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 Post subject: COMPLETED Custom Set - Legendaries
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:03 am 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina

Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:12 pm
Posts: 154
With the blessings of Cerous Mutor, here is the tentative set list of Legendaries (name is as of yet undecided).

It is supposed to be a set of mainly support pieces, with some good combatants thrown in for balance.

Names being considered are:
- Minds And Masterminds
- Fame And Infamy

Generally, most of the names I'm considering are all along that vein - would appreciate any feedback :)


Old Republic
Jedi Philosopher (C)
Jedi Seer (UC)
Kreia, Jedi Master (VR)
Old Republic Commando (UC)

Admiral Saul Karath (R)
Lord Nihilus (VR)
Sith Scientist (C)
Technobeast (UC)

Demagol (R)
Mandalorian Combat Instructor (UC)
Mandalorian Infiltrator (C)

C-3PO, Protocol Droid (R)
Jocasta Nu (R)

Annihilator Droid (R)
Geonosian Elite Warrior (UC)
Geonosian Engineer (C)
Grand Archduke Poggle The Lesser (VR)
Grapple Droid (C)

Mon Mothma, Rebel Leader (R)
Rebel Sympathizer (C)

Emperor's Clone (VR)
Gilad Pellaeon (VR)
Imperial Cryptographer (C)
Procurator Of Justice (UC)

New Republic
Cilghal, Jedi Healer (R)

Yuuzhan Vong
Master Shaper Nen Yim (VR)
Voxyn (UC)
Yuuzhan Vong Firebreather (UC)
Yuuzhan Vong Infiltrator (UC)

Arms Dealer (C)
Aurra Sing On Swoop (VR)
Bith Musician (C)
Black Sun Informant (C)
Durge, Bounty Hunter (R)
Gand Findsman (UC)
Givin Mathematician (C)
Hutt Information Broker (UC)
Race Fixer (C)
Starweird (UC)
Zam Wessel, Assassin (VR)


Follows the 8VR/8R/12UC/12C distribution.

Do let me know what you think on:
- Variety of pieces
- Viability of pieces (as in ideas/originality)
- Rarity distribution
- Faction balance

Stats will be posted in this thread as I fine-tune them. Most are nearly done.

Thanks :D

Last edited by MasterShaper on Fri May 07, 2010 8:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Name Pending
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:05 am 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina

Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:12 pm
Posts: 154
Here be the stats for the OR, Sith, and Mandos.



1 - Jedi Philosopher (C)
Cost: 21

Defense: 18
Attack: 0
Damage: 0

Force 2, Force Renewal 1
Force Stun
Force Alter
Force Meld - Force 2; replaces attacks. Select an allied Force user within six squares. Until the end of the round, that character gains +4 attack and +4 defense as long as it remains within six squares of this character.

Jedi philosophers shy away from combat, preferring to contemplate the ways of the Force.


2 - Jedi Seer (UC)
Cost: 19

HP: 70
Defense: 17
Attack: 8
Damage: 20

Melee Attack
Double Attack

Force 3
Force Sense

Few can successfully pull off a preemptive strike on a Jedi Seer.


3 - Kreia, Jedi Master (VR)
Cost: 45

HP: 110
Defense: 19
Attack: 11
Damage: 20

Melee Attack
Double Attack
Mandalorian Hunter

Force 2, Force Renewal 1
Force Cloak
Saber Telekinesis - Force 3, replaces turn; make three attacks against a target enemy within six squares. These attacks do not count as melee attacks.

"No game of dejarik can be won without pawns, and this may prove to be a very long game."


4 - Old Republic Commando (UC)
Cost: 15

HP: 50
Defense: 16
Attack: 7
Damage: 20

Cunning Attack
Squad Firepower

The Old Republic had more than Jedi in its defensive arsenal.



5 - Admiral Saul Karath (R)
Cost: 23

HP: 50
Defense: 15
Attack: 8
Damage: 10

Affinity - Your squad may contain non-unique Old Republic characters.

Commander Effect - Non-Unique followers within 6 squares that do not have Melee Attack gain Opportunist +20.

"Admiral Karath taught me everything I know about being a soldier. He was a legend in the Republic fleet, and a hero to me. Until he betrayed us." - Carth Onasi


6 - Lord Nihilus (VR)
Cost: 53

HP: 120
Defense: 19
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Melee Attack
Double Attack
Drain Life Energy

Force 3, Force Renewal 1
Drain Essence - Force 2, replaces attacks; Target living enemy takes 20 damage. Remove up to 20 damage from this character.
Dark Hunger - Force 5, replaces turn; All living characters within 6 squares take 20 damage. Remove up to 50 damage from this character.
Sith Rage

The Lord of Hunger was a puppet, mastered by none other than the Dark side.


7 - Sith Scientist (C)
Cost: 14

HP: 10
Defense: 14
Attack: 3
Damage: 10

Biological Weapon Upgrade - Allies that have Melee Attack within 6 squares gain Poison +20.
Chemical Weapon Upgrade - Allies that have Melee Attack within 6 squares gain Stun Gas.

To the Sith, science was just another tool to be used for destruction.


8 - Technobeast (UC)
Cost: 16

HP: 70
Defense: 13
Attack: 8
Damage: 20

Melee Attack
Infection - +10 damage against living targets, save 11. Whenever this character defeats a living enemy, you can immediately add a character named Technobeast to your squad. The new character sets up in a square that enemy formerly occupied.

A mockery of life, Technobeasts were vicious Sithspawn that struck terror into their victims' hearts.



9 - Demagol (R)
Cost: 27

HP: 50
Defense: 15
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Homicidal Surgery
Jedi Hunter

Commander Effect - Non-Unique Mandalorian followers within 6 squares gain Jedi Hunter.

"I contribute to the cause in my own way. Finding the source of the so-called Force talents will be the key to negating them - or replicating them."


10 - Mandalorian Combat Instructor (UC)
Cost: 23

HP: 50
Defense: 18
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Triple Attack
Close-Quarters Fighting

Commander Effect - Non-Unique Mandalorian followers within 6 squares gain Close-Quarters Fighting and Sniper.

Mandalorian battle training is brutal, designed to produce warriors that could take on all challenges.


11 - Mandalorian Infiltrator (C)
Cost: 19

HP: 50
Defense: 18
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Melee Attack
Squad Assault
Cunning Attack +20

The only chance you would get to see a Mandalorian infiltrator at work is about five seconds before your death.


And so, there are the first eleven pieces for this custom set...

Do let me know how they turned out - I have a problem costing things reasonably :D

Last edited by MasterShaper on Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:50 am, edited 5 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Name Pending
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:10 am 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina

Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:12 pm
Posts: 154
Here are the Republic and Separatist pieces.



12 - C-3PO, Protocol Droid (R)
Cost: 8

HP: 60
Defense: 14
Attack: 0
Damage: 0

Distraction - Enemies within six squares gain -2 attack.

"My goodness!"


13 - Jocasta Nu (R)
Cost: 29

HP: 90
Defense: 18
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Melee Attack
Jedi Trainer - Followers with a Force rating gain one extra Force point if they activate while within 6 squares of this character.

Force 3
Lightsaber Sweep

Archives Director Jocasta Nu was a close friend of Count Dooku once, even believing that he was among the greatest Jedi of all time.



14 - Annihilator Droid (R)
Cost: 41

HP: 80
Defense: 15
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Double Attack
Twin Attack
Shields 2

"We don't know what it was, sir, but it took out three platoons. We can't let the Colicoids get these things offplanet." - ARC Trooper Stec


15 - Geonosian Elite Warrior (UC)
Cost: 16

HP: 40
Defense: 15
Attack: 6
Damage: 20

Triple Attack
Close-Quarters Fighting

Perfectly camouflaged in the dark tunnels where they nested, Geonosian warriors could easily sneak up on unwary intruders.


16 - Geonosian Engineer (C)
Cost: 15

HP: 30
Defense: 13
Attack: 1
Damage: 10

Repair 20
Industrial Repair 10
Shutdown - Replaces attacks; one adjacent nonliving enemy is considered to be activated for this round. Save 11 nullifies the activation effect, but the target takes 20 damage instead.

Droids who resist a Geonosian engineer's attempts to deactivate them are to be pitied.


17 - Grand Archduke Poggle The Lesser (VR)
Cost: 21

HP: 50
Defense: 15
Attack: 6
Damage: 10

Melee Attack

Commander Effect - Non-Unique Geonosian allies gain Squad Assault, Squad Firepower, and Squad Defense.

It was Poggle The Lesser's vision that lead to the development of Geonosis.


18 - Grapple Droid (C)
Cost: 17

HP: 80
Defense: 17
Attack: 6
Damage: 30

Melee Attack
Close-Quarters Fighting
Grapple - An enemy attacked by this character may not move until the end of this character's next turn, or until it is defeated. Abilities and Force powers that enable counter-attacks are nullified while Grapple is in effect.

Fancy footwork will get you nowhere if a Grapple droid gets its hands on you.

Last edited by MasterShaper on Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Name Pending
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:16 am 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina

Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:12 pm
Posts: 154
Here are the stats for the Rebels and Imperials.



19 - Mon Mothma, Rebel Leader (R)

HP: 40
Defense: 14
Attack: 0
Damage: 0

Affinity - May be in a New Republic squad.

Commander Effect - Non-Unique followers within 6 squares gain Squad Assault. Non-Unique allies are considered to have the same name for purposes of abilities whose name contains 'Squad'.

Having witnessed Palpatine's rise to power, Mon Mothma was not entirely ignorant when it came to running a rebellion.


20 - Rebel Sympathizer (C)
Cost: 11

HP: 30
Defense: 16
Attack: 4
Damage: 10

Independent Outfit
Concealment - Adjacent non-Unique Rebels gain Independent Outfit.

"No Rebels here. Just us spacers having a round of sabacc."



21 - Emperor's Clone (VR)
Cost: 65

HP: 120
Defense: 20
Attack: 14
Damage: 20

Melee Attack
Triple Attack
Clone Sickness - If this character spends Force points more than once per turn, he takes 10 damage for each additional use.

Force 3, Force Renewal 2
Master Of The Force 3
Force Lightning 2
Force Storm 4 - Force 4, replaces turn; all characters within 3 squares take 40 damage and are considered to be activated. Save 11 negates the activation effect.

Commander Effect - Imperial allies with a Force rating gain Hand Of The Emperor.


22 - Gilad Pellaeon (VR)
Cost: 27

HP: 50
Defense: 15
Attack: 7
Damage: 10

Thrawn's Protege - If an ally who counts as Grand Admiral Thrawn is within six squares, this character gains the following commander effect; non-Unique Imperial followers within 6 squares gain Twin Attack.

Commander Effect - Non-Unique Imperial allies gain Avoid Defeat.

"It isn't the killing, you know. It's the beauty of battles that I love—the choreography and the challenge of executing everything just right—and the challenge of matching your wits against a capable opponent. I guess I carry a little more Thrawn with me than I'd like to believe." - Gilad Pellaeon


23 - Imperial Cryptographer (C)
Cost: 13

HP: 40
Defense: 15
Attack: 0
Damage: 0

Encryption - Suppresses enemy Disruptive within 6 squares.
Decryption - When this character activates, select one enemy Commander Effect with a range restriction. Allies within six squares may benefit from the Commander Effect if applicable. The chosen Effect lasts until another enemy Commander Effect is selected, or if this character is defeated.

"They'll never crack this code."


24 - Procurator Of Justice (UC)
Cost: 23

HP: 60
Defense: 18
Attack: 6
Damage: 10

Melee Attack
Doctrine Of Fear

Commander Effect - Allied characters named Imperial Security Officer within six squares gain Squad Assault and Twin Attack.

The nameless, faceless Procurator of Justice used the Imperial Security Bureau to publicly deal with those who threatened the Empire's safety and security.

Last edited by MasterShaper on Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Name Pending
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:20 am 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina

Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:12 pm
Posts: 154
Here be the stats for the New Republic and Yuuzhan Vong.



25 - Cilghal, Jedi Healer (R)
Cost: 27

HP: 90
Defense: 20
Attack: 11
Damage: 20

Melee Attack
Double Attack
Heal 10

Force 2, Force Renewal 1
Lightsaber Block
Force Heal 20

This former diplomat from Mon Calamari had a talent for healing with the Force.



26 - Master Shaper Nen Yim (VR)
Cost: 29

HP: 60
Defense: 15
Attack: 8
Damage: 10

Melee Attack
Force Immunity
Shaper +20
Heretic Shaper - Allies with Savage or Dejarik may benefit from Special Abilities and Commander Effects that affect Yuuzhan Vong characters.
Whipsting - Replaces turn, only usable if no enemies are adjacent to this character. Select three legal targets within six squares, and make one attack against each of them.

A brilliant shaper, Nen Yim was secretly ordered to pursue her heretical research by none other than the Supreme Overlord.


27 - Voxyn (UC)
Cost: 27

HP: 80
Defense: 16
Attack: 8
Damage: 10

Melee Attack
Twin Attack
Jedi Hunter
Spit Acid - Replaces attacks, range six. One living target takes 30 damage, save 11 reduces damage done to 10.
Sonic Blast - Replaces attacks; all living characters within six squares take 10 damage and are activated. Save 11 negates both effects.
Toxic Decomposition - When this character is defeated, all living characters within three squares take 20 damage. Save 11 reduces damage done to 10.

Bred to hunt down Jedi, the voxyn were one of the Yuuzhan Vong's most terrifying creations.


28 - Yuuzhan Vong Firebreather (UC)
Cost: 19

HP: 80
Defense: 14
Attack: 0
Damage: 0

Force Immunity
Flamethrower 40
Self Destruct 40
Internal Combustion - This character may use the Flamethrower special ability twice if it does not move during its turn. When this character is defeated, all characters up to two squares away take damage from the ability Self Destruct 40.

Yuuzhan Vong firebreathers were towering creatures that laid waste to everything in their path.


29 - Yuuzhan Vong Infiltrator (UC)
Cost: 20

HP: 50
Defense: 15
Attack: 10
Damage 10

Force Immunity
Melee Attack
Cunning Attack +20
Ooglith Masquer
Blorash Jelly - Replaces attacks; one target enemy within 6 squares may not move or be moved until the end of the round.
Inconspicuous - This character may not be targeted by enemy characters unless he has already activated this round.

Tsavong Lah and Nom Anor covertly dispatched hundreds of infiltrators in an effort to try and hasten the New Republic's fall.

Last edited by MasterShaper on Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:51 am, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Name Pending
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:24 am 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina

Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:12 pm
Posts: 154
Last but definitely not least, the Fringe pieces. Which, incidentally, bring this custom set to completion :)



30 - Arms Dealer (C)
Cost: 12

HP: 30
Defense: 14
Attack: 3
Damage: 10

Munitions Supplies
Rig Blaster

Blasters can be made even more dangerous, for a small fee.


31 - Aurra Sing On Swoop (VR)
Cost: 48

HP: 110
Defense: 20
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Twin Attack
Jedi Hunter
Speed 8

Force 2
Blaster Barrage

Aurra Sing was an infamous Jedi hunter who had a bloodstained career spanning nearly seven decades.


32 - Bith Musician (C)
Cost: 9

HP: 30
Defense: 12
Attack: 0
Damage: 10

Melee Attack
Sonic Stunner
Tempo - Suppresses enemy Disruptive within 6 squares.

Any cantina worth its salt should have a good band playing there - even if no one listens to the music.


33 - Black Sun Informant (C)
Cost: 12

HP: 30
Defense: 15
Attack: 5
Damage: 10

Black Sun
Rapport - This character costs 1 point less when in the same squad as a character whose name contains Xizor or Vigo.
Informant - If this character has line of sight to an enemy before initiative is rolled, he gains Tactics Broker.

"Yes, my Lord. The stockpiles will be secured."


34 - Durge, Bounty Hunter (R)
Cost: 44

HP: 80
Defense: 18
Attack: 8
Damage: 20

Triple Attack
Merciless Attack
Bounty Hunter +6
Regeneration 20

Durge was notorious even before he added Jedi hunting to his list of available services.


35 - Gand Findsman (UC)
Cost: 17

HP: 60
Defense: 14
Attack: 5
Damage: 20

Melee Attack
Findsman - Replaces turn; select one enemy character. Until the end of the round, that character may be targeted by any allies within six squares as long as it is within line of sight.

Force 2
Force Sense

Gands are not allowed to have an individual name until they have proved their worth in a certain field.


36 - Givin Mathematician (C)
Cost: 14

HP: 50
Defense: 14
Attack: 6
Damage: 10

Exoskeleton - This character reduces all damage done to it by 10, save 11. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability.
Probability Analysis - At the start of the round, select an ally within six squares of this character. Until the end of the round, that ally gains +4 on all rolls as long as it remains within 6 squares of this character.

Capable of surviving in the vacuum of space, Givin are probably the galaxy's finest mathematicians.


37 - Hutt Information Broker (UC)
Cost: 15

HP: 70
Defense: 16
Attack: 6
Damage: 20

Melee Attack
Mighty Swing
Speed 2
Strong Willed - Cannot be affected by Jedi Mind Trick.
Informant - If this character has line of sight to an enemy before initiative is rolled, he gains Tactics Broker.

You want classified information? Hutt brokers are the second best after Talon Karrde.


38 - Race Fixer (C)
Cost: 11

HP: 30
Defense: 12
Attack: 4
Damage: 10

Repair 10
Saboteur - Replaces turn; one adjacent nonliving enemy may not move more than its speed for the rest of the skirmish.

These unscrupulous mechanics also provide sabotage services for those with enough credits to offer.


39 - Starweird (UC)
Cost: 29

HP: 80
Defense: 18
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Melee Attack
Force Manifestation (Counts as a Force user. Ignores walls, pits, terrain, and other characters when moving. Cannot be targeted by enemies further than 6 squares away, and is not affected by melee attacks)
Jedi Hunter
Drain Life Energy

Manifestations of the Dark Side of the Force, Starweirds only appeared in Deep Space. Few have survived an encounter with a Starweird.


40 - Zam Wesell, Assassin (VR)
Cost: 31

HP: 80
Defense: 16
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Twin Attack
Bounty Hunter +4
Kuohun Infestation
Inconspicuous - This character may not be targeted by enemy characters unless she has already activated this round.

"We'll have to try something more subtle this time, Zam. My client is getting impatient. Take these. Be careful. They're very poisonous. Zam, there can be no mistakes this time." - Jango Fett


And so endeth my first custom set ever.

Hope it was interesting :saber:

Last edited by MasterShaper on Sat May 08, 2010 1:28 am, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Name Pending
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 3:06 pm 
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight
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Location: Juvex III. Senexjuvex System, NE England
lol you dont need peoples blessings, least of all mine!

Love the look of it so far!

"...Power Made Flesh..."

"...he is a wound in the Force..."

Dinuir ni verda kyr'am ner

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Name Pending
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:46 pm 
Sith Apprentice
Sith Apprentice

Joined: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:10 pm
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Just out of curiousity, is there a list of those in charge of the new V-sets coming out?

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Name Pending
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:38 am 

Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:22 pm
Posts: 453
And if you want help playtesting stats, I'm always here to help :)

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Name Pending
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:03 am 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina

Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:12 pm
Posts: 154
Thanks for the feedback :)

First batch is up...

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Legendaries
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:04 pm 
Death Star Designers
Death Star Designers
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The only problem I see so far in the set is the Sith Scientist. I think it is to powerful, IMO. The Sith Scientist + Saul Karath would be granting a potential +40 dmg to people like Sith Apprentices who can throw their lightsabers 6 squares. I think maybe it should be restricted to non melee pieces, and then change it to something like the Czerka Scientist.

For example:

Sith Blaster Scope Upgrade (non melee characters within 6 squares that deal a printed 10 damage ignore cover from enemies within 6 squares)

Sith Rifle Upgrade (non-melee characters withing 6 squares that deal a printed 20 damage gain Splash 10)

The two improvements that add some different flavor to already existing pieces. Sith Blaster Scope Upgrade is a lesser version of Accurate Shot, while still proving useful. Sith Rifle Upgrade is an attempt at making some kind of Burst Fire Special ability for the game.

Other than that, the set looks great! Saul Karath has a killer CE, and you might want to add in a range 6 to it to avoid another General Reikan. Love the idea's! Keep it up!


Aliit ori'shya tal'din ("Family is more than Blood")
To learn Mandalorian, go to http://www.karentraviss.com/html/mando.htm.


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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Legendaries
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:55 pm 
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight
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Location: Juvex III. Senexjuvex System, NE England
I love Nihilus.
But I dont think he is powerful enough.
He was able to fight 3 people at the same time whilst holding a ship together.
Maybe I'm just a fan boy but I think he needs to be more threatening.

"...Power Made Flesh..."

"...he is a wound in the Force..."

Dinuir ni verda kyr'am ner

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Legendaries
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:42 pm 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina

Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:12 pm
Posts: 154
obikenobi1 wrote:
The only problem I see so far in the set is the Sith Scientist. I think it is to powerful, IMO. The Sith Scientist + Saul Karath would be granting a potential +40 dmg to people like Sith Apprentices who can throw their lightsabers 6 squares. I think maybe it should be restricted to non melee pieces, and then change it to something like the Czerka Scientist.

Other than that, the set looks great! Saul Karath has a killer CE, and you might want to add in a range 6 to it to avoid another General Reikan. Love the idea's! Keep it up!

I intended for the Scientist to be for Melee only (it would make no sense otherwise), and for Saul Karath to be limited range...

But I guess the Melee restriction and range restriction got missing somewhere along the line... Fixed :)

I think I'll reduce the Scientist's HP count, though - make it harder to place him about.

Cerous Mutor wrote:
I love Nihilus.
But I dont think he is powerful enough.
He was able to fight 3 people at the same time whilst holding a ship together.
Maybe I'm just a fan boy but I think he needs to be more threatening.

Honestly, I'm itching to test him the most of all that I've made so far :P And I don't blame you - though I have my reasons for designing him as such (see below).

I wanted to design him as a parasitic piece that can keep draining from any living pieces around him, so the custom stats reflect on that. The Sith already have enough beatsticks, so I figured why not make a piece that 'lives' up to its Sith name (in this case, Lord of Hunger).

Barring of course Droids, he could be pretty tough to take down (Even the Vong can be susceptible to Drain Life Energy).

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Legendaries
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:14 pm 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina

Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:12 pm
Posts: 154
Updated with the Rebels and Imperials.

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Legendaries
PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 3:28 am 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina

Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:12 pm
Posts: 154
Stats for New Republic and Yuuzhan Vong are done.

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Legendaries
PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2010 3:01 am 
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight
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Location: Juvex III. Senexjuvex System, NE England
Loving all of these!
Love the Vong! Lots of little abilities that bring in the vong feel!

"...Power Made Flesh..."

"...he is a wound in the Force..."

Dinuir ni verda kyr'am ner

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 Post subject: Re: Custom Set - Legendaries
PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:31 am 
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina
Really Cool Alien from a Cantina

Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:12 pm
Posts: 154
The set is FINISHED :vader2:

Just added the Fringe pieces, so let me know how they turned out :)

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 Post subject: Re: COMPLETED Custom Set - Legendaries
PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 11:29 am 
Black Sun Thug
Black Sun Thug
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Joined: Mon May 18, 2009 3:48 pm
Posts: 93
love the set man way to go looks awesome!

Worse than a triple hit of yarrock, even.... Not that I would know

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 Post subject: Re: COMPLETED Custom Set - Legendaries
PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:30 am 
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight
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Joined: Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:42 pm
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Location: Juvex III. Senexjuvex System, NE England
Would love to see these as custom cards!
A very good and thoughtful set, very good work for character specific stats.

"...Power Made Flesh..."

"...he is a wound in the Force..."

Dinuir ni verda kyr'am ner

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 Post subject: Re: COMPLETED Custom Set - Legendaries
PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:06 pm 
Unnamed Wookiee
Unnamed Wookiee

Joined: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:24 pm
Posts: 15
Nice set, I like the take on Cilghal.

As someone else mentioned, cards would be great, are you working on them?

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