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What is your LGS doing for the CW Release?
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Author:  LoboStele [ Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  What is your LGS doing for the CW Release?

Just curious what everybody is planning to do.

Has there been any word about a 'Clone Wars Day' or scenario like they've done for the LOTF and KOTOR sets? I haven't seen anything. I know there's a new scenario in the November League Kit from what I hear though.

We are planning to do a Sealed Release Event on Saturday @ ACME Games and then another one on Sunday @ Yotta Quest here in Cincinnati.

The only thing we haven't quite figured out yet though is what point level to run. I ran some of the numbers for this set, and the average cost for the figures in the set is only ~20 points per figure. However, that breaks down to ~30 points/figure for the R/VR, and only 10 points/fig for the C/UC. So, we're thinking that if you're lucky enough to pull, say, Sidious and Gha Nachkt, while I'd be happy with those pulls because I know I'd used the pieces, I'd probably end up having a tough time reaching those 150 points.

We're planning to run a Proxy Sealed on Thursday night at ACME, and I think we're going to test an idea....anyone who ends up needing to use 12 or more of their 14 pieces from 2 boosters will be allowed to substitute either the Obi-Wan or the Dooku from the Starter in for their cheapest R/VR. This should help those people reach 150 more easily, and still give them a chance to run a decent squad and win some games. We'll see how it goes.

Back when A&E came out, the WOTC recommendation was to do 120 points for Sealed. I know Lackey started a thread over at the WOTC boards asking this question as well, so we'll see what he learns.

I just thought I'd find out if anybody was doing anything different.

Feel free to post links to your LGS or other stuff if you want to so that people can find the info about your events more easily. Here's the link to the Cincy area event thread which has all the info there (viewtopic.php?f=21&t=709).

Author:  Ruhk [ Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your LGS doing for the CW Release?

I believe there was an official Scenario spoiled over here by Darth Ted..


so far I've not heard heads or tails about any kind of official release events.. maybe WotC still doesn't have its eggs in order for OP yet.

Now if I had an LGS, I'm sure they would be doing something :P

instead Tint is coming over, and we will spend the morning destroying droids and clones and the like.

Author:  Azrakel [ Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your LGS doing for the CW Release?

What is my LGS doing? My LGS is doing nothing. The closest SW minis events for those of us in San Diego are a two-hour drive through L.A. without traffic, and most of them are at rush hour. No, my LGS is massive, but too lazy to host anything other than Magic and Warhammer.[/rant] :evil:

Author:  Boba52 [ Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your LGS doing for the CW Release?

Hey I found one. Thank god gas is cheap now and I'll have to leave work early to make it there at 8:00pm and I won't get home til after 2am, but beggers can't be choosers. :D Monster's Den is doing a sealed 2 booster 150 on 11/5. Yay!!!!

I am still screwed at finding some place that has a league kit around, but at least I will get to play with real live people! :wink:

Author:  LESHIPPY [ Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your LGS doing for the CW Release?

The Lafayette, IN crew is waiting for the official realease tournament news to come down the pipes.

Last time we jumped the gun then only had three guys show up for the official release. I had to wake a fellow player up. Go get him. Just so we would have 4 to be DCI sactioned.

I guess we will wait and see. We have a casual night next Tuesday. Then again 2 weeks later. I would imagine if we haven't heard anything by Tuesday we might have a sealed release tournament on the 18th. That seems like al long way off.

I wish WOTC would pull there sh*t together. It sort of makes me wonder what has changed in the last 6 months that they can't organize a official realease tournament date.

Author:  headache62 [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your LGS doing for the CW Release?

In the Dallas/Fort Worth Metromess..I mean Metroplex, we're having a release game at Heroplex is Watauga. There was some discussion before of a Starter/Booster sealed tourny, but I'm not too excited about that - I'd rather it be a Starter/2 Booster 150 game, but we'll see what happens.

Author:  homer_sapien [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your LGS doing for the CW Release?

LoboStele wrote:
Back when A&E came out, the WOTC recommendation was to do 120 points for Sealed. I know Lackey started a thread over at the WOTC boards asking this question as well, so we'll see what he learns.

That was a rough one. I know at least one person who played at my LGS pulled below 120 points from her 2 boosters and while I pulled 130 points total from mine. Wasn't much of a build as I was at 122 points after dropping my unusable ghost obi.

For CW we're doing 100 points from 2 boosters with a $35 entry fee. I don't know the prizes, but for comparison when KOTOR came out we had 100 points from one booster for $20 with 1st-4th getting 4/3/2/1 boosters plus 2 more random people who placed 5th-nth getting one.

Author:  Lackey [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your LGS doing for the CW Release?

I mentioned this over on the Gleemax thread, last night we tried 150pts from 2 boosters and had no problems. In fact, no one even needed to consider possibly using Obi-wan or Dooku from the starter. Most of the people were able to use all but 3-5 of their miniatures in a 150pt build. It's a good size for this set. I strongly recommend that you encourage everyone though to use the starter maps for the event too - they are great and bring that extra fun of playing in unknown territory into the event!

Author:  jedispyder [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your LGS doing for the CW Release?

I participated in that Release and my highest cost character was Commander Gree (20pts) and I had a total of 167 pnts to choose from. Woulda been 170 but I also pulled Gha Nachkt (who sucks as an offensive piece, lol)...

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