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 Post subject: 150 Points Regional Warm-Up, Cincinnati, 5/31/09
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:22 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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We played a 150 point tourney yesterday, with most of us bringing squads to prepare for the Regional next weekend. Unfortunately, there were only 6 players, so not as much testing as I'd like to see. Was hoping to play 4 games, but it turned out OK because he took our time getting started, and then I had to leave pretty much as soon as we were done to get somewhere else that evening.

I went with a GOWK squad for today:

Dash RS

Reinforcements in all three games was a Human Bodyguard, two Mouse Droids and an Ugnaught. My map choice for the day was Bespin, not that it mattered much, lol.

First game was against Jamal, who is a relatively new player (maybe been playing a couple months). This game we played on my map, and he started on the landing pad. He was playing GOWK with a mix of whatever other pieces he could muster (being a new player, not much, competitively anyways). So he had a Human Bodyguard, Wookiee Scoundrel, Echani Handmaiden, two Elite Clone Grenadiers, a Jawa Scavenger, Duros Scout and some other filler. With Jamal being a new player, there wasn't much to say about this game overall. I killed the Bodyguard and a Clone on the first round, then killed the other Clone and something else the next round, both times with Dash. GOWK and the JWM advanced. In round 3 I used GOWK to Push the Jawa, Duros and Echani, and then the JWM finished off the Echani. It came down to his GOWK vs. my whole squad at the end, and I finished off the whole thing with another Push 3 from my GOWK to take down his last 30HP for the kill. Lobo 1-0

Second game was against jedispyder, running an updated variant of his GenCon squad from last year. He had Han ST, Rieekan, Dodonna, Jarael, TBSV, Ithorian Commander, Bib Fortuna, 4 Aqualish Assassins, Juno, and an Ugo (I think that's all of it). We played on his Ruined Base map, and I started on the outside. I made sure that I went after his Ugnaught as soon as possible so that I'd have the double-override advantage, so I managed to pull that off in round 3 or 4 I guess. Round 2 I Tow Cabled Dash into position to shoot at two of his AAs and managed to kill one and put 10 on the other. He rushed my unactivated JWM with Jarael in round 2 trying to activate him, but it didn't hold. She survived that round, but quickly died the next, in the end, not doing much. In round 5 (I think), I towed my JWM to the room just below gambit, where Chris had 3 of his AAs hanging out. I didn't catch the fact that his Bib was relatively close, and he moved the 12 squares and hit my JWM with Cunning and Poison, and of course, I failed both the Poison and Block saves, lol. Luckily, Dash was able to clear Bib out of the way, and then my JWM moved up and used Sweep to kill the rest of Chris' AA's. From there it started being a lot of clean up. Obi and Dash finished off Juno and Han. I towed the JWM to double on the TBSV. Then towed Dash the next round to kill Rieekan and Dodonna. In the end, none of my pieces died.

Final game of the day was against James. He asked me not to reveal his squad, but suffice to say he was running Republic and Boba BH. A squad of shooters, no GOWK. We played on his Train Station map. I'd played this exact match-up with him on Thursday night after our normal tournament, and he won that game at the very end with a Disintegration on GOWK, lol. So I had already learned a bit about what I needed to do in order to beat him. I advanced much more carefully through the rooms on my side of the map, making sure he would have to use his double-Override to shoot at anything in the first round. I managed to pick off one of his key tech pieces in the 2nd round, which helped me a bit, and gave me some confidence in rushing his pieces, as I no longer had to worry about getting activated if I lost init. I sacrificed R2 to get my JWM up close, and he worked on taking out some of the scrubs, and put 20 damage on Boba at the same time. GOWK rushed up behind the JWM, and my Lobot and Dash hung back in the safety of their little room. My bodyguard actually lasted quite long through the whole game, though I realize now that I could've protected him a bit better towards the end. I had him set up such that James was able to target the BG without having LOS to GOWK. Didn't really matter though, as he never rolled a Disintegration this game, and though the BG died, it was free points anyways. In round 4, he locked the door that was between GOWK and Boba, and so I decided to gamble my Lobot to open the door back up (my Ugo wasn't close enough to blow it), and then allow Dash to shoot at Boba. Turned out to be a good choice, because I put 40 damage on Boba with a couple of failed Evades. Round 5 James won init (which he did almost every key round), and he activated Boba first to kill Lobot, then moved Boba adjacent to R2 planning to Tow him away next activation. But he forgot that GOWK had Force Push, so I gladly cleared the scrub out of my way, and killed R2 and put 30 on Boba. Dash managed to hit Boba for another 20 that round, leaving Boba with only 30 left. It was about this point that time was called, and the score was 41 for me (I had 4 rounds of gambit), 53 for James. Lobo 2-1

I realized that I shouldn't have sacrificed Lobot that way, as that gave James 27 points, I ended up not actually getting ANY points immediately in return for it. Would've been better to wait at least one more round to pull that maneuver. So that was what gave James the win. Of course, if I had won initiative that 5th round, I would've been able to hide Lobot, so, 50/50 chance the game could've gone either way. Incidentally, with Boba only having 30 HP left, I likely would've killed him the following round (had enough FPs for Push again), depending on how/where he ran away. Looking at the game now though, it was definitely the move with Lobot that cost me. In the future, I need to remember that if there's a 50/50 chance I'm going to lose 27 points (dependent on initiative), then I need to make sure I'm getting a key number of points in return before I pull a move like that.

In addition, both times I've played this match-up with James, it's been on his map, and he's out-activated me, so I don't have the luxury of trying to make him play on my terms. He's a somewhat slower player, and that stupid Train Station map slows the game WAY down, because you're constantly cross-checking about 10 different LOS all the time. So my only option in a lot of ways was to charge at him, since I knew he would basically sit back on his side of the map and take pot-shots at me. As soon as he got any points lead at all, I would have no choice but to charge. So, instead of waiting for him to get the points lead before I charged, I just started out with that in mind. Worked out decently I guess. That game would be 100% different on my map. :(

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: 150 Points Regional Warm-Up, Cincinnati, 5/31/09
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:12 pm 
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
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I had a horrible time with dice! While I was able to make a lot of saves and such, I could hit worth crap half the time. There were at least 4 occasions where my AA needed a 4 or a 5 to hit and I rolled a 3. Yes, I did roll that same 3 several times. Very annoying when that happens, lol.

Luck was on my side for some games. I only won 1 game, which was against StriderRe's GOWK squad (GOWK, Dash, Rex, R2, filler). He was forced to leave Rex out in the open after R2 towed him into a bunch of dificult terrain and inadvertantly blocked any entrances for Rex to leave through. So I got some great shots off at Rex with that.

The piece that actually screwed me up the most was Jarael. She's hit or miss for me, sometimes not working out all that great and failing miserably. This was one of those occasions, lol. In each game she became a one-trick-pony after I failed most of her Parry saves and attacks. Lobo's JWM was a frickin pain! She was off by like 1 or 2 out of the 3 attacks. Only good thing she did all matches was activate Madman's Kyp (by KKJBM made short work of her after that).

I may just say "smurf it" and throw together a different squad to play. I thought I'd be comfrotable with this but evidently I wasn't. Riekeen did help out some with Evade, but it makes me wonder if 2 more AA would be better than him...

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 Post subject: Re: 150 Points Regional Warm-Up, Cincinnati, 5/31/09
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:23 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Post-GOWK, I think that squad's still got some potential man, so I wouldn't throw it to the wind quite yet. It's VERY easy to forget that all your pieces get Evade (as I did with the AA's). And the JWM's won't be quite so tough if GOWK isn't around to back them up. I know you enjoyed that general style, so I'd be willing to sit down with you sometime and play around with some more options for that squad and see what we can come up with.

In Brian Re's defense, and in defense of his GOWK squad to some degree, lol, he made quite a few errors in his game, the first being that bad placement with Rex. And still I believe it came down to the very last activation that jedispyder had, where he shot at Dash with his TBSV and Strider failed the Evade save. So it was a close match to the last.

I had a fun time ribbing Strider afterwards though, seeing as how he lost to Chris in the first round, then I played Chris in the 2nd round and won without losing a single piece, lol.

I realized that I forgot to post what the other squads were. StriderRe80 (Brian) was running the classic GOWK, Rex, Dash (as JS said above), and The Madman was playing a NR build with Kyle JBM, Kyp, Wedge, TBSV, Dodonna, and filler.

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: 150 Points Regional Warm-Up, Cincinnati, 5/31/09
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:12 pm 
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight
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yea for some reason I was not playing the best on sunday for some reason. My other mistake i made ageist chris is I never had GOWK engage his squad.

As for james squad he got lucky twice. he should of never been able to beat you but that is fine if he believes it gives him a decent shot. I still cannot decide if I want to run the rex or JWM variant.


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