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Wizkids Preview #1: Leia and K-3P0
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Author:  LoboStele [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:31 pm ]
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Haha, if you want to. It's no big deal, I can see 'em when I get home.

Author:  SirStevee [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:38 pm ]
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dvader831 wrote:
Has no one mentioned that next weeks preview will be of Darth Vader, Unleashed??????

I think that's what it meant. And if so, freakin' awesome. Vader will be godly.

Fool wrote:
My take:

Wow K3P0 is sweet. This will be kind of nice and SO FAR no booming voice (but you never know, do you). I still think he'll get used a ton or at least get a few looks.

Leia is meh if you ask me again, you could target Storm Commandos specifically (thinking anti-Empire) but really, in the grand scheme of things we get another versatile Leia (I still think A & E Leia is probably the best in the competitive world).

I was thinking this Leia is to nerf the vong SS so the NR can acutally combat them. And with this in mind, mabe it's WOTC's attempt to make Jacen Solo playable. Mabe not playable, but useful.

Author:  LoboStele [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:43 pm ]
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SirStevee wrote:
I was thinking this Leia is to nerf the vong SS so the NR can acutally combat them. And with this in mind, mabe it's WOTC's attempt to make Jacen Solo playable. Mabe not playable, but useful.

Force Sense has NO effect on Vong. I don't case what the people at Kidzworld apparently said (since I haven't read it myself). The rules so far clearly state that Depa's Force Sense ability does not affect Vong, so there is no reason that Leia's would.

Author:  dvader831 [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:43 pm ]
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Author:  LoboStele [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:51 pm ]
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I think they look pretty decent actually. Is K-3PO shiny?

I'm not that keen on Leia's pose/sculpt though. It's the same outfit as the A&E piece, and the pose isn't that terribly different. They could've given her the maroon and white robe she wears on Bespin. Weird.

Author:  Sithdragon13 [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 2:53 pm ]
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That is what i was really hoping for. That is three Hoth leia's in a row! the only difference being one has a vest...oh boy.

Author:  LoboStele [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:00 pm ]
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I'm holding out for perhaps it's a mistake in the preview and poster! :P

(Seriously, Rob...what the heck?)

Author:  SirStevee [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:01 pm ]
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LoboStele wrote:
SirStevee wrote:
I was thinking this Leia is to nerf the vong SS so the NR can acutally combat them. And with this in mind, mabe it's WOTC's attempt to make Jacen Solo playable. Mabe not playable, but useful.

Force Sense has NO effect on Vong. I don't case what the people at Kidzworld apparently said (since I haven't read it myself). The rules so far clearly state that Depa's Force Sense ability does not affect Vong, so there is no reason that Leia's would.

Well, by Vong I meant on a nom bomb squad, not on vong scouts or anything. I didn't exactly explain myself completly.

Author:  dreadtech [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:41 pm ]
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Not very impressed with these 2. Leia's not that bad but sill prefer the other Hoth Leia. K-3PO is just not worth it The swap ability is well a lot of points to get it for something that's not going to be used a lot as you have to risk him to do it. Speed 8 for droids is more useful with Assassin droids but they do not really need it as they are ok now.
On the plus side at least these 2 are different and give more choice, just not for me.

Author:  LoboStele [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:50 pm ]
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dreadtech wrote:
Not very impressed with these 2. Leia's not that bad but sill prefer the other Hoth Leia. K-3PO is just not worth it The swap ability is well a lot of points to get it for something that's not going to be used a lot as you have to risk him to do it. Speed 8 for droids is more useful with Assassin droids but they do not really need it as they are ok now.
On the plus side at least these 2 are different and give more choice, just not for me.

You know, that's 100% exactly the same way I feel about them right now. They don't really do anything for me. Perhaps if we get more non-Unique Rebel or Fringe droids in future sets, or if we get the Mouse Droid or some sort of Fringe Booming Voice. It certainly is nice to have options though.

Author:  dreadtech [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:58 pm ]
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LoboStele can i ask if you would like a fringe with Booming Voice?
To me i like the fact that only the Ipms & Reps have it. I personally what each faction to have a unique abilities So hope Rebels Vong and such have something different. Well i suppose Vong already do with Force Immunity. But you get what i am saying.
I like fringe characters but feel they should not be the commanders in the game, or have these kink of SA.

Author:  LoboStele [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:25 pm ]
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No, I don't necessarily want Fringe Booming Voice, but if it does come, I just hope it's on an expensive piece like Nym and Disruption. I'd much rather have something Unique like the Mouse Droid with some sort of Relay ability or some such.

Author:  Grand Moff Boris [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:38 pm ]
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Sithdragon13 wrote:
Except it isnt board wide like thrawns. Thrawn was a bit of a novelty until it became board wide. Then it became abusive. It will be interesting to see how the mouse droid interacts, if at all with this piece. Being a droid, the mouse may not help it at all, in which case the whole within 6 isnt going to do you any real good with all of the twin out there. Of course i am really not interested in seeing a rebel B&B.

There's always the chance Booming Voice goes Fringe on one of the new pieces.

I'm not interested in a Rebel B&B, either. To be honest, the game is going more and more the direction of fast combo-style these days and is losing a lot of the traditional wargame feel it once had. Kind of disappointing IMO.

Author:  Sithdragon13 [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:18 pm ]
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I agree.

I kinda want a fringe booming voice simply because it will make the bad squads more playable, but that is about it.

Author:  punxnbutter [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:35 pm ]
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Then it just becomes a watered down free for all. I feel that each faction should play much different from their counterparts for replay value.

Author:  Lil Green Dude [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:46 pm ]
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I am hoping for Fringe Booming Voice at some point. Anyways, K-3PO looks fun, I just wish his speed boost applied to all droids instead of non-Unique only. The switch could be fun, it would be neat to use with Luke HOY and another mini with multiple ranged attacks.

Author:  emr131 [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:56 pm ]
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Sithdragon13 wrote:
I kinda want a fringe booming voice simply because it will make the bad squads more playable, but that is about it.

Really, about the most 'abusive' CE's left that are booming voice'able are Rebel and Separatists.

For me, by far, the most abusive is Leia's various CE's. I really don't want to see how abusive Leia RH can get with unlimited sweep and unleash the Force. That said, I would welcome Fringe Booming Voice.

Author:  Jughead [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:51 pm ]
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LoboStele wrote:
I'm not that keen on Leia's pose/sculpt though. It's the same outfit as the A&E piece, and the pose isn't that terribly different. They could've given her the maroon and white robe she wears on Bespin. Weird.

Yeah, that's going to be my biggest complaint about this set. But she'll be useful against Non-Vong Nom-Bombs. Say that five times fast. :)

I'd rather not see booming voice be extended to everyone. Unless it's on an expensive piece. I like that each faction does something unique.

Author:  Sithdragon13 [ Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:41 am ]
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emr131 wrote:
Sithdragon13 wrote:
I kinda want a fringe booming voice simply because it will make the bad squads more playable, but that is about it.

Really, about the most 'abusive' CE's left that are booming voice'able are Rebel and Separatists.

For me, by far, the most abusive is Leia's various CE's. I really don't want to see how abusive Leia RH can get with unlimited sweep and unleash the Force. That said, I would welcome Fringe Booming Voice.

I didnt think it would do much for the rebels except help the little commanders until Princess came out. After her i would rather them not get booming voice, but as much as the Imps abuse it, i dont think it would make too much difference.

Author:  jet_trooper [ Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:32 am ]
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YAY now i wont have to buy Thrawn! :D

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