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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:18 pm 
Name Calling Internet Bully
Name Calling Internet Bully
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Finished My character this morning.

Bodemaw (Pronounced Bo - dy - maw) Ridely Jamison Hunter IV.

He comes from a long line of High Society Ithorians. His father is up for election for the newly forming Galactic Senate and comes from a very noble Ithorese family full of trained Jedi. His mother's family owns a Trade Franchise that has recently made the move to becoming intergalactic. It is a front for some illegal activities including but not limited to several local crime syndicates, assassin guilds, and money laundering. Bodemaw has only recently started to participate in some of the illegal activities of his grandfathers business. But he has shown incredible skill and intelligence in doing so.

He has trained to be a doctor - 1st in his class at Ithor's top medical school Pigbumps (+15 knowledge of Life Sciences and +10 Treat Injury), but has left his profession to work more seriously for his grandfather. His grandfather has given him a ship, called "The Century Hawk". Its a Coorellian Class Light Freighter but has several "special modifications" for smuggling, use of illegal weapons, a detention area for transporting unwillings, and other performance modifications. It is heavily armored despite its "modest" appearance.

With him always is his childhood friend, the Gungan Hodle of the Nas ruling family. (Use minion rules from Crime Lord) Hodle is also from a wealthy family and was sent to Ithor to study where he met Bodemaw. He is a very skilled Pilot and has never found a vehicle or ship he cannot handle to its fullest effects. Despite his use of poor grammar and a vernacular version of Basic, he is quite intelligent for a Gungan, and has high aspirations to assist Bodemaw in his endeavors. He loves his friend and will sacrifice himself before he would allow any harm to come to Bodemaw. Bodemaw has promised him a top position one day in his "business".

Bodemaw carries a Gungan Cesta that was a gift from his friend's family, and a Heavy Blaster Pistol, a gift from his grandfather.

As a trained Doctor, he carries a med and surgical kit and a few other goodies, like a Jet pack, a tool kit, a sensor pack a a security kit for those, well let's call them, less than desirable situations he might find himself in from time to time. He is very knowledgeable in the areas of Life Science and Bueauracracy. He also has skills in Persuasion, Gather Information, Deception, Treat Injury (Cybernetic Surgery), Perception, and of course, Use the Force. His Feats also include Force Sensitivity and Force Training.

He is a Born Leader (+1 los to allies attack rolls), of great family wealth(5000 X Level credits every level) and is a Telekinetic Savant (as a Swift action can bring his Grip back into play) - which is why his grandfather is honing him for one day taking over the family business.

But Bodemaw has ideas of his own about that plan.

His Force Training was somewhat limited but he has learned two useful force powers for his purposes, Force Grip X2 and Jedi Mind Trick X2.

He can speak fluently Basic, Ithorese, Huttese, Bothese, Gunganese (due to his friendship with Hodle), High Galactic and Mon Calamarian.

He currently controls 54,000 additional credits - which he plans to use to build his empire. He has a special affinity for jedi given his father's family tree is full of them and he has some training as one, and as such, he is interested in using the powers of the jedi to this effect one day. First however, he needs to build the connections needed to control and dominate a new crime syndicate. That's where you all come in. You will all be Bodemaw's minions one day, especially the "noble" jedi :)

Medium Ithorian Noble 3 / Jedi 2
Force 7; Dark Side 0
Destiny 3
Init +7; Senses Perception +10
Languages Basic, Ithorese, Huttese, Bothese, Gunganese, High Galactic, Mon Calimarian
Defenses Ref 16 (Flat-footed 16), Fort 17, Will 22
HP 44; Threshold 17
Speed 6 squares
Ranged Heavy blaster pistol +4 (3d8+2) or
Ranged blaster pistol, hold-out +4 (3d4+2)
Melee Cesta +4 (2d4+2)
Base Atk +4; Grp +4
Atk Options
Special Actions Born Leader, Telekinetic Savant, Bellow
Force Powers Known - (Use the Force +17); mind trick X2, Grip X2
Abilities Str 11, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 20 (advances Int and Cha)
Racial Abilities - Bellow, Reroll Survival Check, Skill Focus Know LS - +2Wis, +2Cha, -2Dex
Talents - Wealth, Born Leader, Telekinetic Savant
Feats - Linguist, WP - Pistols, WP - SWs, Cybernetic Surgery, Skill Focus Knowledge Life Sciences, Force Sensitivity, Force Training
Skills - Deception +12, Gather Information +12, Initiative +7, Knowledge Life Sciences +15, Knowledge Bueauacracy +10, Perception +10, Persuasion +12, Treat Injury +10, Use the Force +17
Possessions - Heavy Blaster Pistol, Hold Out Blaster Pistol (Concealed), Cesta, Med Kit, Surgery Kit, Security Kit, Sensor Pack, All Temp Cloak, Jet Pack, Utility Belt, Credit Chip, Holoprojector, Syntherope and Rations
Credits: 54000

Edit made to adjust my character to fit my plans better I also put it into the standard format.



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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:16 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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I started fleshing out the specifics of the background, if this helps with preparing your characters (please pardon me if this overlooks some established canon). Cue scroll and theme music:

The New Beginning
It is a time of hope and peace in the galaxy, albeit bittersweet. After several millennia of war between the Sith and the Jedi orders, the Jedi have declared victory - but at a terrible cost in lives. The galaxy has once again embraced the principles of democracy and declared its intent to recreate the Republic ruled by a Senate of elected leaders from thousands of worlds.

While the war between the light and dark sides of the Force may be over, the fighting is not. Sith factions still fight amongst themselves for dominance, and some have even attacked Republic-controlled worlds and outposts without much success. As the Republic's first real election of senators is about to begin, whispers of Sith loyalists disrupting the event abound.

The Sith are not the only concern, however. Many do not trust the Jedi, either. Their temple remains secluded and hidden on a world known only to a few, and Jedi tend to conceal their identities when traveling the stars. But with the election only a week away, the Jedi and their allies may be the only real hope for securing a lasting peace in the galaxy...

Click here to check out all the people who have realized the truth. Someday you will, too.

"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:11 pm 
Imperial Dignitaries
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Here's my character, a Jedi Melee Duelist. :saber:

Cain Drallig

Male Human Jedi 5
Force Points: 7
Initiative +9; Senses Perception +9
Languages: Basic, Dosh
Defenses Ref 18 (flatfooted 16), Fort 18, Will 18, Block and Deflect
HP 80; Threshold 18
Speed 6 squares
Melee Lightsaber +8 (2d8+4) or
Melee Lightsaber +6 (3d8+4) with Rapid Strike or
Melee Stun Baton +7 (1d6+2) or
Melee Stun Baton +7 (2d6+2 Stun damage) or
Melee Knife +7 (1d4+2)
Ranged Throwing Knife +7 (1d4+2)
Base Atk +5
Atk Options Rapid Strike
Special Actions none yet
Abilities (30 point buy)
Str 10
Dex 15 (includes +1 from 4th level stat increase)
Con 14
Int 13 (includes +1 from 4th level stat increase)
Wis 14
Cha 14

Talents: Weapon Specialization: Lightsabers, Block, Deflect
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency: Lightsabers and Simple Weapons, Weapon Focus: Lightsabers, Skill Focus: Use the Force, Rapid Strike, Weapon Finesse, Melee Defense.
Skills: Acrobatics +9, Initiative +9, Perception +9, Use the Force +14
Possessions: Lightsaber (concealed in holster under cloak), 6 Throwing Knives (1 in each boot, 1 on each thigh, 1 on each hip), Stun Baton (hung from belt), All-Temperature Cloak, Utility Belt (p.140, and also contains Short-Range Comlink, Credit Chip, and Aquata Breather), Backpack (contains Ration Pack x7), Lightsaber (taken from a Sith Apprentice)


Cain grew up a member of a relatively poor family living in Corellon, the capital city of Corellia. As a young boy, he often snuck away to watch the duelling matches downtown. There he witnessed the skills of galaxy-renowned duelists, and the gritty spectacle of those skills being tested against other duelists. Already then, Cain felt the draw of the duelist’s life, and he promised himself that one day he would be a master duelist, “just like them.”

Shortly afterward, at the age of 7, Cain was found to be force-sensitive. And though the Jedi Academy did not normally still take in students at his age, they accepted him anyway, because they needed all the young jedi they could train to fight in the Sith Wars. Perhaps because he started so late in his training, or perhaps because his mind was always partially in the sparring room, Cain did not excel in his Force training. Cain tried his best to understand the various aspects of the Force, but it was in the Lightsaber training room that he was most alive; his natural agility and deeply-impassioned focus helped him to stand out almost immediately at lightsaber combat. Since then, Cain has committed his life to the perfection of lightsaber combat.

This singular focus served him and those around him very well during the Sith Wars, as he fought alongside his jedi master against the Sith. There was even a time that Cain, still just a padawan, managed to defeat a well-trained Sith assassin in an epic lightsaber duel; Cain’s master arrived on the scene just in time to see Cain deliver the final blow. Whether it was the Will of the Force, the arrogant under-estimation of the Sith assassin, or just Cain’s stubborn persistence, he’ll never know…but the fact remains that Cain is alive today, and the Sith assassin is not. That crystallizing experience has only served to reinforce Cain’s dedication to the perfection of lightsaber combat. Perhaps one day his grandchildren and great-grandchildren will continue on this path….

Now that the Sith Wars are officially over, Cain’s role as a Jedi is shifting. No longer is there an open war to fight; now there is peace to keep. And trust to earn. Cain is not one to cause needless trouble, and so he takes steps to conceal his Jedi identity when away from the temple. His main job right now is to bring peace and justice to people who have been bent under the weight of war for far too long. His experiences growing up in the poor section of a major metropolis have prepared him well for his task now; Cain believes that, if one wants to bring forth genuine light, then one must be willing to move in the company of shadows.

"Try not! Do, or do not. Thereisnotry." --Yoda

Last edited by thereisnotry on Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:44 pm, edited 5 times in total.
I needed to rework the whole character...I forgot some feats in character creation >.<

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:35 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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I need to check my history, but would the Mandos have fought the Republic within 50 years before its rebirth at the start of the 1,000 year PT reign? (If that makes sense.)

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"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:57 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Ok I just looked it up, and I realized something. We are playing in the year circa. 3950 BBY. The idea I had fleshed out was at the start of the 1,000 year reign of the Republic as it existed in the pre-trilogy. Way to early for that, though.

So the correct solution is to just stick with the idea it's the year 3950 BBY, and to adjust the story to say that this isn't the first election of the re-establishment of the Republic, but the first election since the Sith Triumvirate was overthrown about a year ago.

Problem solved and you don't have to rewrite any of your background. :P

Click here to check out all the people who have realized the truth. Someday you will, too.

"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:23 am 
Droid Army Commander
Droid Army Commander
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I'm interested in this.

Both the RPG and how it works out with the combination of Skype and Vassal. I will be checking in on the reports as to the nuances.

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:37 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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dnemiller wrote:
Grand Moff Boris wrote:
By the way does character look decent??? remember this is my first shot at this and had some help from Jew3

At $1 a minute, I hope that didn't take too long. :P

Seriously though, characters so far look fine to me.

Click here to check out all the people who have realized the truth. Someday you will, too.

"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:04 pm 
Imperial Dignitaries
Imperial Dignitaries
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Joined: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:53 pm
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Location: West Chester, OH (near Cincinnati)
Vuryyk Denkre
Medium Clawdite Scoundel 2/Scout 3
Force 7; Dark Side 0
Destiny 3 Discovery
Init +10; Senses Perception +1
Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 17), Fort 18, Will 15
Hp 47; Threshold 18
Speed 8 squares
Melee unarmed +2 (1d6-1)
Ranged heavy blaster rifle +6(+1 autofire) (3d10+2)
Ranged sonic rifle +6(+1 autofire) (2d8+2)
Ranged frag grenade +6 (4d6+2, 2 square-burst)
Ranged stun grenade +6 (4d6+2, 2 square-burst)
Base Atk +3; Grp +6
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Burst Fire, Dastardly Strike
Special Actions Shapeshift, Startle
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 18
Talents Dastardly Strike, Evasion, Long Stride
Feats Point Blank Shot, Burst Fire, Skill Focus (Deception),
Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Proficiency (simple), Weapon
Proficiency (pistols), Weapon Proficiency (rifles), Weapon
Proficiency (heavy weapons)
Skills Deception +16, Gather Information +11, Initiative +10,
Mechanics +9, Persuasion +11, Stealth +15
Languages Basic, Bothese, Clawdite, Huttese
Possessions heavy blaster rifle, sonic rifle, frag grenade (2),
stun grenade (2), utility belt, power recharger, security kit,
power pack (4), datapad, blank datapad cards (10), 1750 credits

The information broker, Vuryyk Denkre (pronounced vur 'ik den 'kre), has a mysterious history. Little is known of the Clawdite and finding accurate information on him is even harder. Vuryyk is almost never seen in his true form and often uses a pseudonym when doing business. Over the years, Vuryyk has made a name for himself as a reliable information broker and spy. Depending on circumstances, Vuryyk will even take a job involving assassination, but prefers to only gather the information.

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:48 pm 
Death Star Designers
Death Star Designers
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Here's mine:

Virgo Cor'in
Medium Bith Scoundrel 3 / Soldier 2
Force 7; Dark Side 0
Destiny 3 Discovery
Init +11; Senses Perception +8 (may reroll)
Languages Bith, Basic, Bothese, Huttese, Mando'a, Shyriiwook
Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 17), Fort 18, Will 17
HP 42; Threshold 18
Speed 6 squares
Ranged blaster pistol +8 (3d6+2) or
Ranged blaster pistol, hold-out +8 (3d4+2)
Melee knife +4 (1d4+2)
Base Atk +4; Grp +8
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Running Attack
Special Actions Fool's Luck, Knack, Quick Draw
Abilities Str 11, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 11 (advances in Dex and Int)
Racial Abilities Evolved Intellect, Heightened Awareness, Meditative Trance
Talents Fool's Luck, Knack (x1), Armored Defense
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Running Attack, Skill Focus (Mechanics), WP (pistols, simple)
Skills Acrobatics +11, Initiative +11, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +11, Mechanics +16, Perception +8, Stealth +11, Treat Injury +8, Use Computer +11
Possessions blaster pistol, hold-out blaster, knife, padded flight suit, security kit, portable computer, utility belt (3 day food supply, medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, glow rod, long-range comlink, liquid cable dispenser), concealed holster, holorecorder, videorecorder, all-temperature cloak (extend able coat style), small flute
Credits: 965


Virgo grew up with quite a charmed life on Clak'dor VII. His father was a renowned professor at a prestigious university and his mother was a gifted concert musician. He inherited the best of both his parents: his fathers' intellect and curiosity, and his mother's artistic flair and quick fingers. He did very well in school, doing especially well in in his computer classes, but overall he found no challenge in school and was overall disinterested in it. He graduated with honors and went to university, but again found little to challenge his skills. In short, he was talented and bored.

However, Virgo's skills did not go unnoticed. Certain unsavory characters took notice of his computer skills and game him some...opportunities that did challenge him, and Virgo started to pick up a variety of skills to complement his computer use. He found he had a particular flair with security systems. Virgo's escapades escalated, and he soon found himself repeatedly in trouble with various system law enforcement agencies. Virgo's father, after repeatedly covering for him and bailing out of various holding institutions, finally announced that he had had enough and cut off all support from Virgo. Now, there is only one thing that Virgo has with him constantly - a small Bith flute that his mother gave him the last time they saw each other. He sometimes plays it softly while he meditates - usually a tune he learned while growing up.

With his university possibilities gone and his family disowning him, the only place he had to go was back to the underworld. He quickly found out that he needed more than a fast computer and security kit to survive, and he hooked with a small mercenary company where he was able to use what skills he had and learn some new tricks specializing in infiltration and data extraction. He disappeared for a few years, but he recently showed up, and so far he hasn't spoken about where's he's been.

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:09 am 
Name Calling Internet Bully
Name Calling Internet Bully
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Boris - I reworked my character last night with James as there were a couple of things I didn't realize, mainly that I would have needed a 3rd level in Jedi to do what I wanted to before level 8. So I reworked it to include the timing of my level 4 bonus to Int, which allowed me to grab Use the Force Skill. So my character went, 1 noble, 2 noble, 3 noble, 4 Jedi, 5 Jedi. I will be going back to noble going forward as I only needed the two levels in Jedi now to get what I wanted out of it.

Everything has been restructured in my submission to reflect the changes. Also, I screwed up how Wealth talent worked so I adjusted that as well.

And I bought Dean a Blaster Cannon :)



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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:59 pm 
Name Calling Internet Bully
Name Calling Internet Bully
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Anyone else in need of some expensive weapons or items for our campaign? I still have 54,000 credits I can spend if needed.

Otherwise I've got my eye on some real estate out in Tatooine that looks like a good investment. Its been up for sale for a while and its a bit of a fixer-upper, but I think the seller is looking to move it quickly.



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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:47 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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billiv15 wrote:
Anyone else in need of some expensive weapons or items for our campaign? I still have 54,000 credits I can spend if needed.

Otherwise I've got my eye on some real estate out in Tatooine that looks like a good investment. Its been up for sale for a while and its a bit of a fixer-upper, but I think the seller is looking to move it quickly.

Yeah you and the Tuskens are both eyeing it... :P

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"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:51 pm 
Name Calling Internet Bully
Name Calling Internet Bully
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Boris, are my changes ok? I know I had already talked you about doing 2 levels in Jedi for mind trick, but I just wanted to make sure it was cool that I redid it this way. By doing it this way I got to save doing a 3rd level in Jedi for Skill Focus and can now go back to my original plan of 5 noble 2 jedi.

But I can mind trick and grip now :)



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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:58 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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billiv15 wrote:
Boris, are my changes ok? I know I had already talked you about doing 2 levels in Jedi for mind trick, but I just wanted to make sure it was cool that I redid it this way. By doing it this way I got to save doing a 3rd level in Jedi for Skill Focus and can now go back to my original plan of 5 noble 2 jedi.

But I can mind trick and grip now :)

No, it's fine. I generally allow changes to characters right up until the first session, as long as they follow the rules (which I'm sure yours do). :)

Once the game starts though, characters are what they are (no suddenly being able to speak Wookiee, for example).

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"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:50 pm 
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billiv15 wrote:
Otherwise I've got my eye on some real estate out in Tatooine that looks like a good investment. Its been up for sale for a while and its a bit of a fixer-upper, but I think the seller is looking to move it quickly.

You know I woul have to advise against the property on Tatooine. Their current economy is highly unstable due to there high unemployment rates caused by a combination of their "war on tuskins" and a lack of the hutt family to make responsible finacial decsions. That coupled with the Glactic senates lack of giving the hutts a bailout they requested has caused termiol in the planet. Just don't buy there. :D


"It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more"-- Albus Dumbledore

Proud member of the Triumvirate

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:35 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Markedman247 wrote:
I'm interested in this.

Both the RPG and how it works out with the combination of Skype and Vassal. I will be checking in on the reports as to the nuances.

Well we have a couple openings so if you want to play, PM me. :)

Click here to check out all the people who have realized the truth. Someday you will, too.

"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:00 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Click here to check out all the people who have realized the truth. Someday you will, too.

"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:51 pm 
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Thats awesome Dean. Now you can read about most of your feats and talents. :D


"It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more"-- Albus Dumbledore

Proud member of the Triumvirate

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:24 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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I think you guys are going to love what I have planned. The game starts and you are all sitting on the Century Hawk surfing the holo net when a message pops up that Stuckarachnid, a Gammorean, is now the administrator of the HoloNet.

Bill's character and Dean's character immediately vanish, and the other players seize control when the GM is nowhere to be found. :P

Just kidding... probably.

Click here to check out all the people who have realized the truth. Someday you will, too.

"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: Dennis/Boris's Game thread!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:19 pm 
Name Calling Internet Bully
Name Calling Internet Bully
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Woot! Gametime tonight fellas!!!! See you all at 8.



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