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Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?
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Author:  FlyingArrow [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

I'd vote against Bespin simply because Echo all but said some Bespin synergy is on its way in future Vsets. (http://www.bloomilk.com/Forums/default. ... ts&t=11623)

With that in mind, we would need to know the stats of the forthcoming (presumed) Bespin pieces to design appropriately.

With regard to names - I think just voting on a name would make sense if we were designing a unique or an iconic non-unique. In that case, we'd focus more a lot on representing canon and the first question we might ask is, "What part of canon are we missing in the game?" For me, my starting point was looking for a spot in the game that needs a piece. I think we should be voting on a "starting point" rather than just a name. Maybe the starting point is a name - maybe it's a piece the game could use - maybe it's an awesome new SA/CE that doesn't have an immediately obvious piece that it goes with. At any rate, I translated my starting point into names just to fit the request.

Author:  FlyingArrow [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

Here's a name where the starting point would be based on a piece from canon that I thought was pretty cool:

Hex Droid

(It's from Fatal Alliance - perhaps the best SW book I've read, though it starts out painfully slow.)

I get the feeling we're going to end up with a piece that is either from the movies or is something relatively generic such that it could fit into any era. I haven't played the video games or read comic books. I haven't read all that many novels either. My guess is that most everyone else has their own part of the canon they're familiar with. Probably only a few have read and played everything.

Author:  Echo [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

Having an idea to go with the name is fine, and probably best for the reasons you guys mentioned. The name deadline is just important because it's a relatively short deadline so we wanted it to be something easy to do. As for how you show a consensus: that's up to you guys. If you want to do a vote and have majority rule or 2/3 or whatever, that's fine, and we can make sure puppet accounts aren't used to alter the results. Or we can just go with the feeling of the thread when the deadline hits. Whatever you think is best.

I'll also say (although I didn't want to have to...) that Bespin Guard Captain (or variations thereof) should be avoided. It's an idea that I particularly love, though.

Author:  FlyingArrow [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

FlyingArrow wrote:
* another 3 point Fringe piece of some sort. Brutes to swap, Mice for CEs, Uggies for doors, and all for activations. If you don't need swap, CEs, or doors, there should be another option to do something else useful with those 3 points. Not too particular about what that is - just tired of the same activation filler over and over for the past 3 years. I'd vote for a Rodian or Duros because there are lots of unused options there for RMs.

With that in mind, here are some suggested names to fit those categories:
* Duros/Rodian Recruit
* Duros/Rodian Civilian
* Duros/Rodian Tech Specialist
* Duros/Rodian Bureaucrat
* Duros/Rodian Engineer

It just occurred to me that the Duros/Rodian would still be a medium base and could therefore be swap fodder. To prevent that overlap, a small base would be better. Here are some small base name options (but still the same idea of a 3 point piece):

* R6 Droid
* Jawa/Snivvian/Kallidahin/Chadra-Fan Civilian/Tech Specialist/Recruit/Bureaucrat/Engineer

Author:  R5Don4 [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

Edited. Moved everything to original post.

Author:  biggsy [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

biggsy wrote:
Sounds fun! Here are my suggestions:

Peace Brigade Recruiter
Bespin Guard Security Officer

Well i feel like i should elaborate a little on these two. It's two subfactions i'd very much like to see be a playable option.

The Peace Brigade Recruiter should have some CE or SA that boosts the Peace Brigade one way or another. I definitely like the Tizowyrm ability mentioned, as well as granting it to Peace Brigade allies.
Maybe he could have something like 'Peace Brigade Conscription' to give fringe followers the key word Peace Brigade. That might be too much, especially paired with the above, but it's just a thought.

Bespin Guard Security Officer would have to offer some serious support to the Bespin subfaction. Maybe some squad abilities or boosting their stats via synergy. Maybe Cloud Car Pilots or Ugnaughts could benefit from him as well?
On another note, i hope we will see a new Lando at some point that will benefit these guys as well.

Author:  TimmerB123 [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

Ysalamiri (yes, just the animal)
Hunt Saboteur

Author:  UrbanShmi [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

I'd love to see the Defel species developed a little further. They were just so freaking cool in the Thrawn books. They had a little love in DotF, but nothing since. To that end, I would suggest either:

Defel Assassin


Defel Jedi (according to wookieepedia, "During the Dark Nest Crisis, a young Defel underwent Jedi training at the Jedi Academy on Ossus.")

Edit: A rudimentary idea for these guys would be an ability we might call Shadow (this character cannot be targeted by non-adjacent enemies, regardless of whether it has cover). If that's too strong, they could just be unaffected by enemy commander effects and special abilities that modify Stealth.

Basically, I'm thinking these would be low-to-mid 20s melee pieces that could actually manage to get across the board without getting shot to bits.

Author:  R5Don4 [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

I'll +1 the following

Peace Brigade Dude
Trandoshan Huntmaster
Defel Assassin

Author:  R5Don4 [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

Just came to me, it would be great to make a piece that would correct the size cover issue. A cheap Lobo/Jabba Rein that would boardwide/within 6? not allow smaller sized minis to count as adjacent or grant cover for larger units.

Author:  LESHIPPY [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

TimmerB123 wrote:
Ysalamiri (yes, just the animal)

I tired to get that through once. it will be interesting to see how you guys flesh it out if it makes it.

Author:  sthlrd2 [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

TimmerB123 wrote:
Ysalamiri (yes, just the animal)
Hunt Saboteur

I disagree with this. This would have the Ysalamilri SA, and that hurts factions. I would prefer to see somthing that helps out the unplayable pieces in the game.
The jawa's got help with their chief guy, same goes for the tuscans, and ewoks, the felucians also got played more with the design of one piece.
I would like to see somthing along the same lines for pieces that are still unplayable.
Right off the bat my mind goes to the Gammoreans and Mustifarians. Peace brigade getting a boost is good but I would think a more defensive boost is needed more than the worm idea.
I also like that idea of AoOs from 2 away on that Gamoriean idea thrown out. Not as an ability to be thrown around on all kinds of guys. Never given by a ce. But by a select few would be cool. So it might be a better idea for a unique.

Author:  R5Don4 [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

I agree about the Ysalmiri being a piece that could hurt the factions that already do have Force Immunity. On the flip side it would also be an excellent counter to pumped up Force Powers, the one that first comes to mind is ABM. Definitely treading on some delicate ground. Does that open up Force Powers to get even crazier, as there will be Fringe Force Immunity? Interesting possibilities. Don't know if a piece like that can be done correctly by committee.

On the Bespin dude, now that we've been directly told to not do it because we are already getting a piece that covers the same area, we can nix that for this project. An all encompassing CE for all things Bespin seems better suited to a new Lando or Lobot or named Unique at least.

Gammorean CE could be on a piece like the Gammorean Enforcer. I put it on the Saurin because I found the article on the Wook about Jabba's Saurin trainer for the Gammoreans. If he was costed to take into account the CE, it would make him cost too much to use without using the CE so he could have Threatening Reach without being Unique. Like how the Ugnaught Boss costs so much you only ever use 1 even though he's not Unique.

Author:  sthlrd2 [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

The stats on the Saurin as they are now plus the ce would raise his cost but just agreeing on what to make now is the big issue. We could iron out stats and point costs later. I don't know how you feel about your stats for the fig being changed but that is somthing the community would have to work on after the fig is decided.

One of the reasons I don't post stats are because I don't want someone butchering stats that I thought were good. I'd rather throw out ideas when the design step is here rather than throw out ideas before we even have a piece decided.

I just don't want someone voting on a piece because he liked the stats that someone came up with. Stats can change and that's why I think we should first decide what we want to accomplish with these 2 slots and vote on figs that can fill that role.

With that in mind I am all for a Gamorean boost and that can be accomplished in a couple ways.
Gamorean General (or some other officer type)
Or your idea of the Saurin (trainer type)

I see these as different roles. A general or officer would help them via a ce (probably a bigger boost) and the way I see a trainer is via a special ability but less of a boost. That's just the way I see these roles and that is up for debate but as for now my vote is something to help Gammoreans see some play. If this is decided on then we have one spot left. What does the community say?

Author:  UrbanShmi [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

I could agree with giving the Gamorreans a boost, and the Saurin Trainer seems like a creative way to do it.

For the second spot...well...I still like the idea of a Defel Assassin.

Can we make surveys on Gamers? The easiest way to get a consensus might be to put up five or six of the more well-received ideas from this thread on a community-wide survey (assuming there would be a way to block or exclude designers and spam accounts from the vote), and then the top two vote-getters from there would be the pieces advanced with.

Author:  R5Don4 [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

I provided stats fully expected them to tweaked and torn apart at large. For me, presenting an encapsulated stat block is a more accessible way to show others the concept behind the design. For that mini, I wanted to show that he could fight, not a weak commander that needs to hide in the back behind a locked door. And the natural pairing of him with the Gammy BG also allows you to play bolder with him, than normally allowed with a key piece.

I don't and certainly hope anyone else participating in this project feel their ideas are untouchable or unchangeable.

Author:  spryguy1981 [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

Aing-Tii Monk, Sith Intelligence Operative.

Author:  R5Don4 [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

UrbanShmi wrote:
I could agree with giving the Gamorreans a boost, and the Saurin Trainer seems like a creative way to do it.

For the second spot...well...I still like the idea of a Defel Assassin.

Can we make surveys on Gamers? The easiest way to get a consensus might be to put up five or six of the more well-received ideas from this thread on a community-wide survey (assuming there would be a way to block or exclude designers and spam accounts from the vote), and then the top two vote-getters from there would be the pieces advanced with.

I don't think we can do a poll over here. Much closer to the end of the month, let's say the four days, we can put up a poll over on Bloo with the most popular options. For now we need to give everyone a chance to submit ideas, concepts and provide input.

Author:  UrbanShmi [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

Of course. I certainly wasn't trying to cut anybody off or rush the process. I was just thinking that we've really only had a handful of people commenting here so far, and the actual decision-making should be as public as possible.

Author:  R5Don4 [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you want to make a piece for a v-set?

spryguy1981 wrote:
Aing-Tii Monk, Sith Intelligence Operative.

Spry should I assume this is different than the Flow Walking Dejarik idea? Seems like the same concept in a different package. Also is that one or two ideas? I put it on the list as two separate ideas.

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