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Author:  dvader831 [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  HALO 3

I just want everyone to know that crack will be legal in 30 days. No, not the stuff you can buy on the street. The game you can reserve (along with over 1 million other people) hits the streets in less than a month. I normally wouldn't be this excited over anything non-Star Wars, but this game is the exception of all exceptions. When Bungie rents out an IMAX theater in Seatlle just to show off new footage, you know they have high expectations, along with the rest of the gaming world. I have a feeling that XBOX 360's will be in high demand for the rest of the year, especially for Christmas. Master Chief will rule the holidays!

Author:  EmporerDragon [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HALO 3

dvader831 wrote:
I have a feeling that XBOX 360's will be in high demand for the rest of the year

They'll need it since the Wii's already outsold the 360.

Author:  Sithborg [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:18 pm ]
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The price drop will help. Though the Wii has 2 more killer aps this winter. If Smash has online...

Author:  EmporerDragon [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sithborg wrote:
The price drop will help. Though the Wii has 2 more killer aps this winter. If Smash has online...

It doesn't look likely. But Budokai Tenkaichi 3, the other major upcoming fighter for the Wii, will.

Author:  Goat [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I love halo 2, but I'll have to admit, not playing online is like missing out on christmas, and I don't have xbox live anymore (i'm not even sure if its working with the old xbox still) . That being said,I tend to lean more towards 1 player experinces anyways, that's why I'm trying to save up for a Wii so I can play Metriod Prime III. I had waited till part 2 dropped in price so I'm just now playing through that on the gamecube, great stuff. And then ofcourse I'm finally getting used to the controls on the DS version so I'm throughly enjoying that. If I could afford a "Wii60" I would get it, play halo and metriod till my hearts content, but instead I have to make a choice Either way I know that getting a 360 would mean getting an HD set, so the whole process of getting the 360 and Halo 3 and an HD set AND surround sound (I've been putting that off for so long lol) would be quite an investment. Hell just playing my gamecube/xbox/DS/Dreamcast/SNES/N64 is enough to hold me over anyways for now

. . . . .
I didn't see what the fuss was all about when I first played it. Giving it a little more time I started to realize that it is one of the best multiplayer games of all time, more specifically Co-op. One of my fave momments in video games was playing through Halo 1 with a buddy of mine. All those momments when your buddy saves you from getting wasted, and vice versa were awesome. Oh yeah and then there was our infamous gaming sessions, 4 player free for all's, camping, screen watching galore till the early morning. And then there was Halo 2 and Xbox live... I don't have to say anything to anyone who's already experinced that. I dunno when I think overrated I think a game that didn't deliver what it promised, and I think Halo has always delivered whether it be 1 player, co-op, or online. Too bad I won't be getting into the whole Halo 3 party *retires to go play Perfect Dark on his beloved N64, in all its slowdown fog-ridden glory*

Author:  Sithborg [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Meh, Halo is fun. Overhypped, but fun. I am quite happy with my Wii purchase.

Author:  dvader831 [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Halo 3 is now at a secret location (I'm serious) being created into mass production form. 27 days and we can play!
I promise, I'm not excited. Not at all!

Author:  emr131 [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

I can think of MANY overrated games. Duke Nukem Forever I think tops the charts (will it EVER arrive?). Doom III is up there. Return to Castle Wolfenstien was a let down. Changing genres? Starfleet Command III or Master of Orion III are games that were massively hyped and completely failed to deliver. Star Wars related? How about Kotor II? The game was subpar compared to KotOR I in all ways. The upcoming Force Unleashed is massively hyped. My money is on it being a pathetic game but full of eye candy.

Personally, I have been patiently awaiting the news of newer 360's with less overheating issues being shipped. Luckily it seems that this day is arriving quickly and should coincide the release of Halo III. I will finally be purchasing a current gen game console in less then a month.

Author:  Fang [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm not waiting at all for Halo 3 to come out. I'm basking in the glorious time where Halo 3 isn't out. Ahh..paradise. Because,


I would love to see master chief and arbiter, and all those halo soldier guys be hung by their thumbs and tortured slowly.

In short, to fast-forward through all my arguments, it's the most overrated game in all time.

Author:  LoboStele [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

have had a copy of Halo 3 (the collector's edition too with the helmet ) on reserve since VERY early this year. Funny thing is....I still don't own a '360.

I'm kind of waiting to see if they end up doing some sort of special '360 design like they did with the green translucent XBOX's back when Halo 2 came out. Either that, or I'm kind of in the boat with emr and waiting to make sure that they've finally taken care of the over-heating problems.

In the meantime....I will enjoy my Wii and RE4 and...oh yes....Metroid Prime 3. Plan to pick it up first thing next week. I will be out of town this weekend and had too much going on this week that I didn't want to get distracted from. Kinda sucks when real life gets to a point where it actually starts to interfere with game play time. I miss the days when it was the other way around.

Author:  dvader831 [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Aaron, have you not seen the Special Halo 3 Edition 360? It looks pretty sweet! Check out xbox.com, should get you to some good pics.

Author:  LoboStele [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:11 pm ]
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LOL, shows you just how out of the loop I've been.

Although...$50 for the special artwork, and the HDMI cable almost seems a bit much to me. Especially since I don't have an HDTV right now anyways. Although, it would cost $30 or so for one of those nifty cover plate things for a regular 360.

I'm sort of torn, because I know I could save about $100 by buying a used Pro system, but I'm not sure I wanna take the chance of dealing with all the potential problems. My current XBOX I bought used, and it's been great, but I also don't remember hearing about as many problems with the early XBOX's as we have had with the 360's.

We'll see. Guess it will probably depend on how much they'll give me as a trade in for my current XBOX and some of the other crap I need to get rid of.

Author:  EmporerDragon [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd advise against trading in your current Xbox for 3 reasons:

1) You get jack for it as it's a long dead console
2) Only about a third of original Xbox games are playable on the 360
3) Modded Xboxes make great media centers.

Author:  Boba the Fett [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

this is so cool its a halo 3 special edition xbox 360

Author:  LoboStele [ Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

EmporerDragon wrote:
I'd advise against trading in your current Xbox for 3 reasons:

1) You get jack for it as it's a long dead console
2) Only about a third of original Xbox games are playable on the 360
3) Modded Xboxes make great media centers.

1) Eh...$20 is still $20
2) All the current Xbox games I have either still work on the 360, or I never play anymore anyways
3) Don't have the money or need to mod an XBOX into a Media Center. Plus, don't believe in pirating stuff, which is basically what a modded XBOX is for.

I may wait a bit, but I know that at Christmastime last year, Gamestop was offering an extra $20 or so trade-in credit if you were trading in an old system and purchasing a new one at the same time. We'll see.

Author:  Darth Havok [ Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

I personally cant wait for halo 3. There are so many cool additions from the last game. One im looking forward to is the hornet the human air craft(The Honet). And lets not forget the duel wieldable brute shotguns

Author:  dvader831 [ Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Or a fourth type of grenade, or the flamethrower, how about the elephant, still love the mongoose, possible dual swords, four player co-op, customizable armor, etc. I could go on, but in 20 days, the wait will be over!

Author:  Millertime [ Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not really a fan of Halo...But Dad was right I should have got the X-box instead of the PS2...In my defence though i get Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts and Devil May Cry and Call of Duty and... Well I guess I am happy with my PS2...but I'll take an xbox if I can get my hands on it

Author:  dvader831 [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Talk to LoboStele, b/c I think he's wanting to get rid of his to make sure he has his 360 for the most anticipated game of all time. Right now, it isn't about how big the game will be, but about how many times over it will shatter any record of any game, ever. With over 1 million copies already reserved, and prices at either $60, $70, or $130 for the Legendary Edition (no, I didn't even go there!), I think Bill Gates, everyone at Bungie, and anyone associated with the game, will all sleep very, very well in a few short weeks!

Author:  LoboStele [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Heh, yeah, Chase, if you want my old XBox, I'd be willing to work something out with you. A used XBOX from Gamestop would run you $80. I'd probably only get like $20 or something from them as a trade in. Let me know.

Oh....I went by GameStop last Wednesday and picked up my copy of Metroid Prime 3...and pre-ordered my Halo 3 Edition 360. :D

Now...just have to wait for my prize money check from GenCon to arrive. :D Luckily, MP3 is keeping me plenty busy and happy until then. It's a HUGE step up from MP1&2 and VERY cool so far (about 25% complete now).

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