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 Post subject: 120 pt IE Release Tourney @ ACME, Cincy, OH 03/19
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:59 pm 
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
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Not gonna go into too much detail cause I got my final exam for General Chemistry in 7 hours (ugh), but I'm sure Lobo/Lackey/Madman/3302/StriderRe will key in later...

We usually pull from cases but this time they had cases already broken down, so we pulled from the wall, I pulled 2 other boosters at the same time as my "tourney" pulls and got Thrawn and Dash, guess I decided to open the wrong ones huh?

So my 120pt squad ended up being:
(16) General Crix Madine
(15) Bacta Tank
(28) Veteran Rebel Commando x2
(13) Jawa Scavenger
(12) Moff Jerjerrod
(12) 181st Imperial Pilot
(07) Ugnaught Droid Destroyer
(12) Ewok Scout x2
(05) Bespin Guard

There were a lot of Palpatine's, Thrawn's, and Arica's pulled. No one pulled Vader, which was a surprise. Not sure if we saw any Leia's or Xizor's, and someone did pull a C-3PO but refused to use them. In fact they tried to trade it away for almost anything, lol.

So for me, Madine and the VRC was frickin SICK! Didn't help me win though, lol. I ended up 1-3 (really 1-2 and with the bye, which helped me study for my exam so I was happy). In the only match I won, my opponent on his first activation left his Kyp Durron open across the board and I was able to get a Cunning +20 on him for 40dam, then next round take out his unactivated Whipid Tracker.

Best event I saw was Madman use Arica for a Blaster Barrage with Cunning on 6 and regular on 1. Took out half the opponents squads in one activation, ouch!

Poor 3302 got 2 Lograys, ouch! But he soon found out that using Force Corruption is awesome for the auto damage, so being able to auto damage someone twice with both Logray's was quite fun for him.

Overall I came in 11th of 15. Lackey was 2nd, Lobo was 3rd, Madman was 5th or 6th, I was 11th, 3302 was 12th, and StiderRe was 13th (its karma for slaughtering us at YottaQuest with an ACME squad, lol). Overall a great time, looking forward to the YottaQuest tourney...

It was also Madman's b-day, so we were able to take a short break for cake and cookies. I may upload pics of it later, probably not but...

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 Post subject: Re: 120 pt IE Release Tourney @ ACME, Cincy, OH 03/19
PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:57 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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I'll hopefully have time to post more later. I was bummed at not pulling a VR at all (just for helping complete my set), but I got the sweet combo of Thrawn/Arica, and a total of 3 Cunning attackers, and 5 Stealth pieces. The only game I lost was to Steve and stupid Palpatine (same as last week!). And that loss was because Arica missed about 70% of her attacks that game, which is just nuts. Even one more hit from her on Palpatine would've made a huge difference. I also made a mistake near the end that ended up costing me, but that's how it goes. 3rd place was good for me, and I got a Crix Madine in the booster I won, so that was cool.

Overall, it was a great and fun night!

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: 120 pt IE Release Tourney @ ACME, Cincy, OH 03/19
PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:23 am 
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
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Yeah, its weird that this set has so many Cunning and Stealth pieces. 25% of the set has either Cunning or Stealth; 15% have both Stealth and Cunning (without help from Crix).

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 Post subject: Re: 120 pt IE Release Tourney @ ACME, Cincy, OH 03/19
PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:26 am 
Jedi Knight
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jedispyder wrote:
There were a lot of Palpatine's, Thrawn's, and Arica's pulled. No one pulled Vader, which was a surprise. Not sure if we saw any Leia's or Xizor's, and someone did pull a C-3PO but refused to use them. In fact they tried to trade it away for almost anything, lol.

Yea I pulled Thrawn and Palpatine( well kind of cherry picked Palpatine it was obvious from the heavyness with both bacta tank and him in it) My sqaud was
Bothan Cammando
Chriss Merc
Jawa Scavanger
Duros Scout

With the kid wanting to trade C3PO I wanted to trade him for it with Logray, and R2D2 but I did not open my full case yet, so hopfully he still has it next week so i can get ride of 2 of my extra rares from my 2 cases

jedispyder wrote:
Best event I saw was Madman use Arica for a Blaster Barrage with Cunning on 6 and regular on 1. Took out half the opponents squads in one activation, ouch!

Arica is brutal with sniper and blaster. He would of finished me off faster with her but he only took a sniper shot at Thrawn. We were on throne room and I was on the throne side in the hallway to the right. I had my Jawa, Duros, Stormtrooper, and Thawn in the open their. He says just attacking thawn and he hit both attacks. After the attack I asked him why he did not use blster barrage, and you should of seen the look of his face.

jedispyder wrote:
StiderRe was 13th (its karma for slaughtering us at YottaQuest with an ACME squad, lol). Overall a great time, looking forward to the YottaQuest tourney...

Well I will admit karma is a BIOCH and would of been second to last if Denson would of not droped but I will also admit it was great to slaughter someone people last sunday than getting slaughtered for a change ;) Hopefully I do a little better on sunday


Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together.

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 Post subject: Re: 120 pt IE Release Tourney @ ACME, Cincy, OH 03/19
PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:53 am 
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
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You wouldn't have been last, poor Bryce who played all rounds (or 3 rounds and the bye) was last. Denson beat him, which confused the hell outa me....

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 Post subject: Re: 120 pt IE Release Tourney @ ACME, Cincy, OH 03/19
PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:18 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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LOL @ Karma

This was a really fun event, and I think everybody had a great time, which was sweet. Started with 15 and only had 1 person drop because they had to get to work, which wasn't too bad, actually.

Well, like I said above, I managed to pull Thrawn and Arica, and while I would've liked to get at least one VR to help with completing the set, I couldn't complain about great synergy with those two pieces.

My full squad ended up being:

Whiphid Tracker
Veteran Rebel Commando
Jawa Scavenger
Ugo Droid Destroyer
Scout Trooper

So, 120 points even. I also had a Bacta Tank, a couple Bespins, a Stormtrooper, and I don't remember the others. Was quite bummed to not get either a Mouse Droid or a Twi'lek BSV, which either would've been really nice with Thrawn. I chose Death Star as my map, based on experience from last week with Override, knowing that it was a good map against squads with Override (of course, as it turned out, I never faced it all night, lol).

First game was against StriderRe80. We played on his Throne Room map, and I took the left side. He set up Palps in the center room, along the gambit wall, but all the way up at the top. 2nd round I started picking off his small pieces, and I used my Stealth pieces to keep his Chiss Merc from being able to do much at all but stand there. By the 3rd or 4th round I most of his pieces picked off, and eventually I got it down to just Thrawn and Palps, while I had only lost maybe 1 or 2 pieces. At that point, we were tied for gambit rounds, and I was way ahead on kill points, so he conceded. Otherwise it would've just been several more rounds of my Stealth pieces sitting in cover 7+ squares away from Thrawn or Palps, just waiting for him to fail Evade saves. :P Lobo 1-0

Second game was against Charlie. He also had Arica, but his 2nd Unique was C3PO, so he wasn't playing him. The rest of his squad had a Chiss Merc, a Bespin, a Merc Commander, a Mouse Droid, and a few others. Again, my Stealth played havoc with his Mercs, though he did get one Furious Assault with the Commander, but I think he missed the shots. The real key in this game was that he played directly into my hand at the end of the 3rd round, and set up his pieces for me perfectly. 4th round I win init with Thrawn, move Arica 6 squares and base 4 out of his 5 pieces, use Blaster Barrage, and kill all 4 of them, leaving only the Chiss Merc alive, with more than 75% of my squad still on the map. Lobo 2-0

Third game I had to face Steve, who pulled Palpatine, just like in our Proxy Sealed event last week! This time, he had Dash as his back-up VR, and then he also had 2 Jawa Scavengers, an RC Pathfinder, an Imperial Dignitary, a Snowtrooper, and a Rebel Trooper. This game was the most frustrating of the night, mostly because Arica couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. I kept her easily alive for quite a while using Thrawn's swap and such, but with two Blaster Barrages and then a regular Twin attack, she only managed to put 60 damage on Palpatine, even though based to him for all those. So, with a FPRR tossed in there, she missed 4 out of 7 attacks, only needing 8's. If she'd hit just 1 more of those, it would've made an enormous difference in how the game played out. Arica did manage to take down Dash very quickly though, so that was nice. But Arica wasn't the only lousing rolling I had that game, and just like last week, Steve was rolling hot on most of his attacks, and the stupid Jawas and their Cunning for 30 damage really did me in. In the end, it came down to Thrawn with 40 left and my Whiphid with 20, against his Palpatine with only 50 left and a Rebel Trooper. And of course, even with the Master Tactician, and winning init, I still missed the attack rolls to even put any more damage on Palps, so he easily used his Force Push to finish me off. Lobo 2-1

Final game was against Matt and I FINALLY got to play on my map (first time in the last 7 games, lol). His map was Death Star, and I really didn't want to have to fight for gambit. Matt had Crix Madine, a Vet RC, a Bothan Commando, a Merc Commander, Stormtrooper, 181st Pilot, Jawa Scavenger, Whiphid Tracker, and an Imperial Dignitary. First round he tried to use the Jawa to pick off one of my Stealth pieces, but he missed the attack. I returned the favor by landing the attack with my Jawa to kill his, which I knew would give me a big advantage, having 5 pieces and him no longer having Accurate. We both gained 1st round gambit, but he used his Dignitary to do it, and when I won init, Arica couldn't draw LOS to anybody besides the Dignitary, so she blasted him. Matt made me pay for that though, and rolled great with his Merc Commander and Whiphid to kill my Vet RC that was in gambit (darn Cunning +20 on that Whiphid!). At the same time, he was advancing Crix and his two Commandos down the bottom of the map. I had a perfect chance to take out the Bothan before it could hurt me, but I rolled a 2 for the attack, needing a 4 or better. :( Silly me though, this allowed the Bothan to make a Deadeye/Cunning +20 shot on Thrawn, which he easily hit, putting me in a huge defensive hole. Matt later moved his Merc Commander with Furious and hit Arica for 20 and finished off Thrawn. Which, come to think of it now, he probably shouldn't have been able to do because of Mercenary...darn! Worked out OK though. Though I lost Thrawn, Arica took up the mantle quite easily, landing a Blaster Barrage to kill the 181st, the Merc Commander, the Bothan Commando, and put 20 on Crix. This left Matt with Crix and his Vet RC against my Arica, Scout, Jawa, and Ugo. I won the next init as well and killed Crix, giving me a solid lead, and that point, enough gambit points to win the game. Whew!! Lobo 3-1

So, I finished 3rd overall due to Strength of Schedule. I won a booster for 3rd (1st got 3 boosters, and 2nd got two). Ironically, the guy who got 2nd was the only one who pulled a VR out of the prize boosters, lol. But I got a Crix Madine, and some decent non-Uniques, so it's all good. And we all had a blast I think. Saw some faces hadn't seen in a while, plus at least 1 new person! Good times!

Can't wait to play again on Sunday! :)

Oh, and I got to order my case today. Yay!

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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