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 Post subject: Results Colorado Springs Regional
PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:18 pm 
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Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 6:06 pm
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Location: Aboard the Exocarrier Resalute, waiting to free all SWMer's from Tyrnany
Well Sunday in Colorado Springs was a big day for the SWM community. We had 18 in attendance at our event. There was a wide variety of squads and players. The top four DCI ranked players from Colorado were on hand and all finished in the top 6. We had a few players come quite a ways, Wyoming even had 2 represenatives on hand.

I wasn't able to get a full match to match facings. But I got permission to post standings and squad builds. Plus a few other attendess are online and hopefully they can help fill a couple of the gaps when it comes to matches.

Here is the top ten players at yesterdays event and their final scores. I underlined the top four in-state players, and inbolded the players using Gowk. Jonathan Taluy's (10th) 3 lossess came at the hands of Gowk squads. So I will get him to report on those. He is also my son so I can guarantee he will do so.

1rst; Shawn Large 6-1
2nd; Don Thomas 5-2
3rd; Preston Philips 4-2

4th; Eric Widigier 4-2
5th; Martin Radalovich 3-2
6th; Tolif Martin 3-2
7th; Stefen Warren 3-2
8th; Christopher Flint 3-2
9th; Ivan Larson 3-2
10th; Jonathan Taluy 2-3

All 3 Gowk players made the top ten. The two push squads made the top five. One of which won the tourny. Both my lossess came to that same squad. Boba BH didn't even make an appearance at the event. The new Thrawn and Vader unleashed were on plenty of the tables.

Okay here are the 18 Players and their squads;
Shawn Large; Rebel Push: Var, Luke HPU, Yoda of Dagobah, Rieekan, R2 (RS) Uggie Demo x5
Don Thomas; GOWK: GOWK, Dash RS, JWM, Sev, R2-Astro, Naboo Solider, Caamasi Noble, Uggie Demo x2
Preston Philips; Cade: Cade, Mitthrawnnurudo, Mas, Czerka, Uggie DD, Ra-7, Raxus Prime troop, Gran raider, Caamasi, uggie demo x3
Eric Widigier; Vader U: Vader Unleashed, Mitthrawnnurudo, Arica, Ozzel, Kel Dor BH, Uggie DD, Uggie Demo, and an MD
Martin Radalovich; Rebel Push Tempo: VAR, Luke HPU, Dash RS, R2 (IE), Dodonna, Liea Senator, Rieekan, Uggie Demo x2
Tolif Martin; GOWK: Gowk, Rex, JWM, Lando DS, R2-Doombot, MD, Uggie Demo x2
Stefen Warren; VONG: Tsavong Lah, Nom, AAO, Advance Scout x4, Lobot CLO, MD.
Christopher Flint; Vader U: Vader Unleashed, Palp on throne, Dash RS, Geno Assasian, Imp Dignitary, MD x2, Uggie Demo x2
Ivan Larson; GOWK SS: Gowk, CC Bacara, Sev, Scroch, Fixer, R2-Doombot, Bespin Guard, Ewok Scout, Uggie Demo
Jonathan Taluy; Rerolling Jar Jar: Yoda CS, Jar Jar, Lobot CLO, MSG, Jarael, Mas Amedda, Uggie Demo x2,
Jesse Henry; Mando: Boba Merc Comm, Mando Scout x3, Lobot CLO, Czerka, MD x2
Ryan Locke; StormSwarm: Vader IC, Mitthrawnnurudo, Stormtrooper x13
Ryan Castilla; Reb Commando: Princess Leia, Madine, Rieekan, ERC x2 Bothan Commando x4, Uggie Demo
Patrick Buckley; Loda: Loda, Rieekan, Bothan Noble, Han Smuggler, Dodonna, MD x2, Uggie Demo x2
Ryan Kaley; Spoked Kreia: Kreia, Obi-FS, Geno Assasin x2, RCSL, Veteran RC x2
Tyler Locke; Leia HC with Commandos: Luke Rebel Commando, Leia Hoth Commander, Rebel Leader, RCSL x2, Veteran RCx2 RC Pathfinder x2
Martin Rendleman; OR: Atton Rand, WEW x2, Czerka x2, Juggernaught Wardroid x2, Med Droid, OR Scout, Uggie Demo x2
Tim Logan; Loda/Cade: Loda, Cade, Rieekan, Bespin Guard

My squad was;
Dash RS
Uggie Demo x2

My 7 rounds went as follows, I didn't play anyone out of the top ten. Any outside input on these matches would be appreciated after all what I see may not be the full extent of what transpired.

Round 1 was on the Death Star for me and Christopher Flint. It was a close game at the end but with a bullseye to Vader unleashed it was a done deal. I had enough gambit to cover Palp on the throne and just let him chill in his room. I think we both played a little sloppy as it being the first round. Gambit covered me from having to attack Palpatine

Round 2 I played Jonathan Taluy in the Tranist Station. He made a couple of big misques early and had a few bad dice rolls that cost him. He did manage to bombad gungan a Force Push 3 and force Dash Rendar to blast himself into oblivion. He also managed to get hsi reserves from Lobot CLO, but his additional figs didn't last long enough to make a difference. I have to say I felt bad this game because I just crushed him after he made a couple of bad choices. Gambit was a factor only in the fact that by defeating his 30 points of reinforcements my 25 gambit points saved me from needing to defeat his 55 point CS Yoda.

Round 3 I lost to Shawn Large on the Muun Plaza Map from CS. I had a chance at the end and made a pour choice of activation order. I lost by 10 points. I had a hard time deafeating anything other than his scrubs. Luke HPU did one push and was promptly defeated after that, But Yoda and VAR proved too much for me. His extra ten points came from Gambit

Round 4 I played Eric Widiger on the transit station. My squad was admirable. I lost Dash quick, due to a loss of an evade save on a Crit from the Kel-Dor BH with opportunist and then a prompt Grip 4 from Vader Unleashed. He had a design that has never even been mentioned on the boards to my knowledge. But due to his single activations a round from Ozzel I picked off his support as quick as I could. I happily had GOWK suck up 40 Damage from the Kel-dor SD to defeat a pair of minor activation figs and take out Ozzel to avoid any reserve saves. I ignored Vader and just hammered everybody else until he was all that was left. And thanks to my caamasi scored the win with 50 gambit points. Gambit wasn't a factor more than it just saved me from bullying his Vader around.

Round 5 I played a mirror with Tolif on the Tranist Station. After a couple of questionable early descions by his part it cost him Rex and he was forced to move in far quicker than he wanted I assume. He was fielding a Lando DS who even with the Gowk boost had a hard time hitting. I felt like it was an easy game even thoguh the end result was my Gowk FP3ing his Gowk and my own JWM with only 30hp left for the win. Gambit wasn't a factor. But I did have 3 rounds of it. In the big picture I think my build was just a little better than his. Dice didn't help him either, he suffered from 1's and 2's a lot of the game.

Round 6 I played Preston in the top 4 single elimination round. We were playing on the Chancellors starship. He was playing a squad he designed the other nigth that had been very effective. He won't complain too much about Dice rolling since he won earlier games with worse rolls than the one agianst mine. (Of course on the other hand he might.) My squad shined as a scrub killing machine. Preston did make a big mistake when he forgot to make a swap, which lead to the defeat of his Mas Ammeda. If he had done that he would have defeated my JWM before it could seriously damage his Thrawn. But I think at that point the game was in my hands anyways.

Round 7 the Champ round. It was a rematch with Shawn this time on the transit map. I went right at him this game. And in the end I couldn't overcome the pushes. I trashed his squad for the first couple of rounds but lost dash almost right away which hurt me a lot. End of the game was my Naboo solider, my Caamasi Noble and an Uggie demolishonist. His Yoda was at 40hp or 60, and VAR was at 30. IF I could have defeated VAR... Oh well it was a great game. I am sure I could have done a couple of simple thigns different but I don't think it would have made a difference because that auto 40 was just too much for my low hp units

"Rolling a Natural 20, there is no other feeling like it."

Member of the SWMRAC
Member of the Completed till the End and Beyond Club

Come rate my squads on Bloomilk...http://www.bloomilk.com/Squads/Search.a ... dalsiandon

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 Post subject: Re: Results Colorado Springs Regional
PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:18 pm 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
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Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:30 pm
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The C/S Regional was a great time (minus an incident near the end, but that was relatively minor in the grand scheme of things). I was definitely glad to see some new guys from Wyoming stop in to play some games with us.

As Don said, I played a final variant of Thrawn's Boomstick (as I have dubbed it):
--->Cade BH, Mitth'rawn, Mas, Czerka, RP Trooper, Uggie DD, Gran, RA-7, Caamasi, 3x Uggie Demo; MAP: Chancellor's Starship
I know it appears to be very random, but every piece is in that squad for a distinct reason.

So, here's how my games went:

Game 1: Tim (doesn't post to my knowledge)
Squad ---> Loda, Cade BH, Bespin Guard, Rieekan

I was actually a bit concerned when he put this squad down, as Loda + Cade with Rieekan meant I had no choice but to splash myself and pray I could kill him before he took out Thrawn and the rest of my support. While definitely not a "meta" player, Tim has a fair bit of strategic ability, but he almost only plays "main character" squads.

Anyways, I became very worried when, after swapping my Cade next to his at the end of the third round, I managed to roll 3 straight 1's, resulting in only 60 damage to him (and 20 to me from splash). I rectified that at the beginning of the next round, but by then he had already taken out my Czerka and was heading for Thrawn. Long story short, he took out most of my support before I finished off Loda in the 7th round (at which point he only had 2 Force Points left :shock:).

Game 2: Patrick (Lurks but doesn't post much anymore)
Squad: Loda, Rieekan, Smug Han, 2x MD, 2x Uggie, Doddona, Bothan Noble

I was beginning to seriously question my luck when I saw that I had to face another Rieekan/Loda squad, as I thought it could pretty easily be my undoing. As it turned out, this was one of the wackiest games I have ever played. In the third round, I started with Cade basing Loda and pulled off a quad, dealing a total of 60 damage and activating him, which left him at 20 hp and 0 Force Points (after he spent 4 that round). Unfortunately, Cade soon dropped to 20 hp when the Noble gave Loda an activation. I did 10 damage to Loda with a twin from Thrawn, then missed the kill attack. Han moved to the only place where he could get a shot at Cade, but it cost him 2 AoO's... 3 attacks total with a crit to kill Han before he could attack. cade then died to a crit from Rieekan, leaving both of us with only support, but I hit 25 gambit points to seal it (Rieekan + Dodonna).

Game 3: Eric Widiger (doesn't post to my knowledge)
Squad: Mitth'rawn, Arica, Vader Unl, Ozzel, Uggie, Kel-Dor, ??

Eric pulled out a squad that totally surprised me (and caused huge problems). I killed his KDBH to start the second round, but everything went downhill from there. 2 crucial inits, one to kill Arica and one to kill Vader and possibly Thrawn while risking Cade, were lost, and I had no chance. Eric played a great game, and he also beat me for the first time in about 2 years :twisted:.

Game 4: Stefan (also doesn't post TMK)
Squad: Tsavong Lah, Nom, Lobot CLO, MD, AAO, Adv Scout x4

Another surprising squad, as I thought I was the only one who would gamble on running Vong. Unfortunately for him, Cade is a monster against Lah when I have jolt + Opportunist, and I also brought an SS counter. I ended the game with only Thrawn left, but I had also played fast and loose with Cade the whole game, so that wasn't surprising.

Game 5: Shawn (DarthLuna, or something to that effect)
Squad: VAR, Yoda of D, Luke HPU, Rieekan, R2 (RS), 5x Uggie Demo

This was my moral victory for the night, as it not only catapulted me into the top 4, but also put me as the only person to beat Shawn. It was really a very short game, as I killed both Luke and VAR without trouble. His lack of Dodonna sealed that game for him.

Game 6: Don (top-4 elimination)

I was worn out from the previous 5 games at this point, and I made a lot of dumb mistakes. I really don't know how else to describe it, except frustrating when I hit 2/8 attacks needing 11's on his JWM. While I had already messed up in both my positioning and my early moves, that just sealed the deal for me.

Overall, it was a great time. I was really glad to see Eric finish in the top 4, as he has been improving for a long time, and this was probably the first time he really built a squad that fit his playstyle. It was also a big testament to how much C/S has improved that the top 4 were all from our venue (even with some stiff competition from elsewhere).

As for my squad, I still like it, but mostly as a counter to the counters, and not an anti-GOWK squad. I realized that it's simply way too fragile.. the concept works much better at 200. Eventually I'll put up a list of alternative squads that I think could have taken the tourney (pretty short list).

As for GOWK, I'm leaning away from banhammer now. In some ways he limits the meta, but in other ways he opens it up to squad paradigms that have not seen the light of day in a long time, at least at our venue.

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