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Anyone ever increase their collection through gambling?
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Author:  Boba52 [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Anyone ever increase their collection through gambling?

Well, as some of you may know, I started playing at Bounty Hunters. It took me a looong time and a lot of trading and hard work to get alot of the older sets and I finally got to the point I had one of everything about a year ago. With the new V sets I felt I wanted to get some more depth in the obscure minis I never played with knowing that they would be good proxy fodder. The other week we finally had our DOTF release event (which was awesome, I might add) Anyway, at this event we had a player who I have seen at the store playing magic from time to time who approached me about buying his collection. I normally don't take this stuff very serious cause most people I have known who have as much stuff as I do still think they can get thousands for it lol, so I told him he could send me a list of some stuff he had and then we could go from there as I didn't want to offend him with a offer that was reasonable for me based on how much I was willing to spend. So, there you have it. After just seeing the VR list and knowing he had a ton more it all came down to $200 for everything in the bag lol. I have had a chance to inspect the VRs and they are in very good shape. I think it'll be a couple of months before I have everything logged into Bloo to know what I really bought, but it should be quite the adventure and as long as both sides are happy then you can't ask for much more than that. 8-)

I'm happy cause I always wanted to get alot more Vong and Mandos and I tripled my Boba Fett Bounty Hunters to 3!


Author:  Disturbed1 [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone ever increase their collection through gambling?

Nice work.

Author:  armoredgear7 [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone ever increase their collection through gambling?

Wow, nice find from an unusual source!

Author:  Chargers [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone ever increase their collection through gambling?

So ... I should offer you $225 so you make a profit and I get two BFBHs plus a bunch of other figures? :lol:

Nice find and glad it worked out for both of you.

Author:  Ruhk [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone ever increase their collection through gambling?

I know I need a BFBH.. check out ma trade thread if you want! :)

Author:  Lord_Ball [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone ever increase their collection through gambling?

Not a bad score, but what does gambling have to do with any of it, while it was a grab bag of sorts, you did see many of the VR ahead of time (at least as a list) removing a lot of the gamble.

If you happen to have an extra Malak, Dlots, I'd be interested in it.

Author:  Boba52 [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone ever increase their collection through gambling?

It was a gamble because I was more interested in acquiring the unknown C/UCs and non unique rares than the VR list. The VR list just helped me justify the gamble. Having more than one unique doesn't do a whole lot, though it never hurts to have multiple Lobots and such. I will post a list of the VRs and what not that I have no problem parting with once I get the stuff into Bloo. I am sure there are some that will benefit from this. I, for one, am still extremely stoked!

Author:  Wedge772 [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone ever increase their collection through gambling?

Of course I increase my collection through gambling. I run a gambling website, which pays for my minis addiction :D

Author:  Celticindian [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone ever increase their collection through gambling?

Every time I bought cases of the 60 piece sets, or just the random booster, I gambled. :)

Author:  TreebeardTheEnt [ Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone ever increase their collection through gambling?

I purchased a colection with the description of: "between 400 and 500 pieces not 500 plus but more than 100 of them are rares and very rares." Does that count?

Author:  Demosthenes [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone ever increase their collection through gambling?

I bought a bag of minis on eBay that were in a Ziploc bag with no description of what was in the auction. Looking at the image, and posting it on BlooMilk to get others' opinions, I was able to decipher a couple of the pieces, but when I got it, there was a ton more in there than I had thought.

We were able to guess the following pieces from the picture:
Leia Organa Solo, Jedi Knight (VR)
Luke Skywalker, Hoth Pilot Unleashed (R)
Uggernaut (R)
Nomi Sunrider (VR)
Gotal Fringer
Human Bodyguard (x2)
Cloud Car Pilot
Bothan Noble
Corellian Security Officer
Rebel Honor Guard (x2)
Guard Droid (x3)
Galactic Alliance Scout (x2)
AT-AT Driver
Elite Rebel Commando
Ugnaught Tech
Human Scout
Muun Tactics Broker (?)
Wookiee _________
Dug Fringer
Vong Jedi Hunter
Vong Warrior
Noghri Commando
Ugnaught Boss
Galactic Alliance Trooper
Gotal Mercenary
Rodian Blaster-For-Hire
Old Republic Scout
Imperial Knight
Rebel Marksman

And here's the list of what was in there when I got the package:
Luke Skywalker, Force Spirit (VR)
Leia Organa Solo, Jedi Knight (VR)
Wolf Sazen (VR)
Nomi Sunrider (VR)
Luke Skywalker, Hoth Pilot Unleashed (R)
Deliah Blue (R)
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Unleashed (R)
Deena Shan (R)
Jagged Fel (R)
Uggernaught (R)

Dug Fringer (x2)
Bothan Noble
Elite Rebel Commando
Imperial Knight (x4)
Correllian Security Officer
EVO Trooper
AT-AT Driver
Rodian Blaster-for-Hire (x2)
Republic Commando Training Sergeant
Ugnaught Boss

Gotal Mercenary
Wookiee Warrior
Human Bodyguard (x2)
Twi'lek Scout
Rebel Honor Guard (x3)
Old Republic Recruit
Yuuzhan Vong Warrior (x3)
Elite Hoth Trooper
Duros Scoundrel (x4)
Imperial Navy Trooper
Galactic Alliance Trooper
Old Republic Scout
Galactic Alliance Scout (x2)
Human Scout (x2)
Trandoshan Mercenary
Imperial Pilot (x2)
Guard Droid (x4)
Cloud Car Pilot

Orphaned Figs/Cards
Caamasi Noble (Card only)
Republic Commando - Scorch (Figure only)
Yuuzhan Vong Elite Warrior (Figure only)
Yuuzhan Vong Jedi Hunter (Figure only)

And I paid a total of $10. :mrgreen:

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