just a great person to talk to and thanks for the game.

My third game was against (will put name in when I remember)

He won the map roll and decided to use my map so I set up on the whats considered the good side of the map and first time in DCI play I don't play form the sewers on Taris.

His squad was NR squad with Han and Mara Jade Jedi, dodonna, and I can't remember what the rest of the squad was.

1st round we began to move around a little but by phase 3 I realized i could get a shot off on Dodonna because he was in the that 4 part are just north of the sewer tunnels name. I had lobot move over just enough to open the security fence with override i think the center door from sewers was open by his ugg but not Satchel charged. I mobiled boba over 3 to the cover piece in center of outcast camp and killed dodonna and moved back.

I spent the next 2-3 rounds picking off his filler pieces and cuting his activations down as Han and Mara came across to the repair facility. Mara had some damage by then not much i think 20-30.

Anyway On round 5 I roll reserves. I thought great I brought in a whiphid tracker and a czerka scientist right in front of mara. I went first and ran the whipid up and made a twin on mara point blank missed both shots. Well he made a great move and ran around the whiphid for 6 spaces and assaulted Boba. Whipid managed a hit for 10 damage on the twin. Mara rolls a 19 on the first roll then a miss then a hit then a miss so boba went down 70 right there. That could have been the game for me. I got a little lucky. Han then shoots mara for 40 and boba finishes her. His han comes up and only can get a shot on my han and I failed my evades and my han was down to 10.

6th round he wins and kills boba with his han. At this point I ran lobot for gambit area and opened door on gambit side of repair facility and for My han to come from security fence and get a shot off he evades.

7th round I get reserves again and bring the same stuff in and get a point blank shot on Han and I miss the second. His Han then kills my whiphid.

8th My Han evades both shots from his han. He mobile back so i can't take a shot so i move though the fence and kill his override piece.

9th round he wins init and kills my czerca and another bothan and then he made a mistake and mobiled back to a thought to be locked door which turns out to an error missed by both of us and the door opens. I use my han to take a final shot and hope for the best and he fails his evade and the game ends.

Great game could have gone either way. Thank you for very good close game.

My last game was against Mike I believe and now I have a second GOWK squad to play against.

He had GOWK
couple of Uggie demos
R2 I'm pretty sure maybe it was Lobot CLO I can't remeber
Couple other things maybe I can't remember
I will edit this when Lou puts up the squads.

In my extra time after Eric and I finished our game I saw his squad out in another game going on and thought I don't want to play against that and here its is.

Well I won the map roll and yes I picked Taris so not a bad day playing 3 out of 4 games on my map, and yes I was in the sewers again on Taris.

1st round I was playing the same as I did in my 1st game taking pot shots picking of pieces and if it was R2 he went down or Lobot first by Boba.

2nd round picked off another piece and he manage to get both Gowk and Cade in Gambit are next to the capsule/escape pod. He also manage to get an ugg in position in the dormitory area.
At this point I had the bothan and ugg in the 4 space room in north side of sewers and door was still intact and in the south 4 space room I had dodonna and reiken with han blocking entry to them. Lobot and boba was over towards the access tunnel.

3rd round I had a shot on cade from access tunnels by boba but opted to make it so i could only see his noble and took it out, he gets his ugg in cover to blow the doors next round. Cade also moves over to the dormitory so i can't get a shot on him.

4th round he wins init and blows that center door. I have han come out on mobile and kill that pig and moves back in position. He then runs Gowk so he can smack han and he misses whew. I tried to hit gowk with boba and he just SSM the attacks. He then Brings cade up right next to Gowk and my Han. I manged to get a shot off from han knocking cade down by 40. I then ran reiken out taking aoo from Gowk and was down to 30 but I stayed right next to Gowk but at an angle took a shot and miss. I then ran Dodonna out also taking a hit but had 10 points left and got away.

5th round I rolled an 11 and reserves and I lost init. First thng he did was hit han with Gowk and I was down to 30 hps. I then put in my reserves a kel-dor BH and T3 almost forgot I had him. Well I moved the Kel-dor a coupple of spaces and was adjacent to both Gowk and Cade. Shot cade he went down another 10. I then took T3 and burn Gowk and cade and Han so I'm down to 10. He then made a tough choice and decided to shoot han with cade, cade made his splash saves and Gowk failed one if he rerolled I can't remember he failed Gowk took 10 dam so he was down 30 at this point and cade moved away and healed himself. I finally made my twin with boba and first roll was a crit GOWK went down. I thought at first i may have just gotten a cheap win but round six made me change my mind.

6 th round I won init so this is why I changed my mind. If gowk would have been still alive he would have taken 60 damage from t3 and kel-dor self destruct. so he would have had 30 left or less if he failed SSM rolls. So I don't think it was that huge of a game changer.

What happened in this round without Gowk was I ran my kel-dor down and shot cade. Cade then moved away taking another hit from kel dor and he killed the kel dor. I then flamed cade from T3 and then flemed cade from boba and then moved the bothan and got a twin shot from boba on cade and since cade only had 20 left one hit was enough.

Great game. Thanks for the good game mike.

Over all I was Happy with the Games I played

I didn't play Gowk and I won 1 of 2 games against Gowk.
When it was announced I took 4th I couldn't believe it.
I came to play with the goal to have fun, prepare for nationals, and to see if I could hold my own in regionals.
But more importantly to meet more people who play a game I play and I met over 20 great individuals I hope to see and play SWMs with again.

Thank you everyone from Kalamazoo regionals for a great gaming day. Hope to see you all at Gen Con.

Matt Gurney
By the way everyone can just call me Gurney

Every move in this game is the wrong move. You just hope your opponent's move is more wrong then yours.
Khanbob42You, sir, are amazing :D

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:54 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Congrats to James!! Having to play GOWK in all 4 rounds is pretty rough, ouch. Were any of those games against the GOWK/Rex/Dash, or GOWK/Dash/JWM builds that Bill or I have been playing? Of what was listed here, I see GOBuck, GOWK/Boba, and GOWK/Cade, none of which are very good against the Push squads, IMO. Definitely don't want to invalidate James' win at all, as I'm sure he played the heck out of his games, just curious for the ban/keep GOWK debates. :P

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:10 pm 
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LoboStele wrote:
Congrats to James!! Having to play GOWK in all 4 rounds is pretty rough, ouch. Were any of those games against the GOWK/Rex/Dash, or GOWK/Dash/JWM builds that Bill or I have been playing? Of what was listed here, I see GOBuck, GOWK/Boba, and GOWK/Cade, none of which are very good against the Push squads, IMO. Definitely don't want to invalidate James' win at all, as I'm sure he played the heck out of his games, just curious for the ban/keep GOWK debates. :P

I played GoBuck, Broken (Bill's name for Jake's Boba/GOWK squad), GOWK and Wookiee scounderls (played by the youngest player in the tournament) and GOWK, Jarael, Dash, JWM (my closest game).


"It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more"-- Albus Dumbledore

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:14 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Very cool. Sounds like you lucked out in what your opponents planned to bring then. Everybody decided to go with somewhat more obscure variants of GOWK, hoping to catch people unawares. Obviously didn't bother you. :P

Have you had to play against the straight up Rex/Dash like Bill's, or Dash/JWM builds like mine? I just find it all sort of funny, especially since none of the Force Push squads did very well in Owensboro. I think it sounds like you have some better practice time under your belt than the people running Push in KY did though. Although, the guy from Atlanta who beat Lou's GOWK squad lost to Carl's squad in Round 1. It was a nail biter, which came down to the last round.

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:20 pm 
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Actually the Jarael Variant had me beat, until the last 45 seconds when the 10 hp and 1FP obi based my VAR. I was able to get one of the 2 attacks through for the win. Out of curisoity did any there run my force push squad? I haven't see the list of squads yet.


"It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more"-- Albus Dumbledore

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:21 pm 
Name Calling Internet Bully
Name Calling Internet Bully
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jew3 wrote:
I played GoBuck, Broken (Bill's name for Jake's Boba/GOWK squad), GOWK and Wookiee scounderls (played by the youngest player in the tournament) and GOWK, Jarael, Dash, JWM (my closest game).

No, no, it's called "Crutches" :) Of course the day the change came and I named it such, I was talking to Lou and said, here's the squad Jake will just love, being that it fits his playstyle so well :)

As far as James' play, Lou said he was just better than everyone else, including Engineer. I can't say I am surprised, James has been playing very well for a while now, pretty much since placing in the top 10 last year and he decided to get "serious".

I was still surprised that Lou said Eric failed to kill Luke quickly however. 80hps and two melee attackers, with swap, speed and tow seem to make a pretty easy target, and the ability to limit the Push to one figure quickly really seems to be the way to go (in my head anyways). But I suspect James was able to stay away, and I think Lou said he won map (which means Crystophis was being played, not Starship) which makes a big difference. I don't think James uses disruptive, but if he had it, maybe that was why? Not sure, since other than the droids, Yoda can simply gallop in, do the gallop/regular combo and kill Juno, and leave later. Generally, I would probably force my opponent to push Yoda twice early instead of GOWK, until the round I can kill Luke outright. But it would all depend on the situation obviously.

Anyways, congrats James, see you on friday, and bring more of that delicious beer :)



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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:38 pm 
One of The Ones
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jew3 wrote:
Actually the Jarael Variant had me beat, until the last 45 seconds when the 10 hp and 1FP obi based my VAR. I was able to get one of the 2 attacks through for the win. Out of curisoity did any there run my force push squad? I haven't see the list of squads yet.

No, I don't think anybody ran your Push variant. Stsparks played the Luke/Obi Unleashed variant, but he lost to Daniel's NR squad (from Atlanta) in Round 1 due to Disruptive and no Evade against the TBSV and Wedge I think.

With the Jarael variant...if he had you beat...why'd he move up a 10 HP GOWK? Was he trying to protect something else? I guess it was a gamble he had to take though. Was that the final game? Always good though when a final game comes down to tight dice rolls. Shows that both people played evenly, and that the squads were fairly well matched.

Oh, and there's a list around somewhere, because imhurhukaberry posted it in his Regionals thread over on bloomilk. Maybe look in the Owensboro thread that Boris created here. That might've been where I saw it.

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:40 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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James all the squads are posted in the Owensboro regional reports, both here and at WotC.

Click here to check out all the people who have realized the truth. Someday you will, too.

"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:27 pm 
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LoboStele wrote:
jew3 wrote:
With the Jarael variant...if he had you beat...why'd he move up a 10 HP GOWK? Was he trying to protect something else? I guess it was a gamble he had to take though. Was that the final game?

He just didn't realize to keep running away. It was the first game actually. The weirdest part was the night before I told him in Atlanta, Greg didn't run away with yoda at the end of the game and that was the difference. It was kinda weird.

@Bill. The beer will be coming. How many 12oz bottle of the Oberon style do you want?


"It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more"-- Albus Dumbledore

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:42 pm 
Name Calling Internet Bully
Name Calling Internet Bully
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jew3 wrote:

@Bill. The beer will be coming. How many 12oz bottle of the Oberon style do you want?

As many as you can spare :)



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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:48 pm 
Unnamed Wookiee
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I am the bonehead that got his 10HP GOWK killed at the end of the game. :oops: Very poor decision making on my part, I don't keep track of points and just panicked as time was running out because I had no idea what the score was. I will now be carrying a legal pad to tournaments to keep track of points. Maybe I'll get you next time James...then again probably not. I also got really lucky early in the game when I took down Luke HPU in one turn, that was just lucky dice rolls on my part.

jew3 wrote:
The weirdest part was the night before I told him in Atlanta, Greg didn't run away with yoda at the end of the game and that was the difference. It was kinda weird.

Alcohol + Red Wings losing game 7 to the Pens = not paying much attention to strategy talk

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:29 am 
One of The Ones
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LOL, no sweat Troy. We've all made those mistakes before. It's always the natural assumption to think you are down on points and need to take the risk in order to win.

Honestly though, sounds like even if you DID need to move up GOWK like that, James got a tad lucky that he hit both attacks, and you failed your SSM rolls. That's how it goes though. It's funny that if that was the first game of the day, that one little difference of moves could've been the key between James winning it all, or losing 1 game and being out of the running from the very beginning. :) Sounds like a well played game overall, and you learned a valuable lesson from it as well.

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:52 pm 
Black Sun Thug
Black Sun Thug

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I really think James runs the strongest variant of force push that has more to offer than the other ones. I know he's beaten the conventional versions played by players who weren't too shabby in their own rights, but not in any regionals. Put that variant in the hands of him, its no wonder he's gone two for two in regionals. And also to give him a little more credit, the game he almost lost also included his luke getting hit 4 times with dash and failing to make any one of the evade saves (including a force reroll). So it wasn't exactly a game where he got lucky.

My biggest regret was thinking that Jolee Bindo could possible be usefull in a squad. Ugh. Never again.

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:55 pm 
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jdjersey wrote:
My biggest regret was thinking that Jolee Bindo could possible be usefull in a squad. Ugh. Never again.



"It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more"-- Albus Dumbledore

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:58 pm 
Grand Admiral
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jew3 wrote:
jdjersey wrote:
My biggest regret was thinking that Jolee Bindo could possible be usefull in a squad. Ugh. Never again.


Ouch. That seems a tad harsh. As long as you were using him for his Valor, I don't see the problem with Bindo.

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 Post subject: Re: Kalamazoo Regional Thread (real results, partial)
PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:13 pm 
Black Sun Thug
Black Sun Thug

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Not to derail the thread, but for 23 points you're getting the valor. That it. Thats way too many points for the number of pieces that will be benefiting. He's not good. I would have been better off with Jarael or another shooter or any number of other possibilities.

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