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 Post subject: France Championship [rough translation]
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:45 am 
Jedi Battlemaster
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For Bill:
Rough translation of Swmini;

Author opens with a short chat about the pre-game scenario, getting there and chatting with a friend. First Photo is of the play area. The author remarks that the players are casually lounging, but will soon become very serious. The players on the bottom right are the German delegation.

Second photo is of the customs entered in the competition.
I believe that the Snowspeeder took first place, and the scout trooper sniper took second (well would have if the maker[also of the SS] hadn't of withdrawn it so as to not take both top 2 spots) He remarks that is a pity that Franck's custom Maleval didn't win as Franck's worked hard and did excellent work.

He lists his squad and talks about how its a favourite of his, but instead of ewoks this time, he's using Crix/Rieekan and Wookie Commandos.
-Crix Madine
-General Dodonna
-Han Solo in stormtrooper armor
-Ithorian Commander
-General Rieekan
-5 Wookie Commando
-Elite Rebel Commando
-R7 astromech
-2 UD

The following text and photo go together. Players are paired up and seated. Once everyone is seated the judges go over the rules (must be nice to have their own play area eh!) and add a small supplemental. The final Playoff will have 16 players, 8 determined via these swiss rounds and the other 8 determined by players that won local regionals/championships (german/french, etc[denoted as 'cibles']). Also the first player to beat one of these 'cibles' would win a booster!

His first match is versus Nicolas, who drove 400 km to play! He says that Nicolas was one of these 'Cibles', so if he beats Nicolas, he gets a booster, but he doesn't think its likely as the last 4 or 5 times they've faced, he's lost!
He loses map, and they play on hardboard. I think he sets up on the right, and using double override and dodonna, moves his wooks into that lower room, open and closing the door to protect them, from there he is able to take out his opponents Lobot and a whipid tracker {reinforcments}. Amazingly when time is called he wins the game, and booster, hurray!
Team de Nicolas :
-Boba Fett, Mercenary Commander
-Mandalorian Scout *2
-Czerka Scientist
-3 Mouse Droid

2nd match is vs Gerolstein Franck, who was the germany champion!
they have a small language barrier (lol) but proceed roughly along in english. They are playing on the hardboard again. The author is worried about his opponent's squad, as it is very mobile and can get to his commanders and wreck havoc. He gets an early round shot at R2, and needing only a 1 to miss... rolls a 1. The rest of the match goes very quickly, he loses Han and the Ithor, but manages to get Yoda down to 10 hps.. only to have Panaka swap him to safety for Mas! With no way to match the points, it is a loss.
Team de Franck :
-Yoda on Kybuck
-General Skywalker
-Captain panaka
-R2D2 Astro
-Mas Amedda
-3 UD
-1 Mouse Droid

Break for lunch, he has some delicious sandwiches thanks to AFJV {whoever they are!} and spends some time talking with the other players. They discuss the various squads and particularly the strength of Cad/Thrawn being run by the German players. Also he gets a chance to meet and talk with some members of the [swmini] forum in real life rather than over a keyboard.

Barely enough time to finish eating when the 3rd round begins. His opponent is Laurent and when the roll for map.. he loses again and plays on.. Hardboard.. for the third time!


He uses a similar strategy as the first time, moving into that bottom room, and manages to sneak up on Luke and hit him for 50.. said Wook is then popped by Fett and both shooters run away to the Conference Room. He is then able to base his opponents Uggys and eventually killing them, and locking Luke and Fett in the room, while killing the rest of the squad! He even gets crit on Leia, hurray! A tough loss for his opponent, but fair, they agree to meet later on.
Team de Laurent:
-Boba Fett BH
-Luke Skywalker Hero of Yavin
-General Dodonna
-Princess Leia of Cloud City
-Obi Wan Kenobi Jedi Spirit
-General Rieekan
-1 UD

4th match is vs Salezzo Jean-Michel (who would finish in the top 8), once again.. map loss! he gets to play on Muunlist Commerce Plaza, which is reasonably symmetric.

His opponent brought in 3 mice and 3 Uggies to counter his activations. His opponent remarks that they have even activations and the first one to make an error loses. As the match progresses, he is able to hit Kreia once for 50 .. but since he had a placement error, is unable to get a 2nd wook close enough to finish her off! His opponent nets 9 points and fights defensively the rest of the match. The han/leia combo is too tough to handle and the author takes another loss.
Team de Jean-Michel :
-General Rieekan
-Princess Leia
-Han Solo Smuggler
-General Dodonna
-Juno Eclipse

5th match is vs Christophe Collobert !!!!! {who he was talking to earlier, seems to be a good friend met online, goes under pseudonym 'ADX'} doesn't win map.. again.. and plays on rattatak arena.

Christopher is running a jedi hunting squad, but with no jedi to hunt this time! A pretty lopsided event, as he had his opponent badly out activated. He gets a good streak going of rolling 20.. 1...20...1.. And even though he won, it was the most fun he'd had all day and couldn't think of a match where he laughed more, thanks to his excellent opponent.
La team d'ADX :
-Grand Master Tsavong Laa
-YV Jedi Hunter *4
-1 UD
-1 Mouse Droid.

6th and final match was against Bouschri Loïc, who was playing a similar squad as himself. Finally he wins map choice and plays on Chancellor's Starship. He gets to set up on the left even! However his opponent brought along a disruptive piece, and kept Juno alive long enough to make it too difficult for the Wooks to take anything down. A tough loss, but good game.
Sa team :
-Aura Sing CS
-Han Solo Storm
-Ithorian Commander
-R2D2 extensor
-General Dodonna
-Juno Eclipse
-Aqualish Assassin *5

The Final standings are shortly announced:

**note that there are no commas, but it goes Last Name, First Name**
Top 8 Photo

1er Allroggen Christopher 18pts
2e Deza Caceres Tanguy 15pts
3e Gross Sébastien 15pts
4e Pontarlier Arnaud 15pts
5e Deschamps Sylvie 15pts
6e Bordone Romain 15pts
7e Janouscewski Remy 15pts
8e Koch Daniel 12pts
9e Scholze Sebastian 12pts
10e Gerolstein Franck 12pts
11e Le Tessier Mathieu 12pts
12e Saluzzo Jean Michel 12pts
13e Kauffman Jonathan 12pts
14e Enault Pierre 12pts
15e Rober Freddy 12pts
16e Tack Jari 12pts
17e De Nadaillac Yves 12pts
18e Vailliere Olivier 12pts
19e Prein Xavier12pts
20e Pfister Frederic 12pts
21e Bousckri Loic 12pts
22e Fakour Jenny 10pts
23e Gehling Michael 10pts
24e Damman Alexis 9pts
25e Lamarche Fabrice 9pts
26e Rouslan Alzoubaidy 9pts
27e Brito Claude Martin 9pts
28e Ober Remi 9pts
29e Da Silva Gomes Raphael 9pts <<<< our author
30e Charreyre Cedric 9pts
31e Vimeux Vianney 9pts
32e Benureau David 9pts
33e Kozuschez Kai 9pts
34e Alexandre Laurent 9pts
35e Jobineau Franck 9pts
36e Fremont Georges 9pts
37e Pohlig Laurent 9pts
38e Peyrottes Loic 9pts
39e Landais Sébastien 9pts
40e Compiegne Baptiste 9pts
41e Ravon Nicolas 9pts
42e Drouot Thomas 9pts
43e Leitao Wilson 6pts
44e Ober Pascal 6pts
45e Parmentier Alexandre 6pts
46e Diot Nicolas 6pts
47e Sutter Alexandre 6pts
48e Ludwig Jean Philippe 6pts
49e Aparicio Nicolas 6pts
50e Collobert Christophe 6pts
51e Mousset Regis 6pts
52e Guerinaud Alexis 6pts
53e Gourdin James 6pts
54e Marie Benjamin 6pts
55e Vidalenc Francois 6pts
56e Sigler Vincent 6pts
57e Vidalenc Francois 6pts
58e ????
59e Peyrottes Lionel 3pts
60e Jerabek Norman 3pts
61e Rouslan Alexis 3pts
62e Bordone Benjamin 3pts
63e Vidalenc Marc 3pts
64e Ober Lucas 0pts

The author finished with a 3-3 record, which is what he was aiming for, so is pretty happy about that!

The top eight move on, as well as these 8 earlier champions:
Ravon Nicolas
Pfister Frederic
Tack Jari
Enault Pierre
Saluzzo Jean Michel
Le Tessier Mathieu
Gerolstein Frank
Scholze Sebastian

The first round pairings are:
Allroggen Christopher / Ravon Nicolas
Deza Caceres Tanguy / Pfister Frederic
Gross Sebastien / Tack Jari
Pontarler Arnaud / Enault Pierre
Deschamps Sylvie / Saluzzo Jean Michel
Bordone Romain / Le Tessier Mathieu
Janouscewski Remy / Gerolstein Frank
Scholze Sebastian / Koch Daniel

The author's friend Nicolas, was paired with the eventual winner C. Allroggen who was running the Cad/Thrawn comment. It appears that he lost badly {or was facing certain defeat} as the author and their friends heckled him for the rest of the night with comments such as "you could count your points with your teeth" and "Do you need to go to the pharmacy to get some Vaseline?". Clearly it was a bit one sided!

He recounts that he had some trouble sleeping as his bed-mate was a prolific snorer {I'm sure most of us can sympathize}.

I'm just going to briefly summarize the next bit where he talks about his participation in the Sealed 150 event. It seems the rest of the Top 16 was played out in another room at the same time.

Plus there was some cool 3D Terrain!

2 Boosters, 27 Players.. and everyone was searching for Cad! Only 2 Players pulled him though.


Our author played;
-Général Skywalker
-Nadhar Vebb
-R7 astromech
-IG 100 artillerist
-ARF troper
-501 clone trooper
-Senate commando
-Weequay pirate

and in the 4 matches he won twice.
Played against:
Rex and Repeater Cannon - was able to win, thanks to override and a small mistake by his opponent.
Obi GJ and Rex - Loss, looses r& due to placement error and Anakin and Nadhar don't stand a chance vs Obi.
Obi GJ and B3/R7/LR Combat - Win, is able to use direct damage (Force Push) to kill Obi after killing the B3 and finally hunting down the LR
Obi JG and Kit - Loss, Triple/twin and 2 Surprise moves cause him to loses Anakin before damaging Obi and thus the game.

The Author spends some time remarking on how much he dislikes the new Obi, and in fact refers to him as GWOK throughout the article. His first opponent tries to convince him that Obi GJ isn't as good as he trades FR for 5 fps and Surpise Move, but the author is not convinced. In his opinion Obi JG is just as good as GWOK.

Even though he places 11th, its enough for some prize support! A Rex! Plus his VR pull (Nadhar) helps him to complete his collection, so that is good news.

The final bit is about the prize support given to the top 16 finishers. Everyone received 2 boosters, with extra stuff going to those who finished higher up.

Top 16 Final Placement
1/Koch Daniel
2/Tack Jari
3/Janouscewski Rémi
4/Sylvie Deschamps
5/Pfister Frederic
6/Allroggen Christopher
7/Bordone Romain
8/Pontarlier Arnaud
9/Gerolstein Frank
10/Scholze Sebastien
11/Enault Pierre
12/Gross Sebatsien
13/Le Tessier Matthieu
14/Saluzzo Jean-Michel
15/Ravon Nicolas
16/Deza Caceres Tanguy

The first place finisher, Daniel Koch, received a Yoda FX lightsaber (batteries not included!)

Third placer, and top French finisher Rémi Janouscewski received a signed Darth Vader poster.

The author ends with Thanks going out to friends and the people who helped make such a great event possible (like the organizers and WotC).

Ends with the 'second' place picture of the Scout Trooper Sniper by Fabrice
Image Image

If you speak and can translate better than me feel free to correct me! Original Article Here!

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 Post subject: Re: France Championship [rough translation]
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 8:51 am 
Name Calling Internet Bully
Name Calling Internet Bully
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Thanks, I knew Canadians had to be good for something :) J/k, really appreciate it.



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 Post subject: Re: France Championship [rough translation]
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:42 pm 
Jedi Battlemaster
Jedi Battlemaster
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np bill, I wish there was more about the top 16 play off, but clearly the author wasn't in it. I check out the blog by Xavier, but couldn't find anything useful.

EDIT: poked around a little more.. some useful things:

Squads in the Swiss Rounds
Old Republic = 3
Republic = 9
New Republic = 6
Empire = 11
Sith = 2
Yuuzhan Vong = 2
Separatist 4
Mandalorian = 3
Rebel = 24

I think Xavier won the Sealed 150, with Rex and Kit

Winner of the Knights of the SWMGamers Stats Contest
<Joruus (GFC)> - Sheesh, I swear you're like Fool 2.0 (and you can quote me on it xD)
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