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 Post subject: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:08 am 
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Well it was a hectic day and night. I don't have all the details of what happened to everyone else, but am sure Jonny is busy crunching all the numbers. I finished 5th and was pretty happy about that considering I lost in the first round which meant the 2nd round I would be playing someone 0-1, so if I won that would put them 0-2 and third round I was 1-1 and played someone 0-2 sending them to 0-3 which at the end of the day meant zero SOS for me and I was going to lose every tie breaker. :lol:

Congrats to Jorrus C'Baoth winning in a playoff against TINT in an epic game. It came down to one activation of his GOWK vs Han Smuggler at 50hps, so the only way Phillip could win was to have GOWK crit against Han. First attack 20 then 18, such is life on Vassal. ;)

I think it went

1. Jorrus C'Baoth
2. Thereisnotry
3. Kael_Dronna?
4. Dark Lord Verjal
5. Boba52

I also was VERY rusty at Vassal. I thought by saving my games I would save the stats so I didn't take notes like I normally do, but nope, so no vassal roll anaylizer for me and I am going to have to remember the details. Sorry.

Ok, so I went with Speedy Cannon with Lobot. Honestly I mainly play pseudo DCI and I very rarely play the same squad again, so I was searching for comfort and I figure in a pre and post GOWK world I feel most comfortable with this next to Vong. I spend most of my time playing on custom maps, so I figured map knowledge would hurt me the most in this kind of tourny.

Map Hardboard

Luke Snowspeeder
Han Smuggler
Princess Leia

Reinforcements were normally 3 Mouse Droids, 2 uggies, and a Noble. Once I think I went Human Bodyguard 2 MD and uggie.

1st round against Rebel Hero (Owen). Very nice guy and good player. I lost map roll and he choose Death Star. He was playing 3 ERC, Han Rebel Hero, Crix, Strike Leader, Leia. I wasn't familiar with his squad so I let him pick side. (this combined with losing map pretty much killed my chances completely) I soon realize I can't target any of his guys and with triple override I am scrambling to figure out where the speeder won't take a 60 damage shot from an ERC with cunning advantageous and ion gun and twin. :o And on the right side of the map I basically can only put the speeder at the bottom of the map and put my free uggos and mice in front. First round he sets up a double override shot for Han to accurate my Lobot, but I evade thankfully and the scramble of where I put my guys is on! I spend too many rounds hesitating and let him position too well and by the time I figure I have to send the speeder over there I can't figure out what to do and the speeder is at 10 hps. I gain 2 rounds of gambit, so I am ahead 10-0 and start thinking if I should try and wait out the time. Well with about 10 minutes left I get the speeder set up and decide I need Rieekan to help with recon so I win the crucial init. I lose the init and Rieekan and now have to get points somehow and I lost evade. Next I lose the speeder. Good game. This was the type of match I wanted, so I could learn from it so that it didn't happen to me at GENCON, but not in the first round lol!

Round 2 was against Gren/Ein Elf. I won map and picked mine without knowing his squad. When he plopped down Lord Vader I wasn't feeling too great thinking how I am going to have to stay away from his swap as Vader doesn't even need opportunist to take out my guys. He has MithThrawn, Lord Vader, Ozzel, 4 Grans, 4 uggies, Mas. He has me set up and I take left side. I put everyone at the top and the SS and a mouse at the bottom. He compacts his squad in the lower right bottom. I count squares and find I can move Han out 12 and give Leia's shot to him on an unactivated Gran. Since my whole strategy it to take out all 4 Grans first I go for it. My plan it to not have anyone for Vader to swap into, but I only have Juno, Han, and Luke that can shoot them with cover. I kill the first Gran giving up a shot opp from Han, but figure the trade is worth it. He gets a couple of Grans out into gambit. 2nd round more moving. Luke takes out an uggie and Han takes out another Gran. 2 down, 2 to go. He then goes for it and moves the Gran 12 towards me. I have one shot with Juno no cover and roll like a 3. This allows Vader to move close. Next round he will win init and be able to LA Leia, Han or Luke. Next round he wins init and chooses Luke. He goes with LA and rage and I need him to miss 2 attacks. He hits the first misses the 2nd and 3rd and hits the 4th. Wow, I lucked out on that one. I now have to decide if I am going to unload on Vader or focus on more fodder control. Han hits Vader for 40 which is armored to 30. He then swaps out Vader and I use Leia and Luke to take out the 3rd Gran and another uggie. Next round he moves out Vader and Ozzel. I move Han to the top middle and take shots at Vader that miss. Leia and Speeder are by Han and I move the mouse droids over there as well. Next round more positioning and I take out Ozzel with Luke. Vader is now in gambit and will be able to get to Han. I make a wall of Mouse Droids to make it so he can't move six and hit Han. Next round he wins init to Thrawn and force moves and LAs to get around the mice and hit Han. Han goes down and time is called with Vader at 80 hps. Final score 48-42.

3rd Round was against DarthRaven. This is someone I play against regulary in my play group. I find out he is not having a good day rolling wise and is 0-2 at the moment playing GOWK twice which sucks cause if I win them I put him at 0-3. He is playing Han GH, Shado Vao, Jarael, Czerka, 2 uggies, Dodonna. He wins map and we play on Bespin. He plays Jarael EVERYTIME, so I know he knows how to play her well. I pick right side and he sets up bottom left. I put my CEs in the room and put Luke Han Leia Mice on the platform. I decide against first round gambit cause I don't want to open the door. 2nd round I see a way I can move Lobot through the top rooms and use override on the top side door to gambit and sneak the SS in. Leia and Han move to cover behind the crates. He moves through the bottom rooms. 3rd round he sets up in the conf room with an uggie holding both doors open and moves Han through to get a shot off at Leia. First shot hits and I roll a 6, 5 for evade plus fprr, but his second shot misses so Leia comes away only taking 30. This gives me an opportunity to take out both his uggies holding unblown doors open and leave him with zero door control. I take them out with han and Leias shot to Han. Now he has to decide how to open the doors with Shado. He has to commit to opening the bottom door to the office to move Jarael in to take on Luke or get his guys in the platform before I lock the door. He decides to move Jarael to the platform to try and get Leia. Next round all my guys are in the hallway between the cargo bay and office. I use Leia to have Han get a non opportunist shot on Jarael and she misses evade and takes 30. Jareal is able to base Leia and I have Mouse Droid on the other side making it so Han can't base Jarael. Next round he wins init and Jarael has to try and take out Leia. He has to use all his attacks, but gets it done. I then move the MD out of the way and he misses the AOO. Han promptly bases her and takes a shot to the face. Next round Shado is able to come onto the platform cause I used Lobot to keep Han GH out. All my guys take pot shots at Shado dealing about 20 or 30 damage. Han gets a 40 shot on him and he is down to 40hps. He gets based to Han who is at 50hps. Shado has 1 fp left and I want him to have to use it so that he doesn't have 2 next turn. Rieekan steps up and CRIT! He deflects, but it was worth it for him to be at zero force. Next round he wins init ( I thought I had recon, but forgot about Han lol) Shado tries to take out Han, but he rolls a 1 and fprr is like a 3. No good. Han promptly lays 40 on him and Shado is gone. Han tries to track down the speeder who is down to 10hps, but time runs out and I win 119-30. Good game. You had some very bad save and attack rolls.

4th round was against Hunter Hman73. My first GOWK squad! He had Lobo Gowk with the JWM and Dash. I won map and he setup on left side. He lead with GOWK and I just sort of setup all my guys in the top room. I think I critted with Han once but got SSMed away, but he had to use 2 fp rerolls to do it. Vassal was not kind to either of us and we both saw many opportunities and great positioning wasted by 1-3 attack rolls. Dash couldn't hit anything and when he did I evaded and my whole squad took like 10 shots at GOWK and he didn't even have to use SSM because I couldn't hit. He positioned R2 very well the entire game keeping me from getting a accurate shot at him. He kept Dash and R2 in the escape pod room and sent Obi and JWM to track down Leia. Last round was setup with JWM at 30hps (thanks to a crit by Leia) and Obi based to Leia and Luke next to the R2 and Dash having just finished off R2 the next round. Dash at 20 and Han 70 and a full free Human Bodyguard next to them both. The score was 54-25 with me in the lead and all his points coming from gambit. He wins init and has the JWM finish off Leia. Next I move 2 moving Rieekan to try and take out the MD giving Dash the def bonus and miss. Luke then misses both his shots. :roll: I have the bodyguard there so I leave the speeder there. Now Dash is going to unload on Luke with 30hps left and 40 from the bodyguard. He rolls like 3,2,1,4 or something ridiculous to that effect. He concedes the match, but time if over anyway. Good game. Vassal hated us both in this game.

All in all it was grueling and nerve racking and fun. I find out I got 5th place with is about the best I could do with my SOS and also find out there is a playoff for the top 4. So, close yet so far away. Almost everyone I talked to on my path was not having a good die roll day. I look forward to reading other reports as on Vassal it is really hard to see what is going on with the other matches.

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 Post subject: Re: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:20 am 
Jedi Knight
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I came in 7th and was beaten by Jorrus becasue of LOCKOUT. He won map and choose my map throne room. I set up on the left sidehe choose 4 nobles as his renforcements. my squad was

21 Yuuzhan Vong Shaper
80 Yuuzhan Vong Jedi Hunter x4
19 Yomin Carr
11 Advance Agent, Officer
6 Advance Scout
6 Mouse Droid x2
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2

Of course i made some stupid mistakes. I moved the wrong jedi hunter to be able to get gambit the first round which may have made it a different game. I moved an uggo into the cover area and his was able to tow dash and shoot the uggo leaving me one left. I was trying to be careful with the other. he moved his nobles and blocked off the hallway while lobot had the main door locked. next round towards the last few activations he flew dash and r2 out and shoot my other uggo. I was able to move a jedi hunter up and hit r2 but my shaper was 1 square away to give his bonus to him and only did 20 damage to r2 and here comes the biggest init of the game. and he wins it. he flies r2 and dash off behind the nobles again and i was trying to get some thud bugs and spit poison off to try and kill the nobles off to get through but he retreated into the room and blocked the door with the 2 nobles and he had lobot locked the main door. it was game over no way i could get in


Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together.

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 Post subject: Re: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:32 am 
Sith Infiltrator
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I came in fourth, kael_dronna? came in third.
My squad was
Luke HPU, VAR, Han smuggler, Rieekan, Dodonna, R2, 3 Ugs, 2 Mice. Map was Taris Undercity.

My first game game was played against Hunter(Hman)
He had GOWK, JWM, Dash, R2, (sorry I forget if he had Lobot. Will edit later)
I won map and he set up on right. Game went pretty straight forward, First round killed his R2. His JWM based VAR and layed 40 on him. Eventually he got inside my area of safety (outcast camp) Luckily I had made some evade saves with VAR so Dash didn't lay anymore damage. I locked the doors and it became a killfest. Pushed Obi twice, var died, han shot and killed JWM, Obi tried to killed Luke, got pushed for the kill. Was a good game, he had missed some attacks with the jwm on Var, which really helped me seal the deal early.

My second game was against Erik(forget his vassal name, it was odd)
He won map, so Chancellor's Starship/Throne Room
He had Echani, Amanin Scout, Lobot, IE Thrawn, Ozzel, Mas, Imperial Officer, Stormtrooper Commander, 1-2 grans, and for reinforcements brought in 3 Ugs and 2 mice and 1 gran.
end of round 1 he made a daring move having the scout go at the top to get a shot at R2, I didn't see that coming...Pop for the droid, init, and he rolls a 1. Var pushes her for 40. The entire team was build around here so now it was pretty easy to maneuver with his lack of range. Killed some ugs and grans, got a lot of gambit. Blew opens doors so his lobot couldn't keep hiding. Eventually his Amanin goes to get to Luke. Now at the start of the round, no matter what he did-save the amanin, or save his Lobot from Han's crazy los...anyway, he rolls a 1, and I figure to kill the threat, Luke Pushes and he dies. He moves his Imperial officer away. Han kills Lobot. The game came to time, I had more points clearly, so I won.

Round 3 was on Brian(Strider)
His team was: 4 Vong JH, Shaper, Officer, Carr, Scout, 2 Mice, 2 Ugs.
I won map.
let me say 1 thing, I had out manuevered him, had superior LOS because of Han's range and possition I could see just about anywhere, Luke was shooting too. I put 3 JHs at 40 before he even got to me. This goes to show you how utterly useless Push teams are against Force Immune, even when you have someone Like Han.
Anyhow, this was a game where I was just trying to do as much damage as possible before he got to me. I was on right side, han was at the top Middleish so I could see anything that moved, the others were in the sewers. Pop and ug here, a mouse there. Getting los to 1 JH and laying 30 on him. Eventually he was getting close, and Han got based and took only 10 damage. Aoo, 10 more, shot the JH. Another down to 40. Now he started moving up his commanders so he could kill me, Han LOS to Officer, pow, blocked the way to han with Mice so I was okay. He is still getting closer. Luke Kills a scout(no cover). Win init, Han kills Yomin. Now he is at my front door, this is when the stang hits the fan. 4 JHs come in. Luke goes down to 20, Rieekan, dodonna, ugs, Mice, all die. He makes a critical error here, JH hits var, for 60, Han Kills JH who was at 20 hp. Time. That move wins me the game. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have won. Unless I rolled some crazy crit haha.

Round 4, against Kael_Dronna (joe)
Disclaimer, F*CK GOWK, F*CK HIM IN HIS STUPID A**....*ImageAnyhow...
His team, r2, Lobot, Dash, GOWK, Roron Corobb, Caas Noble
I win map, Lobot brings in mice. I am on the left(outcast camp), he is on the bottom right.
After he is nearly out, only having Obi, Var opens door(bottom right), Han Kills R2. Obi bases and hits Var for 20. Rieekan's recon, I win init, Han kills his Lobot. Hits Var for 40. I push Obi with Var, and R2 locks the door. Now this is where it gets good, he can't blow it open, anytime he puts something next to the other door(top right) I kill it. Finally it's down to
Var 70HP, everyone else on my team full. he has Obi at 80(with 7 Forcepoints), Roron full, Dash full.
Luke has 7 Force, var has 5, I decide to push to Kill Roron, so a mouse opens the door, and I push for the kill. init, he wins, Obi gets based to Var, 20 damage. Var runs 12, takes 20 from AOO. down to 30, var up to 2 Force. Luke Pushes Obi. R2 Locks the door closed- bye dash.
init, he wins, bases Var, does 20 more. Var goes, double, miss, hit-soresu. Luke shoots, hit fail soresu. init, he wins with my recond still...Dead var. from this point on I will just tell you I shot him over 20+ times to only have him soresu every g*d damn one of them. 20hp Obi kills my entire team-what a fun game that was. :roll:

Round 5 played against Joruus
His wins map, train station, I set up on right.
his team was GOWK, Dash, R2, Lobot, JWM, Cas, lobot brings in ugs and mice.
After playing for 6 straight hours and what happened in the last game, I didn't feel like playing anymore. I was spent, tired. Did a couple stupid moves, var nearly dead, Luke dead. I conceded. No point in wasting more time having him soresu every effing attack. :roll:

In conclusion for this amazing tourny, F*CK GOWK.
IN round 4, I agree I should have saved my force to kill Obi, but come on, 20+ attacks soresu? I swear to god, I couldn't believe it. I didn't see that coming at all. Didn't know it would be that ridiculous. See I have only ever played against GOWK when the guy only had 4 or so ForcePoints and was in the fight and no offense to any players, they aren't the best by any stretch of the imagination. But even than when I shot GOWK and he Soresu'd almost all of my attacks, I still managed to get 1 threw. I was for the Ban before this tourny, not only because he is unfair and unfun, but because we have people at each others throats. Now, all I want is to see him Banned. DO NOT TURN THIS INTO A GOWK THREAD PLEASE, I was just expression my immense amount of annoyance at the piece in my final words.


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 Post subject: Re: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:55 pm 
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I suppose it’d be a good idea if I posted the results of my games... A few times I forgot/stopped writing stuff down, so if the details are “sketchy”, don’t blame me! Hahaha

I went with a very common GOWK/Dash squad (I believe a player named Nefertiti created it). I know Dean/Bill/Aaron have all played it recently, so I’m not a hundred percent sure who the creator -truly- is.

--GDJ Control--
55 General Obi-Wan Kenobi
28 Dash Rendar, Renegade Smuggler
27 Lobot
26 Jedi Weapon Master
9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid
5 Caamasi Noble
Map: Train Station

Game 1, verses Kaz-Klar
48 Shado Vao
28 Dash Rendar, Renegade Smuggler
23 Jarael
18 Twi'lek Black Sun Vigo
10 Jagged Fel
8 Wicket
6 Mouse Droid x2
9 Ugnaught Demolitionist x3
Map: Massasi Temple

I won map and chose his map, the Massasi Temple. My reinforcements were three ugnaughts, two mice and a caamasi noble (in all but one later game, I went with four ugnaughts, a mouse and a noble). Kaz deferred so I took the right side!

We slowly advanced towards the middle, neither of us being brave enough to open the door blocking our squads… Near the end of the first round, I had a chance to lock open a door -- giving Dash to a no-cover shot on Shado. I hit three times, and he made one of his two deflects. I won the second initiative and locked the door with Lobot, keeping Dash safe!

Near the middle of the second round, Jarael ran up nine squares and based Obi/JWM/a Noble (the three of them were blocking the middle pathway) and attacked the JWM three times. Hitting once and critting once -- I failed my block and took thirty damage. Thankfully, I wasn’t “shock staffed”!

Later on in the round, his Dash got a shot on my JWM in cover, needing 13’s to hit. He hit three times in a row and I failed my lightsaber deflect. Dead JWM. Stinky VASSAL.

Dash finished off Jarael and shortly after that, Shado got into the action (killing R2 and basing a 60-hp Dash!!). Lobot was the hero of the day, locking Dash and my fodder on the other side of the door while GOWK and Shado duked it out.

In the end, I managed a victory while GOWK (with full hit points, negating somewhere around 90-damage) mopped up the competition.


Game 2, verses StriderRe (Brian)
21 Yuuzhan Vong Shaper
80 Yuuzhan Vong Jedi Hunter x4
19 Yomin Carr
11 Advance Agent, Officer
6 Advance Scout
6 Mouse Droid x2
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2
Map: Throne Room

I won map again, went with his map, again. The crazy part was that I won every map roll *but* the game verses TINT!

He took the left side (Lobot brought in four Caamasi Nobles) and set up first. I knew it was cheap, but my only choice was to form a wall of “free nobles”, pick off his ugnaughts and lock myself in gambit for victory.

Placement was pretty major in that game, but that single initiative was big also. Strider did a pretty good job of summing up the game, but the part that needs to be clarified, is that even if Brian *had* won the massively-huge initiative, I still would’ve been able to run away with Dash and hide behind a door I had already blocked with nobles. It was just a bad match up from the start, and having an all-melee squad didn’t help :(


Game 3, verses Hman73
55 General Obi-Wan Kenobi
28 Dash Rendar, Renegade Smuggler
27 Lobot
26 Jedi Weapon Master
9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
Map: Cloud City
(His Reinforcements -- Jawa Scavenger and two Mouse Droids)

I won the map roll, again-again and picked his map, again-again... (okay, I’ll stop with that.)

He chose the left side and set up first. Near the end of the first round, my Dash managed to pull off a double/twin on his GOWK, landing twenty and costing him some force points. Failure seemed to be trend with his GOWK’s saves, at first. Little did I know what I was in store for, later on...

The next round, shots were fired, his Jawa missed my R2 (needing a 9) which was very pleasant, his GOWK rushed my GOWK/JWM, my Caamasi’ blocked his JWM away from the rest of his squad and things progressed like that. Overall, it was still managing to go in his favor until Hunter made the mistake of leaving his Dash activated and within eighteen squares of my Dash/R2. I promptly killed him. In the following round, I picked off his Lobot/ugnaught as I tired to get Dash and R2 out of harms way...

That should’ve been game right there, until Hunter’s GOWK decided to start making his saves, and *boy* did he make a lot. In the end though, with the combined efforts of GOWK/JWM/Dash/my Ugnaught who rolled a lucky 19, I managed to pull him down and Hunter called it then.


Game 4, verses Echo
54 Kyle Katarn, Jedi Battle Master
26 Kyp Durron
23 General Wedge Antilles
18 Twi’lek Black Sun Vigo
10 Luke Skywalker, Force Spirit
9 General Dodonna
3 Mouse Droid
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2
His Map: Something I didn’t want to play on. I forget, but I chose my map anyway.

He deferred to me and I set up on the left hand side (inside the train), he set up inside his train too. Not much happened near the start, besides my Dash having a chance to kill his two ugnaughts if I locked open one of his doors with R2. I attacked four times and thankfully, he failed his fourth evade. Sadly, I only killed that one ugnaught before he rushed me with Kyle.

He Echo won the following initiative and grenade’d Dash/R2/Ugo/Caamasi. R2 and the Caamasi lived, but Dash and the Ugnaught each took forty!! Ouch! After that, GOWK and the JWM moved in, while Dash and R2 fell back. Echo used Kyp to attack my JWM, hitting once, which I promptly riposted for twenty.

In the end, Kyp fell to another riposte before Kyle killed the JWM. By that point in time, though, it was too late. GOWK had negated around eighty damage before Kyle fell and my squad closed in on his support.


--In between the 4th and 5th rounds, I found out about the Playoffs... Albeit, I was a tad bit peeved at this news (both DLV’s and TINT’s squads scare the living daylights out of me!!!), but I wasn’t about to stop when I still had a chance at winning!--

Game 5, verses DarkLordVerjal
48 Vader’s Apprentice Redeemed
28 Luke Skywalker, Hoth Pilot Unleashed
27 Han Solo, Smuggler
14 General Rieekan
9 General Dodonna
8 R2-D2
9 Ugnaught Demolitionist x3
6 Mouse Droid x2
Map: Taris Undercity

I won map and chose my map, since Taris is a beastly map to face his squad on. He took the right hand side and I set up in the train.

The first two rounds passed without shots being fired, but I realized he was just building up force points before he came out to face me, so near the start of the third round, I started moving up my fodder near his Jedi. He kept spinning his fodder, so I towed GOWK within six squares of Luke (behind two ugnaughts, for protection from push!) and pushed him into a pit. He made his save (after spending a force point) and took thirty damage... After that, my JWM ran into the small room where his Rieekan, Dodonna, ugnaught and mouse were hiding, and a mouse droid of mine blocked the way. My fodder kept pouring in, giving all my characters plenty of protection! Rather than pushing me, Zack moved VAR eight squares and rolled for initiative.

He won and pushed my GOWK/R2/fodder; dealing fifty damage to himself (GOWK was un-activated with a fprr) and giving me a perfect opportunity to kill his Luke with an assault from my JWM and a 12-square-movement from GOWK (I made his only SSM save on the AoO from VAR). After that, Dash did sixty to his apprentice and we called it game.


Game 6, verses ThereIsNoTry
45 Luke’s Snowspeeder
27 Han Solo, Smuggler
27 Lobot
20 Princess Leia
14 General Rieekan
9 General Dodonna
8 Juno Eclipse
Map: Taris Undercity
(His Reinforcements -- Mice, Ugos, something else, I forget!!)

As I stated above, Trevor won map, so I took the left side.

One of my first activations in the first round, was to use GOWK to open up the horizontal-door on the left and later on to lock open the door on the opposing side of the map with Lobot. Dash managed to kill off one of TINT’s mice (mouse!) and an ugnaught, but it cost the life of Lobot. Not sure if it was worth it or not, still debating that.

Damage went back and forth, with nothing really happening for most of the game. Han missed a few shots and I missed a few chances at victory (two of my ugnaughts had a chance *each* to roll a nine. If I had rolled the nine, I would’ve won the game without the critical hit on Han!) along the way, but it ended with GOWK critting on Han for the win. There was always the chance of an ugnaught rolling a 12 on Han... The world may never know.


All in all, the tournament was a blast. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have won that game verses TINT, but luck was on my side (keep in mind, thats the only 20 I had rolled all game! :P )

I'm really glad Dean (and Jonny!) were able to host this tournament and I'm excited to see you all at GenCon!

I wrote:
<Joruus> - (its VASSAL, so you'll crit or roll a 1)
*** 1d20B = 1 *** <Yodarulz>

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 Post subject: Re: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:43 pm 
The One True Sith Lord
The One True Sith Lord
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Squad/Player list and Final Standings:

Phillip C (Joruus)
Squad: GOwk, JWm, Dash, Lobot, Doombot, Camaasi Noble
Map: Train Station

Trevor P (Thereisnotry)
Squad: Luke SS, Rieekan, Dodonna, Princess Leia, Han SMuggler, Lobot
Map: Taris

Joe A (Kael Dronna/Crath Lade)
Squad: Gowk, Lobot, Dash, Roron Corob, Doombot, uggies x 2
Map: Ravaged Base

Zack K (DarkLord Verjal)
Squad: Han SMuggler, Rieekan, Luke HPU, VAR, R2D2
Map: Taris

Brian Re (Strider)
Squad: Vong JH x 3, Shaper, Agent Officer,
Map: Not sure

Chris T (Boba52)
Squad: Luke SS, Rieekan, Dodonna, Princess Leia, Han SMuggler, Lobot, Juno
Map: Starship (hardboard)

Jari T (Gren/Ein_Elf)
Squad: Lord Vader, Thrawn (new Thrawn), Ozzel, x4 Grans, x4 uggies, Mas
Map: Hardboard

Phillip P (Darth Raven)
Squad: Han GH, Shado, Jarael, x2 uggies, Dodonna, Czerka
Map: Cloud City

Daniel (Echo)
Squad: Kyle K JBM, Kyp, Luke FS, Dodonna, Twilek BSV
Map: Ravaged Base

Matt P (Mt Magus)
Squad: Gowk, JWM, Dash, Lobot, Camaasi Noble, Doombot

Owen (Rebel Hero)
Squad: Crix Madine, Elite Rebel Commandos x 3, Princess Leia, Han RH, Mouse Droids
Map: Death Star

Jon (Jonnyb815)
Squad: Gungans
Map: Jedi Temple

Andrew H (Kaz-Klar)
Squad: Shado Vao,

Hunter (Hman73)
Squad: Gowk, JWM, Dash, Lobot, Doombot

Erik (ukez)

Round 1:

Owen (1-0) beats Chris T (0-1)
Joe (1-0) beats Phillip P (0-1)
Brian (1-0) beats Jonny (0-1)
Daniel (1-0) beats Matt (0-1)
Trevor (1-0) beats Erik (0-1)
Zack (1-0) beats Hunter (0-1) got reported wrong by one of them so we had to fix later
Phillip C (1-0) beats Andrew (0-1)
Jari gets a bye (1-0)

Round 2:

Trevor (2-0) beats Owen (1-1)
Phillip C (2-0) beats Brian (1-1)
Joe (2-0) beats Daniel (1-1)
Hunter (1-1) beats Andrew (0-2)
Zack (2-0) beats Erik (0-2)
Matt (1-1) beats Phillip P (0-2)
Chris T (1-1) beats Jari (1-1)

Jonnyb dropped

Round 3:

Joe (3-0) beats Trevor (2-1)
Phillip C (3-0) beats Hunter ( 1-2)
Matt (2-1) beats Andrew (0-3)
Daniel (2-1) beats Owen (1-2)
Zack (3-0) beats Brian (1-2)
Chris (2-1) beats Phillip P (0-3)
Erik (1-2) beats Jari (1-2)

Round 4:

Joe (4-0) beats Zack (3-1)
Phillip C (4-0) beats Daniel (2-2)
Trevor (3-1) beats Matt (2-2)
Chris (3-1) beats Hunter(1-3)
Erik (2-2) beats Owen (1-3)
Brian (2-2) beats Phillip P (0-4)

Jari drops and so does Phillip P


Trevor (4-1) beats Joe (4-1)
Phillip C (5-0) beats Zack (3-2)

Final Match on the Evening:

Phillip (6-0) beats Trevor (4-2)

Final Standings:
1st - Phillip Carlise
2nd - Trevor Payton
3rd - Joe Alogna
4th - Zack Koester
5th - Chris Torgeson
6th - Daniel Stephens
7th - Brian Re
8th - Erik Nilsson
9th - Matt Peterson
10th - Hunter Williams
11th - Owen Laufersweiler
12th - Andrew Harding
13th - Jon Brook
14th - Phillip Porth
15th - Jari Tack

After the Tourney I went online and purchased Phillips Gencon badge. So he will be there for sure!!!! Great Job to everyone and thanks for participating.

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 Post subject: Re: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:31 pm 
Sith Infiltrator
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dnemiller wrote:
Zack (1-0) beats Hunter (0-1) got reported wrong by one of them so we had to fix later

I reported Zack beat hunter, it was entered wrong by someone who will remain nameless...


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 Post subject: Re: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:23 pm 
Site Admin
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Man that first loss hurt me way more than I ever thought. I really wish I could have watched TINT's second round match. I would have learned a TON darn it.

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 Post subject: A riveting report from the middle of nowhere, #8 in the SWMG
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:00 am 
Black Sun Thug
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Win/Loss 2-2


32 Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
27 Lobot
23 Echani Handmaiden
15 Stormtrooper Commander
14 Imperial Officer
13 Amanin Scout
11 Amiral Ozzel
8 Mas Amedda
4 Gran Raider
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

Map: Chancellor's Starship

I won every map init and always chose Chancellor's Starship. And in every game except #3 my opponent chose the left side. Not really a huge disadvantage as this squad is capable of getting through both doors first round and let the Echani shoot at any exposed targets. This being a somewhat complex maneuver which depends on the rarely seen Amanin Scout and is executed by a non standard squad at the end of the first round with little or no chance of responding meant there was a fair chance of catching exposed figures and take an early lead. As opposed to the first round gambit lead typically gained by a player choosing the left side of Chancellor's Starship. Most games Lobot brought the maximum amount of activations (3 Ugnaught Demolitionists, 1 Mouse Droid and 2 Gran Raiders) to secure the desired number of outactivations.

Game #1 vs thereisnotry

45 Luke’s Snowspeeder
27 Han Solo, Smuggler
27 Lobot /with 6 activations
20 Princess Leia
14 General Rieekan
9 General Dodonna
8 Juno Eclipse

Map: Chancellor's Starship

Unfortunately I forgot to place my Stormtrooper Commander on the map in this game. Ehrm... Good news is his absence was felt dearly. (Before his absence was even noticed.) Now, had it not been felt it would have suggested the figure was superfluous and and the squad for this reason poorly constructed. As it was, the missing activation he would have provided proved immediately crucial. When the Echani was about to go for the first round barrage, I was one activation short and the Echani hit a locked door instead. (A larger screen or just better attention would probably still have allowes for the shots, though without the bonus attack from the Imperial Officer.) That said, the Echani not being able to benefit from the Stormtrooper Commanders + 10 damage meant she would do 20 instead of 30 damage with opportunist. Which against Luke's Snowspeeder meant a 50% reduction of damage output. With the Snowspeeder capable of eliminating the Echani with one attack from 16+ squares, this was always a difficult matchup at best. Now my opponent merely advanced at his leisure, taking no chances and minimizing the neglible threat from my units. The presence of Juno was particularily useful when kept close to the Snowspeeder. This cripples any attempts from opponents dependent on CE's, to circumvent the (rerolled) Evade by basing the Snowspeeder. Similar in effect to the Kyle Battlemaster/General Wedge combo. Suffice to say the units doing the most damage to my opponent was probably the Ugnaughts which managed to crit the Snowspeeder twice. End result was something like 70 - 0 in thereisnotry's favor. A great result. For me, considering the end state of the game.

Game #2 vs DarkLordVerjal

48 Vader’s Apprentice Redeemed
28 Luke Skywalker, Hoth Pilot Unleashed
27 Han Solo, Smuggler
14 General Rieekan
9 General Dodonna
8 R2-D2
9 Ugnaught Demolitionist x3
6 Mouse Droid x2

Map: Chancellor's Starship

This game was an improvement, with all squad members being accounted for in the beginning. Still manages to make a setup mistake as the Amanin is one square too far away to play its part in opening both doors for a centre barrage. But instead a secondary opportunity is found by using the top approach where swapping the Amanin for the Echani allows her to take out R2 for the lead. Having done so it would have been possible to retreat behind a nearby corner. Instead the Echani advances some more to get a fairly redundant Imperial Officer CE shot at an Ugnaught. It's evaded. Now I only need not to roll a "1" for init and the Echani will be swapped to safety. I roll a "1" however and VAR eliminates the Echani with a Force Push. With the only shooter eliminated the situation is bleak. However, if I can manage to eliminate his Ugnaughts and then exploit my override and activation advantage, perhaps all is not completely lost. Also the Amanin hits at +11 for 40 when fully boosted so with some luck both Luke and Han could be taken out with two attacks. First the Ugnaughts though and the Amanin eliminates one of them. Now I only need not to roll a "1" for init and swap the Amanin to safety. I roll a "1" and Luke kills the Amanin with a Force Push. Right... take that. Still solid play by DarkLordVerjal who did what was necessary to capitalize on the opportunities given.

Game #3 vs Gren

71 Lord Vader
32 Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
11 Admiral Ozzel
8 Mas Amedda
16 Gran Raider x4
12 Ugnaught Demolitionist x4

Map: Chancellor's Starship

Very good matchup for my squad. Lord Vader does not like being outactivated. Lobot's reinforcements made sure he was. And this time there was no setup mistakes. At the end of the first round the Echani moves into the Throne Room and clears out three fodder units. With Lord Vader being even more outactivated, the game turns into a frantic push were Gren sacrifices all his fodder to open the last door to the Throne Room for Lord Vader. This in order to place him where with a won init he could wipe out the Echani. Else she only needs one activation to take Lord Vader out. Gren moves one fodder piece to open the door and next activation said fodder piece is killed. Many a fodder dies there. Finally Mas Amedda manages to open the door and Vader moves out. But now my opponent is basically down to only Mas, Vader and Thrawn. Next round Gren wins init though and successfully eliminates the Echani. It proves futile however, as my secondary shooters boosted by Thrawn manages to in turn eliminate Lord Vader for the win. I'd say the B&B shares have been declining at least since the introduction of Dodonna and the appearance of Mitth'raw'nuruodo has not managed to reverse this trend.

Game #4 vs Rebel Hero

35 Han Solo, Rebel Hero
20 Princess Leia
18 Rebel Commando Strike Leader
48 Elite Rebel Commando
16 General Crix Madine
12 Mouse Droid x4

Map: Chancellor's Starship

At last a game where Lobot did not have to bring in only activations to outactivate properly. Instead two Dark Hellion Swoop Bikes are called upon to serve the Empire. And while my opponent has three override units, they won't be as useful when unable to activate last. First round, opponent finally outactivated, the Echani moves to land the first barrage using the central approach. Due to the "emergence" of a hidden wall she may only target a mouse droid however. And when all six attacks fizzles miserably the droid remains unscratched. Next round my opponent continues to advance slowly. Once he's outactivated the same procedure as last round is performed, move the Amanin to a forward central position and swap it for the Echani. This time however softer and more rewarding targets are available and both Princess Leia and an Elite Rebel Commando is taken out. Now only need not to roll a "1" for init and move the Echani to safety... This time Thrawn does not fumble it though and the Echani is safe. While my opponent in return eliminates Lobot, he's still down on points. And being forced to advance with squishy units while severely outactivated and facing squad wide opportunist is not a great situatation. Instead my opponent seems to play it safe. I make a late round move where the Swoop bikes with a swap and an attack from the Imperial Officer destroys a Mouse Droid nearly 24 squares away. Fun but fairly inconsequential. Last round neither player makes any significant moves which results in a small margin victory for me.

Viewed as a showing of this squads capabilites it was not a very productive evening. The first game was over before it started. The second game may have provided some hints about just exactly how careful you should be with the 40 hp shooter you are completely dependent on, but did not really seem to say anything about what the typical performance might be. Third game was a great matchup and pretty useless as a test. On its own, the fourth game which was against a fairly unproven squad does not say much. Still, as far as imperial swap squads are concerned I would take this one over B&B.


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 Post subject: Re: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:56 am 
One of The Ones
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Congrats to Phillip! Nicely done man!

Joruus Cbaoth wrote:
I went with a very common GOWK/Dash squad (I believe a player named Nefertiti created it). I know Dean/Bill/Aaron have all played it recently, so I’m not a hundred percent sure who the creator -truly- is.

LOL. Look at the creation date for Nefertiti's version on Bloomilk, then go look at my squads and look at the creation date. Not to say that anyone "creates" squads though, as we'd all tossed it around. But I played that build on May 2nd in a Vassal tourney, and hadn't seen it before then. But it's the same one that Dean used in Missouri, and I used at Cincy, Owensboro, and Chicago, and Bill and Matt used it in Chicago as well. I personally came to feel like it was the most well-balanced, and the double Override in particular was brutal. Which, sounds like you used the double-Override to great effect in your games, so well done with that!

As for the game with Strider, sounds like it definitely would've made some difference if he'd been able to win that init and kill R2, as it would've kept you from being able to do a double lock-out victory. With only being able to lock one door at a time, might've been a way for him to kill off those Caamasi somehow and squeak in there. Hard to say though, as I don't know anything beyond what you guys reported here. Sounds like you played it superbly though. Using 4 Caamasi instead of just going for Mouse Droids was pretty gutsy, IMO. At least the Mice can't get hit by Spit Poison or Thud Bug, but it sounds like you positioned well enough to keep the Caamasi from getting targetted period, so well done!

On its own, the fourth game which was against a fairly unproven squad does not say much. Still, as far as imperial swap squads are concerned I would take this one over B&B.

I wouldn't say that. Rebel Hero took 4th place at two different regionals with that squad. I'd say it's a pretty decent squad. I'm certainly impressed that you did so well with a squad based around a 40 HP piece. That's tough to pull off consistently, so well done there!

I really wish I could've participated in this one, I just had several other things going on Saturday. Sounds like you all had a great time though!

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:51 pm 
Imperial Dignitaries
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In the weeks leading up to this tournament, I wasn't sure what to play. I knew I'd face a lot of GOWK, but I didn't really want to use him myself either. And then I saw TimmerB's report, about his Speedy Smuggler Cannon, and I liked how it looked.
Squad: Luke SS, Rieekan, Dodonna, Princess Leia, Han SMuggler, Lobot
Map: Taris
It wasn't really a GOWK-counter, because it didn't have a solid way of killing GOWK...but it could be pretty effective against his support. In a practice game I discovered that I really liked the playstyle of this squad, and also that Timmer's map-choice of Taris was spot-on. So, kudos to Timmer for creating such an excellent squad! :) Apparently, he used it much more defensively and conservatively than I did...but then again, I prefer to play more aggressively anyway. I might have been wiser to adopt his approach.

On to the reports:

Round 1: Erik (Ukezwoll)
Mitthrawn, Lobot, Echani Handmaiden, Stormtrooper Commander, Imperial Officer, Amanin Scout, Amiral Ozzel, Mas Amedda, Gran Raider, Ugnaught. His reinforcements were 2x Gran, 3 Ugs, and a 2 mice. Map: Chancellor's Starship

Erik won the map roll, so we played on the C's Starship, and I took the left for easy first round gambit. I had two big advantages going for me: 1) the SS's DR10 and Evade, and 2) Juno's Disruptive. As we discovered halfway through the match, he was missing his STC, which would've been much more helpful for the handmaiden...as it was, the most she could do was 40dmg per round to the SS, if all 4 attacks hit and I made no evade saves. I played conservatively at first (locking doors, picking off activations), knowing that Erik only needed 1 good round of Amanin/Handmaiden swapping to really put a pile of hurt on my squad. Eventually I was able to kill the Handmaiden, and it was cleanup after that (though some 30dmg crits by scrubs were impactful), and my SS finished with 20 hp.

Round 2: Owen (Rebel Hero)
Squad: Crix Madine, Elite Rebel Commandos x 3, Princess Leia, Han RH, Mouse Droids
Map: Death Star

Quite honestly, this squad scared me when I looked at it. Those ERCs could make some heavy 50 dmg shots at my SS (10 base, 20 from Crix, 10 from Han, 20 from Ion Gun, -10 from my DR10). Luckily, they were at best only +11 with Cunning (need 13s to hit the SS) or +15 at best with Leia’s CE (need a 9). Since my squad was entirely shooters, I would have a hard time getting in there to remove the super-stealth. My only advantage was that he didn’t have Dodonna, so I could easily out-activate him with Lobot’s reinforcements. I won the map roll and chose Taris; Owen chose the right side. The first round or two was positioning, with the ERCs taking a few shots at the SS, shots which either missed or were evaded. Late in Round 3, I knew it was time to strike. Crix and his Disruptive were trapped behind an ERC-locked door, and there was an ERC within striking distance. I could run a Mouse 12 spaces, so that extended Leia’s CE another 6 spaces, which just barely reached the space my SS had to be in order to base my first ERC target. So I ran the mouse, then ran the SS, then Leia gave her CE to the SS, and both shots hit, so there was 1 less ERC to worry about. I won the next init, so I activated the SS (important because it removed +4/+30 from his ERC’s damage output vs the SS), and charged another ERC, to hit for 40 dmg more, and then backed up...he could either negate evade by coming out to base the SS (thereby leaving the 10hp ERC without the benefit of cover and ripe for a counter-attack by Han/Leia/Juno), or shoot at +7 vs evade and run away. He chose the second option. I won the next init, so I again activated the SS and finished off the 10hp ERC. The last ERC dropped later on that round. It was that perfect-distance-charge in the end of Round 3 that turned the tables. Without that move, I don’t think I could’ve won. Great game, very intense!

Round 3: Joe (Kael Dronna)
Squad: Gowk, Lobot, Dash, Roron Corob, Doombot, uggies x 2
Map: Ravaged Base
His reinforcement was Lando DS, and mine were a Human BH, 2 Mice, and 1 Ug. He won the map roll, so we played on Ravaged Base. I chose the right side. At the end of Round 1, I killed R2 and an Ug, plus I gained Gambit pts, so I had a significant lead. Next round, he charged with Obi to put 20dmg on my SS. Then I made a really dumb move (apparently, Dean and Jonny, who were watching, were banging their foreheads over the idiocy of it); I flew my SS in to kill Lobot, before Dash, Lando, and Roron had activated. So I killed off his last door control...but now my SS was at 20 hp. Luckily, I won init (thanks to Rieekan’s Recon), so I flew my SS away. I could’ve taken a twin attack vs a 30hp Roron, but I wanted to save the speeder; it turns out I should’ve just gone for the kill. Obi based Han and critted (Han now at 30 hp), then GOWK proceeded to avoid all my attacks with Obi’s SSM. Joe won the next init, so he ran Obi to kill the SS. Now I was in serious trouble, so I ran my squad into the Command Center, blocked the doorway with a Mouse Droid, and locked the big door with Lobot. I was able to base Lando with a 12-square Han-Leia combo, and kill him off. Now it was just Dash (70 hp), GOWK (120hp, 5 FP) and Roron (30hp, 2 FP) left, and my only solid attacker was a 10 hp Han, supplemented by a 10hp Bodyguard, Rieekan, Leia, Juno, and Lobot. I placed that last 30dmg on Roron twice, but both times he deflected it. Leia hit him once for 20dmg. Then Han needed a 5 to hit...rolled a 4, Rieekan needed a 10 to hit...rolled a 9...Juno needed 14 to hit...rolled a 13. :rolleyes: If any of those had hit, I would’ve been fine. I could’ve locked my 4 most expensive pieces in the turbolift in gambit, and won on points. However, since Roron survived so long (deflected 140dmg on 3 shots), I lost my BG and Han to Dash’s barrages (even with Evade). Now it was 10 hp Leia, along with Rieekan, Juno and Lobot, vs a 50hp Dash and an untouched Obi. We were exactly tied on points, so I couldn’t lock myself into the turbolift, because he would end the game with a piece closer to the center of the map. So I had to come out and fight, and I lost. It was a great game, and very exhausting. Superb play by Joe to overcome my door control.

Supper break. My wife cooked her epic pasta...just what I needed!

Round 4: Matt (MtMagus)
Squad: Gowk, JWM, Dash, Lobot, Camaasi Noble, Doombot
Map: Bespin
Matt’s reinforcements were a Jawa Scavenger and fodder, while mine were Mice, Ugs, and a Noble. Matt and I have played vs each other a lot before, and he’s always a tough opponent. I won the map roll (Taris) and Matt chose the left side, setting up near the top. This allowed me to put 50dmg on Dash (failed Evade) and kill R2 at the end of Round 1, and then kill Lobot (with the SS) and his Jawa (with Juno!) near the beginning of Round 2. At the beginning of Round 3, I finished off Dash and based his last Ugnaught (so I could lock out the impossible GOWK). However, this allowed the JWM and Obi to put 60dmg on the SS. Luckily, I won the next init, so I killed the Ug and ran my SS to safety. Soon the JWM was out of FP, and so I finished it off in the following round. Then it was GOWK vs my whole squad, and GOWK was out of FPs. Matt’s SSM saves were horrible (he had to use so many FPs to reroll), and GOWK fell within 2-3 rounds. This is the only time I have been able to kill off GOWK in a competitive match...and I could only do it because it was GOWK (and bad dice) vs my whole squad.

Round 5: Joe (Kael Dronna) again
At this point, I was in 4th place and so I was paired with Joe (Kael Dronna) again for the first round of the playoffs.
I won’t repeat the squads again, but Joe won map again, and this time (thanks to his advice after the earlier game), I took the left side of Ravaged Base. He brought Lando DS again, and I brought a Caamasi, Mice, and Ugs. This game didn’t go so well for Joe. I was able to kill off R2 in the end of Round 1. Then at the end of Round 2 I killed Lobot with Han, and also killed Dash when Han rolled a crit with Leia’s CE (70dmg) and Dash failed the evade save. Roron died the next round (not so much luck with Deflect this time). After that, GOWK stepped into a turbolift to kill one of my Ugs, so I locked him inside, because there was no way I was going to let a full-hp GOWK out to have his way with my squad. At that point, the score was 115-10, so I won on Gambit.

Round 6: Philip (Joruus)
Squad: GOWK, JWM, Dash, Lobot, Doombot, Camaasi Noble
Map: Train Station
Beyond my expectations, I found myself playing in the Finals vs Joruus. Throughout the tournament, we were joking that we just KNEW we’d be paired together at some point (because it’s happened so often in the past)...but I don’t think either of us expected it to be in the Finals, battling for a Gencon badge.
I won the map roll, so I chose Taris; Joruus set up on the left. His reinforcements were a Caamasi, 3 Ugs, and 2 Mice. Mine were the same, but +1 MD and -1 Ug . Joruus played really well. He used his fodder to screen his important pieces (Dash, R2, JWM) from the SS, even though he did lose Lobot in the first round and R2 in the 2nd, both to Han. I had a number of chances to really pour the damage onto the JWM and Dash, but either Joruus’ evades were hot, or my dice were off (Han rolled a 1 on a killing shot vs the JWM, my SS rolled 7s and 5s for most of his shots). As a result, they lasted much longer than I would’ve liked. All the while, I was locking doors and manoeuvring to place more distance between my troops and Joruus’. Dash killed my Lobot when Joruus won an init. Eventually I was able to base a 40hp Dash with the SS...but I only hit 1 attack, even with the fprr. Dash was down to 20 hp. I mobiled away, to avoid having my SS based by the JWM, and then Joruus smartly filled in the gap with fodder again, so my SS couldn’t finish him off next round. I won the next init and flew away to finish off the JWM which had been dropped to 20 hp by Han. Joruus responded by killing the SS with Dash and GOWK. At the end of that round, I made a crazy move and found a LOS on Dash with Han, and hit the shot (hurray!)...and after some post-rolling LOS-checking by Joruus, he failed the evade. So now it was GOWK and some fodder vs most of my squad. I was up on points and would have won if I had stalled for 20 seconds...but that`s not my style. We rolled init and I won with recon. In my exhausted mental state, I neglected to notice that GOWK didn’t have enough FP to push, otherwise I would’ve taken an AoO from GOWK and retreated behind some mice. So instead, I shot GOWK (SSM saved it) and hoped that GOWK couldn’t roll a crit on his double attack. He did. Oh well, that’s the way the dice roll sometimes. Joruus needed to win the badge more than I did (I’ve got a full-time job), so it was a good end result. Furthermore I’ve been trying to help him build his confidence for Gencon...I guess this helps, eh? :D This was a super-close game, and Joruus played it superbly (especially with all that fodder-interference!). Great game, Joruus!

So, there it was. My first Regional tournament, and I had a great time; I even placed second! Hmm, I’ve done that before....:) I was exhausted by the end, for sure, but it was awesome! Thanks again to Dean and Jonny for organizing it. I can`t wait to see many of you at Gencon....

"Try not! Do, or do not. Thereisnotry." --Yoda

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 Post subject: Re: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:37 pm 
Jedi Knight
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LoboStele wrote:

As for the game with Strider, sounds like it definitely would've made some difference if he'd been able to win that init and kill R2, as it would've kept you from being able to do a double lock-out victory. With only being able to lock one door at a time, might've been a way for him to kill off those Caamasi somehow and squeak in there. Hard to say though, as I don't know anything beyond what you guys reported here. Sounds like you played it superbly though. Using 4 Caamasi instead of just going for Mouse Droids was pretty gutsy, IMO. At least the Mice can't get hit by Spit Poison or Thud Bug, but it sounds like you positioned well enough to keep the Caamasi from getting targetted period, so well done!

no i was able to get 3 spits or thuds off and the caamasi but saved 2 of them. and you know i blame you for the lose since you are the one who told me to choose that map :P

if i was able to kill r2 he would of had to come to me becasue it would of been me 9 him 6 since the only thing he killled was the 2 uggos


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 Post subject: Re: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:21 pm 
Unnamed Wookiee
Unnamed Wookiee
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Most of my tournament has been told by other people, so I'll let you piece it together from there. After four round or five round games, I usually talk to my opponent, point out things that should've been done, or should not have because I won't face them again, which.... had I known there would've been a playoff at the end of the tourney, I would not have, which meant my playoff game automatically put me at a disadvantage because of the advice I had given him based on map, knowing this, I should've deferred to him on Map choice, but I didn't, being tired, hungry, frustrated, etc. Not to dumb down his victory, it was well earned (Not going to comment on the lockout victory, we all know how 'un-spartan' that is). But, without beating the dead horse, congrats Joruus, and Trevor.

Has anyone reserved a gencon badge that won one in the regional, if so let me know, I want to buy it. I couldn't reserve mine in time.

However, I must sing a song to the Hero of the Day, Roron Corobb, Deflector, Bait, Confuser, and Beater. Roron Corobb, you win the MVP of the tournament.

I don't think there was a single game where Roron didn't do something absolutely pivotal to the match, such as...

Round 1- He unleashed his Force Repulse on Czerka Scientist and Han, GH, eliminating one, and mortally injuring the other, only to beat the unkilled next turn.

Round 2- He forced my opponent to scatter his squad, hiding them into the top room on Ravaged base, where GOWK push-killed his entire squad

Round 3- Deflected 140 damage, as well as dealing 80+ to various pieces, keeping the focus off of GOWK and Dash, enough to let a full HP GOWK cut a bloody swath through the remaining Rebels

Round 4- Apparently his reputation preceded him, as my opponent focused all push power to get rid of him, instead of Ol' GOWK. Gave GOWK 6 rounds to kill VAR and Luke, HPU.

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
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I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

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 Post subject: Re: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:12 pm 
Black Sun Thug
Black Sun Thug
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LoboStele wrote:

I wouldn't say that. Rebel Hero took 4th place at two different regionals with that squad. I'd say it's a pretty decent squad. I'm certainly impressed that you did so well with a squad based around a 40 HP piece. That's tough to pull off consistently, so well done there!

Thanks! And I did not know that. Those are respectable results indeed, which does make a difference especially given how the squad was also used by the very player achieving them.


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 Post subject: Re: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:09 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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StriderRe80 wrote:
LoboStele wrote:

As for the game with Strider, sounds like it definitely would've made some difference if he'd been able to win that init and kill R2, as it would've kept you from being able to do a double lock-out victory. With only being able to lock one door at a time, might've been a way for him to kill off those Caamasi somehow and squeak in there. Hard to say though, as I don't know anything beyond what you guys reported here. Sounds like you played it superbly though. Using 4 Caamasi instead of just going for Mouse Droids was pretty gutsy, IMO. At least the Mice can't get hit by Spit Poison or Thud Bug, but it sounds like you positioned well enough to keep the Caamasi from getting targetted period, so well done!

no i was able to get 3 spits or thuds off and the caamasi but saved 2 of them. and you know i blame you for the lose since you are the one who told me to choose that map :P

if i was able to kill r2 he would of had to come to me becasue it would of been me 9 him 6 since the only thing he killled was the 2 uggos

LOL That'll teach you to protect your Ugos on Round 1 better. :P

Yeah, I honestly had no idea what would be a better map. Needed to chat with Bill about it probably, or NickName. I know the two of them had been running that squad, but I'm not sure on which map.

Not losing 2 Ugos right off the bat would have helped though. And you gotta blow key doors ASAP against somebody with Double Override.

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: 1st Annual SWMGamers Championship
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:47 am 
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight
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well 1 i positioned bad the other i was waiting to run up to the door becasue i was not going to be able to blow it that round but he made the daring move to fly r2 and dash in and killed it before i activated it


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