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 Post subject: 150 Pt Tourney, Cincinnati, OH, 2/18/10
PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:07 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:46 pm
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Last night we had first real taste of DCI-style competition since the Dark Times set came out. We had planned on a 150 event, sort of as a warm-up toward Regional/GenCon season, but we planned it before we knew those events would be 200 this year. But, it was still a great night, and we all had some good fun.

I decided to try out a tweak to Deri's GC'09 winning squad, which I posted here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=8575

My first round of the night was against Ira, who's a somewhat newer player with a bit of a limited collection. He was running a mish-mash of Rebels with Luke HPU, CS Aurra, Han on Tauntaun, Chewie RH, an R7, Princess Leia, an Ugo, and a Mouse Droid. We played on my Ruined Base, and I started on the outside. He gave me some first round shots on Aurra, but Han rolled a 2 on the 50 damage shot, needing a 3 or better, lol. Throughout the opening rounds of the game, I rolled a 2, 18, 1, 2, 2, and 3 for my first 6 attacks, LOL. Luckily, the rest of the game went better. Luke and Han pounded on Leia, most of which was BG'd by Chewie, but took Chewie low enough that he was easy to kill after that point. Ferus made a 12 square run to base his Han, and then Leia gave him the extra attack + Precision to finish Han off. Aurra started pounding on Ferus in return. The game ended with Ferus using a Dark Temptation Double to finish off Aurra, then failing his save 11, followed up by my Han/Leia combo blasting Ferus away. So, his Luke HPU was still on the table in the end, but the 27 points from Ferus put me over 150. Lobo 1-0

Second round of the night was against StriderRe80. He was running a nice GOWK variant with Zuckuss, Dash, R2 Doombot, a Jawa Scavenger, and several Ugnaughts. We played on his Yavin Temple map, and I had an awesome chance to kill R2 in the first round, and then made the boneheaded mistake of moving Leia before I had moved my Mouse Droid in position, leaving Han with no shot at all! Stupid! Zuckuss stuck Han the next round, but luckily, Re then made a dumb mistake by running his Dash up to base my Ferus and attacking, forgetting that I had Levitated Ferus into position, but hadn't actually activated him yet! So, to protect his Dash, Re decided to use GOWK's Force Push 3 and put 30 on Ferus and his own Zuckuss and Dash. Made me work much harder for the kill on Dash, which I got. I lucked out with a couple of shots from the Jawa Scavenger that hit my Han but I made the Evade rolls. He only had 30 left, and Evaded two Cunning +20 shots from Han throughout the game. Luke made a Double/Cunning attack on GOWK the next round, and Zuckuss kept running from Ferus, but Re wasn't watching all his doors, and I easily ran Han around to base and kill Zuckuss. Ferus then made a Dark Temptation Double against GOWK the next round, but then failed the DT save 11 (AGAIN!), followed by Han quickly killing Ferus, lol. GOWK went down shortly after to Luke's melee attacks. I ended the game with Ferus and an Ugo being the only pieces I lost. Lobo 2-0

Final round of the night was, amazingly, not against James for once, haha! He actually lost a crazy game to Denson earlier in the night. James running a Potty Palps, Mith'rawn, Vader Unleashed combo on Train Station, and Denson had GGDAC boosted IG-86s. Apparently James failed all of Palp's Evade saves early on, and it was downhill from there.

So, my last round of the night was against Matt, who's always a tough player. Lucky for me, he made a critical error right at the start that I was able to capitalize on. He was running Boba Merc, Zuckuss, TBSV, Rieekan, R7, and Ugos/Mice. We played on Death Star, with him on the Hangar side, and he made the mistake of leaving Rieekan in a spot where I could Levitate Han and then move him 6 and get an LOS on him. So, I used Han's shot to kill the R7, and then Leia gave him the freebie to kill Rieekan. That several hampered his squad at that point. He did make an excellent move at one point, when I neglected to re-roll a failed Evade on my Leia, and he moved Fett with Flight to base and kill her due to Cunning. From there out, it was a crazy battle of Intuitions and Levitations all over the Reactor Shaft area. Finally ended up with Han and Ferus running to catch Zuckuss, but missing attacks. I tried using Dark Temptation to finish off Zuckuss but missed the attack, and then failed my save 11 as well, lol. I won the next init, and Luke had to take an AoO from Ferus in order to base and kill Zuckuss. Luckily, Ferus couldn't kill both Luke and Han before the end of the round, but Matt used his Dark Temptation to kill Han just for the moral victory, and he managed to make the Save 11 at the end. Didn't matter though, because at that point, his whole squad was dead (minus Ferus) putting me over 150 points. Lobo 3-0

So, overall, the last game was the only one where I lost a substantial number of pieces. 2 of my 3 (Han, Luke, Ferus) threats were still alive at the end of the other games, and if I'd made my DT rolls in any of those games, then I would've had all 3 of my threats alive still. I thought it was awesome that I lost Ferus in all 3 games due to failing the DR save 11, but that it didn't matter at all, and in the 1st two games, I was able to kill him in that same round, keeping me from having to finish off the opponent's squad completely.

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: 150 Pt Tourney, Cincinnati, OH, 2/18/10
PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:10 pm 
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
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Joined: Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:31 pm
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As usual great report.

Not sure if you saw on Facebook but I almost headed to ACME to play since I had the night off. I had a squad in mind to try yet didn't realize I still had my minis divided between my house and townhouse so I decided it wasn't worth it to travel back. I'm actually glad I didn't, the movies I saw at Esquire were ones I'd wanted to see for awhile and as always enjoyed a night to myself.

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