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 Post subject: 100 Point Event Apex NC August 11th
PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 4:54 pm 
Jedi Knight
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Well yesterday we had our monthly Monday night 100 point event at my LGS. This is my final DCI event of the LotF era, so I decided to go out with a bang! I got a bunch of new figures over the past month, so I wanted to use something new. The new (to me) figures I got where: Lord Vader, Han Sc, Shaak Tii JM, and Cade. I wanted to play LV the most, but at 71 points, there just isn’t that much room for decent filler. I didn’t really want to play Han, I mean he is good, but he is kind of played out, especially at my venue. I was leaning towards Shaak, but our last 100 pointer was won by her, so I didn’t really want to copy off the guy if he came again. So finally I decided to go with Cade, a JWM R2 and an Ug. For map I went with the Death Star, I figured I could get easy gambit, and have some good shooting lanes. I wasn’t too worried about stealth, even though the great Alpha 98 had warned me a couple of weeks ago he wanted to try out a Nom Bombs squad. So I got to my LGS and we had 5 people. I was worried I would get first turn bye like usual, but I got paired first round against Will.

Will is a younger player, but he just had some guy give him a bunch of new good minis. So he had a lot of the expensive new mini’s to play with. So class act to the random dude who hooked him up with minis like Revan and Jango BH for free. Anyway Will’s squad was 2 guys. Master Kota and Obi Wan Unleashed. I won map, and Will set up in the room with the shuttle (left side) near the bottom of the map. I set up in the room on the right side of the map. I lose first initiative and he makes me go first. I move the Ug up to open the door and the JWM moves forward toward gambit. He uses Kota to open up the door then moves Obi forward into the room along the bottom and puts him in cover. However I am able to tow cable up Cade, and have LOS to Obi, 80 damage later I get gambit and he sees how deadly Cade is. I win initiative and I finish off Obi with Cade. He moves Kota out to near where Obi just died and to be sporting I moved the JWM up to base Kota . Will realized I had the game, and swatted the JWM twice, and got hit back once. I was then able to finish off Kota the next round. It was a quick game and I felt a little bad beating up on him, so I played another game with him later and he beat me. So I was up 1-0 and was a little less worried about getting the mean bye.

Next I got paired up against the powerhouse that was Alpha 98!!! :P True to form he played the Nom bomb squad he told me earlier he was thinking of playing. Not really traditional Nom bombs, but Nom, the Felcor and 2x AA’s. I lost map roll, so I had to play the rancor pen and for some odd reason I chose to set up on the left side inside the pen. When I finished setting up 98 started his set up, the first character he set up was Nom, directly across from Cade! I was happy for this, because if he made a mistake late into the first round, I could conceivably tow Cade 12, then have him run up to 8 past the cover in the middle of the map and get a no cover twin on Nom. However he went fist and moved Nom over a few squares behind the lip of the wall. The Felcor was at the bottom of the map slowly working his way to the middle. I saved R2 and Cade for last and just moved the two of them forward 12 squares. He had put one of his AA’s up near the gambit area, and I had the JWM hiding on the opposite side of the middle area in my gambit area. Also I had R2 11 or 12 squares from the row that nom was hiding. So we rolled initiative, and as we where rolling he realized what was about to happen. The dice left his hand to an expletive, and I won initiative. I moved R2 and Cade the 11 or 12 squares I needed to get a straight shot on Nom, I crited on one of the attacks so it only took me 3 shots to take him out. However I now had Cade and R2 within range of 2 AA’s and the Felcor. He moved the first AA around and tried to hurt Cade, then he decided R2 needed to die, so with the Felcor he took R2 down to 10 HP. Then I came around the middle with my JWM and based the AA that could kill R2. On his turn he tried to attack the JWM but I think he missed, I wanted him to hit so I could kill it, but whatever it didn’t last another turn. In the next initiative I won again and put some damage on the Felcor, but I don’t think it was more than 60. It may have only been 40 as I think I killed the AA at that point. Then Cade and R2 ran away back near the top middle of the map. He was able to move the Felcor up to where the JWM was, and over two turns he took the JWM down to 10 HP and the JWM did no damage since he made all of his Parry saves. I moved R2 and Cade around where I could get straight LOS and I put a lot of damage on the Felcor, which had regened some at this point, and my JWM ended up dying to the splash damage. He killed R2 next, but Cade was able to kill him the next time around. So I got another win and was up to 2-0.

So on to round three. I was paired up against Max, who was playing Vaders apprentice redeemed, Yoda of Dagobah and an ERC. We where both playing Death star, and I got stuck setting up first. I set up in the same room I set up in on game one on the left side of the map. He set up across from me in the hangar (or docking bay or whatever). So turn one he wins initiative moves his ERC up to open the door, overides my door open, then force pushes Cade from across the map!!! I really had no clue that VAR also had LOS force push, I thought that Luke HPU was the only one with that trick!!! So Cade took 40 on the second activation of the game and I was already behind the ball because I couldn’t tow him anywhere. So I basically spent the next two turns waiting to get a good LOS to someone to cause some damage. He let me move an Ug into the center to gain gambit, and basically the Ug spent all game there until the last turn. So at one point, he is still in the hangar with his door overridden open. I moved R2 around to near the gambit with Cade in tow. I get LOS to Yoda with VAR adjacent and let loose 80 damage, but only got the apprentice with about 20 splash. However what I did not realize was that VAR could use all 4 of Yodas force points for another force push. I thought it was only one force point (I.e. emperor palpatine). So I do some damage, then the apprentice puts another 40 on Cade! So I wait till next turn and then heal 40 back off him. Meanwhile he starts making his way across the top room of the map, but he makes a mistake and moves Yoda and the ERC on my side of the door with VAR inside but with the small door at the back of the room open. So I move R2 up and override the door closed, and kill his ERC. So if I win initiative , I can kill Yoda, and keep the apprentice locked away from me until I get enough gambit. So we roll and I lose, he activates Cade with Yoda, then uses Yoda to open the other door and get the apprentice outside before I am able to lock the other door. So next I try to use my JWM who was sitting near the gambit area with full HP to put some damage on one of his guys. Yoda has 4 FP so a force push is in my near future, I move the JWM up and lightsaber assault which gets force defended. Now I thought I would still be able to make a single attack but my opponent says that since it replaced attacks I can not attack at all. It made sense so I let it slide. And I had both characters based, so I felt safe from the force push. We go two more rounds with him trying to set up to kill Cade and he kept activating my Cade until the JWM just polished off yoda for the victory points. I kept the JWM adjacent to the apprentice every chance I got to keep Cade from getting pushed. He was able to get off one push then with an attack or two later he killed Cade and ran back to hide from the JWM. Now this whole time I have had an Ug camped in Gambit. I warn him I am up to 35 (or so) victory points off gambit. So if I get gambit 3 more rounds I have 50 victory points from gambit. So he is forced to go on the offensive with an apprentice that has 30 HP, (attacks of opportunity from the JWM and then an attack added up). My JWM had 30 HP left on him and he moved forward at the end of the round. He won initiative and missed his attack and his FPRR, but hit on the second attack, so the JWM finished him off with 2 hits. I only needed one more round of gambit to be up to 50 points. It was a very close game, but I got the win in a chess match, and went 3-0. R2 was the hero of the day, with Cade coming in a close second.

Let me know what you think. I am always open for suggestions on my playing. I know there are some details omitted here and there, but you should be able to get an idea of how it played out. Next event will be after KotOR, so I should have some new mini’s to play with by then.

Thanks for reading!!!

CotF 57/60, A&E 56/60, FU: 60/60, LotF 60/60, KotOR 60/60, CW 40/40

[spoiler="Nomi's Severed Force List"]After Two Game's Played:
Luke Hoth Pilot Unleashed
Master Kota[/spoiler]

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 Post subject: Re: 100 Point Event Apex NC August 11th
PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:02 pm 
Jedi Battlemaster
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The Cracked Cade (as I like to call it, since its based off of the same idea as Broken Boba [Fett BH instead of Cade]) is a very good squad in 100.

Sounds like you played well and your risks paid off! Great work.

For further reference, When you use a Force Power that replaces attacks, and it gets Force Defense-d, then you do loose all your attacks for that turn. It was a correct ruling.

Added this to the archives, just for you :D

Force Defense

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 Post subject: Re: 100 Point Event Apex NC August 11th
PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:37 pm 
Jedi Knight
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lol thats how we played it!!! I mean it made sense. I actually went to the archives when I got home to look under force defense!!!

yeah the squad was mean, I tried to judge risk vs reward and make my move based off that. Cade is a little bit harder to put out in the open ad opposed to fett (no evade). And it threw me off Force push had no range. I somehow missed that on the apprentice....I guess I sould go pick one of those up for my play box!!!

CotF 57/60, A&E 56/60, FU: 60/60, LotF 60/60, KotOR 60/60, CW 40/40

[spoiler="Nomi's Severed Force List"]After Two Game's Played:
Luke Hoth Pilot Unleashed
Master Kota[/spoiler]

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 Post subject: Re: 100 Point Event Apex NC August 11th
PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:21 pm 
Unnamed Wookiee
Unnamed Wookiee

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That was a fun tournament, but I'm hoping Kotor will come out with something that will be played here other than han, boba and push squads.

That was also an evil match where all of my mistakes were during the first round or two of set-up instead of during actual play.

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 Post subject: Re: 100 Point Event Apex NC August 11th
PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:03 pm 
Grand Admiral
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Good report. Vong JHs are a great counter to push squads if they are really a problem.

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 Post subject: Re: 100 Point Event Apex NC August 11th
PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:54 pm 
Jedi Knight
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Jangotat13 wrote:
That was also an evil match where all of my mistakes were during the first round or two of set-up instead of during actual play.

I will not disagree with you. If you had set up slightly different we may have had a different outcome!!!! but thats why we play right!?!?!?!

Good report. Vong JHs are a great counter to push squads if they are really a problem.

I have the minis to play vong, I dont just so I am not totally "that guy."

.....if ppl dont stop playing NPE squads we shall see what will happen in future events!!!

CotF 57/60, A&E 56/60, FU: 60/60, LotF 60/60, KotOR 60/60, CW 40/40

[spoiler="Nomi's Severed Force List"]After Two Game's Played:
Luke Hoth Pilot Unleashed
Master Kota[/spoiler]

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 Post subject: Re: 100 Point Event Apex NC August 11th
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:25 am 
Unnamed Wookiee
Unnamed Wookiee

Joined: Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:47 pm
Posts: 19
well, We'll find some way to kill the push squads. I'm tempted to start playing more SS than I do currently in order to stop it. (I never got to play the push squad for that tourny though)

That and I'm going to look into some Twinning mandos with a MTB engine after kotor comes out.

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