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 Post subject: 200 Point Friday(/Saturday) Vassal Tournament!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:57 am 
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Wow, I'm tired (My fault), hungry (My fault... Again), thirsty (Again, my fault!!), and sore (Sheesh, my fault AGAIN!! Haha, I need to take better care of myself when I'm sitting down for this many hours at a time!)

The tournament went of great - in fact, its still going on as I type the beginning (or introduction) of one of the longer tournament reports I've seen! Certainly for an only four-round tournament! Beware, future reports will get longer as I go into even more detail!!

My Squad:
--In your face, eating your cookies-- <- As seen on Bloomilk.com. Feel free to give me props :D
Kyle Katarn, Jedi Battlemaster
Mara Jade, Jedi
Jaina Solo
Han Solo in Stormtrooper Armor
Lando Calrissian, Dashing Scoundrel
General Dodonna
Gran Raider
Ugnaught Demolitionist x4

My Map:
Ruined Base

Round 1:
I got the bye (I found out how to spell it at the end of round four!) there, so it wasn’t as tough a match as the others, but the battle verses boredom almost claimed me - thankfully I was up on Gambit (and caffeine) when time was called!

Joruus 1-0

Round 2:
I played Empirejeff

Kyle Katarn, Jedi Battle Master
Han Solo, Galactic Hero
Jagged Fel
General Dodonna
Shado Vao
Ugnaught Demolitionist x9

Chancellor’s Starship

I won map roll, and chose my map (Jeff took the right side to be able to get a first-round gambit after he out activated me).

The first initiative went fine, no damage was dealt; and he out activated me. With his last too activations, he moved an ugnaught to open the door; and a second to run into Gambit giving him a lead from the start.

Following the second initiative; shoots were traded back and forth. Jeff got an easy LOS on my Dodonna (which I had missed noticing, so props to him) during his turn, and took his opportunity to kill the poor General. After that I attacked back like a mad man shooting back at Han (he was hiding his ugnaughts at this point). The game might’ve been a tad closer if he hadn’t failed every evade (Putting Han at 30). Following that he ran up Shado (basing Mara) and brought in Kyle (Zapping Mara).

At this initiative, the game could’ve gone either way. For Jeff, it would’ve given him a bigger lead (most likely killing Mara), or given me the chance to come back in the game… I won the initiative; used Mara/Kyle to kill Shado (Mara took him down to 10, and Kyle choked him to death!). Jeff moved more ugnaughts into place (forming a wall blocking my characters from his Kyle), so I used Han to dish out some major damage. Killing two ugnaughts, and critting Jagged (letting Jaina run in to kill her man)

I won the following initiative, but it was all over by then anyway. Han made short work of the "Trapped" (Yay Wicket!) Ugnaughts, and Jaina ran up to kill Han leaving Kyle to face my entire squad.

Joruus 2-0

Round 3:
I played Chabelo (Chabs!)

Ruined Base (same as mine, except he won the map roll)

Princess Leia of Cloud City
Rebel Leader
General Dodonna
Garm Bel Iblis
Juno Eclipse
Rebel Trooper on Tauntaun
Han Solo of Hoth
Ugnaught Demolitionist
Bossk, Bounty Hunter
Tamtel Skreej (Lando)

I let him pick/set up, and started work on killing his Spotters (even with Kyle to disrupt, I wasn’t going to bank entirely on it). I got some really nice shoots of early on, killing a couple of his reinforcements, and the Tauntaun (and I thought it smelt bad on the outside!!)

Following that, it was just pot shots for the second/third turn. He’d kill my Ugnaughts, I’d damage one of his pieces. At the start of the third round/turn I started to get tired of the double-dodonna action going on, so I bum-rushed my Kyle adjacent to Dodonna, an Ugo, and a Twi’lik scout (or something else that he brought in with Garm). After that fun death embrace (I attacked Dodonna, so no one was leaving!)

Joruus 3-0 (Finals up next)

Round 4:
I played I kill Gungans (Or Paddy!)

Chancellor’s Starship

Han Solo, Scoundrel
Lukes Snowspeeder
Princess Leia
Bothan Noble
Elite Rebel Commando
General Dodonna
Obi-won Kenobi, Jedi Spirit
Ugnaught Demolitionist x4

I won map roll, and thought "what the heck, I like the Starship map too" so I went with that. IkG set up on the right side, and let me have the left! Early on not a whole lot happened besides me hiding from the ever-looming Snowspeeder! At the end of round one, Luke picked off one of my ugnaughts - not anything to worry about when I’ve got three more -- right? Wrooooong!

Besides having a really nifty squad, IkG used double over-ride, and his activation advantage (Wicket/four Ewoks via Lobot) to out activate, pick off an ugnaught or two (or even Jaina!), and lock the door again… I realized this a tad too late, and the Snowspeeder managed to find those ugnaughts wherever I hid them! Looking back there was one safe square I could’ve used to hide an ugnaught, but its all in retrospect now.

After he had killed off my final ugnaught (and the clock struck 2:30 am EST), I decided that this game was over - so I did what any self respecting army of Jedi did - I surrendered!

~Joruus - Final Tally - 3-1~

For those of you who care (which you've just read a flipping long report, so I assume you do!), I placed second in the tournament, and have moved into first place on the over-all SWM Vassal DCI Tournament standings :D

I wrote:
<Joruus> - (its VASSAL, so you'll crit or roll a 1)
*** 1d20B = 1 *** <Yodarulz>

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 Post subject: Re: 200 Point Friday(/Saturday) Vassal Tournament!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:22 am 
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
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I was able to watch a couple games in Round 1 and 2 before I headed home from work for the night. Its always a blast watching these and getting different ideas/variations. Hopefully one of these days I'll actually be off work when there is a Tourney so I can join in, lol...

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 Post subject: Re: 200 Point Friday(/Saturday) Vassal Tournament!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:47 am 

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 Post subject: Re: 200 Point Friday(/Saturday) Vassal Tournament!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:00 am 
Imperial Dignitaries
Imperial Dignitaries
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As Dean pointed out to me I have to make the first move. Since Joruus already kindly opened this thread I will simply hijack it. :wink:

I played the following squad:

Han Solo, Scoundrel - 46
Luke's Snowspeeder - 45
Lobot - 27
Princess Leia - 20
Bothan Noble - 17
Elite Rebel Commando - 16
General Dodonna - 9
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Spirit - 8
4x Ugnaught Demolitionist - 12

Map: Chancellor's Starship

First off, the tournament started for me at 3 am german time, so I took precautions and went to bed at 8 pm the other day to be ready, since I have another tournament coming at 3 pm at my LGS. :wink: After a shower, a litre of coke and peanut butter sandwiches I felt ready to play.

I chose the above squad because it can deal with having to play on Echo Base. Hanobi-Wan Kesolo was pimped with his Mettle Evade, the SS had DR and I could get Lando DS via Lobot, if I had to play that map.

Round 1
Opponent: Xanathan

He won map roll and chose his map, Hall of Judgement (aka the Jedi Temple). His squad consisted of Vader Unleashed, Bobo Merc, Thrawn-Mas and a bunch of Ugs and Grans. I knew I was in trouble if ever Boba had LOS to me after initiative with Thrawn backing him up. So I thought "what the heck?" and brought the MTB engine via Lobot (MTB and 4 more Ugs). I set up left, he right with Vader and Boba in the upper corner and the commando boys in the lower corner to hide them behind the lift (or whatever that shedlike room was ^^).

He cleverly swapped Ugs in round 1 to blast the upper door. But since I outactivated him I could watch all this still having the SS, Han, Leia and the Bothan left. So I opened the doors in the gambit area with Lobot and the ERC, moved Han 12 squares to secure the left flank while SS moved into the gambit area and got off a twin on Boba through the SS, damaging him for 50.

Boba down on 50 he had two choices where to move him towards the destroyed door or take his chances with the SS. He decided to go for the upper door. So I Force moved Han round the flank and got my twin attack off, killing Boba while Luke got off a twin on Vader, pulling him down to 100 hit points. Vader gripped in return, but the game was decided. The next round Han and the SS took him down. Lobot's reins saved the day!

Round 2:
Opponent: Dark Lord Verjal

We both used the same map. I set up on the right, he set up on the left. He played Mara Jedi, Luke Spirit, GH and Shado Vao. He also used Lobot and Dodonna. Luckily I "won" map choice and he decided to choose the left side. So he had to pick reins before I did. Seeing he was all about activations bringing 5 Ugs and a Camaasi I decided to do the same. I half awaited to see the MTB with him using GH, but the lack of Self Destruct let him choose otherwise. I positioned the SS and Dodonna in the upper corner and the rest of the gang in front of the throne room.

I moved Han into position on the Throne overviewing the whole length of the map once the doors were open and the SS moved into position in one of the "parking boxes". The SS harrassed him and picked off key Ugs quickly turning the activations in my favour. The double Override let me pick off other Ugs with Han and close the door again at the end of round 2. As soon as I was ahead on points and managed to move into the gambit area he was forced to open the door with Lobot. It was a move that had to be done and it cost him the game. After he picked off the Bothan with GH, Han Cannon picked off Lobot and I secured the door and with it victory. I kept ambushing him from within the room, forcing him to act on penalty of SS fire. One of his last ugs managed to blow the door and he moved Mara in. At the end of the round she was down to 40 hit points and Dean called time. 2 Dodonnas are too many for 200 pts on Vassal. I won but I didn't feel bad about this time win because I am confident I would have secured victory the next round anyway, with Mara limping so badly not being able to reach anyone.

Round 3:
Opponent: Shinja

Shinja basically played Luke CotF, R2 Obi Unleashed, Dodonna Enraged Chewie and Han RH. Same map as before, same setup. This time I used Lando since I was clearly ahead on activations this time.

I positioned the SS in 12 squares distance to Chewie. So the next round the poor Wookiee charged into the SS hammering it for 40 dmg. But from there on everything went downhill for Shinja (and Chewie). The Bothan and Leia let Luke shoot Chewie for 90 dmg, Lando scored another 30 and on his turn Luke dispatched off the furball giving me a sound lead on points. Next round Shinja opened the door to the gambit room with R2 and Force moved Han to shoot the Bothan. He caught me unaware there, but now Han was about to die - or so everyone thought. At the end of the round he was still alive with 10 hit points remaining. I missed again and again, Han Cannon scoring two 1s, for example. Luckily I won next init and killed Han with the Cannon. So he moved Obi in to base my Speeder taking him down to 30 hit points (he fired on Han, too, the round before, so he sat in the middle room). In return I killed Obi, leaving only Luke as a now very powerful beatstick. Luke was down to 90 when he based Leia and was surrounded by my shooters. But Dean called time again. Again I didn't bother too much since all looked like victory for me with everyone (except Leia) well away from the deathdealing Luke who deflected a lot of shots the round before, but was down on Force points (had 8, but we all know he is about using the Force).

Round 4:
Opponent: Joruus

Well, he actually said everything. With the last Ug dead the game was lost for him. I considered opening the door for him, but that wouldn't have been sportsmanlike, it would have been suicide with STA Han making his squad super mobile. Also I think it would have been the wrong thing to do, playing badly on purpose. It may have been insulting to do so, so I played it by the book. So I picked off his minis one by one and he forfeited.

Looking back my squad was extremely well balanced with Luke making his flanking runs and Han securing the center of the action. With double Override, activation advantage and the extra twins it was really powerful, more than I had expected since I played this squad the first time today and am very pleased by its performance.

I must say thanks a ton to Dean who run this tournament very smoothly. And also to all the others who were fun to play with. None of my opponents was too worried about winning or losing, but having a fun time trying their best. So this was really a fun event to play in. Thanks to all of you!

Now I will have to run to catch my train for the next tournament. Hopefully see you all next time I attend the tournament again! :)

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 Post subject: Re: 200 Point Friday(/Saturday) Vassal Tournament!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:13 am 
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
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Good descriptions on the results, love seeing reasoning behind Lobot's Reinforcements besides "just decided to throw him in for the fun of it" type stuff sometimes shown...

And I just hadda do this:

I kill Gungans wrote:
After a shower, a litre of coke and peanut butter sandwiches I felt ready to play.

Dimpus Burger Guy: Uhh, right. Beverage?
Farva: Gimme a litre o' cola.
Dimpus Burger Guy: What?
Farva: [Annoyed] A litre o' cola.
Dimpus Burger Guy: [into mic] Litrecola? Do we sell litrecola?
Thorny: Will you just order a large, Farva?
Farva: I don't want a large farva. I want a god**** litre o' cola!
Dimpus Burger Guy: [to Farva] I don't know what that is!
Farva: [slowly starts shouting] Litre is French for...
[grabs burger kid by shirt]
Farva: ... give me my ****** cola before I break VOUS ****** LIP!

I so wish I wasn't at work so I could watch it...

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 Post subject: Re: 200 Point Friday(/Saturday) Vassal Tournament!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:21 am 

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 Post subject: Re: 200 Point Friday(/Saturday) Vassal Tournament!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:48 am 
Sith Infiltrator
Sith Infiltrator
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jedispyder wrote:
Good descriptions on the results, love seeing reasoning behind Lobot's Reinforcements besides "just decided to throw him in for the fun of it" type stuff sometimes shown...

And I just hadda do this:

I kill Gungans wrote:
After a shower, a litre of coke and peanut butter sandwiches I felt ready to play.

Dimpus Burger Guy: Uhh, right. Beverage?
Farva: Gimme a litre o' cola.
Dimpus Burger Guy: What?
Farva: [Annoyed] A litre o' cola.
Dimpus Burger Guy: [into mic] Litrecola? Do we sell litrecola?
Thorny: Will you just order a large, Farva?
Farva: I don't want a large farva. I want a god**** litre o' cola!
Dimpus Burger Guy: [to Farva] I don't know what that is!
Farva: [slowly starts shouting] Litre is French for...
[grabs burger kid by shirt]
Farva: ... give me my ****** cola before I break VOUS ****** LIP!

I so wish I wasn't at work so I could watch it...

Omg that is funny, what is it from?

Anyway, back on topic.
IKG, that damn speeder and it's insane amount of mobility! You would have had me even if time wasn't called, I pulled out a desperate one with Lobot. :x


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 Post subject: Re: 200 Point Friday(/Saturday) Vassal Tournament!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:53 am 
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
One of the Sith on Malgus' Shuttle
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DarkLordVerjal wrote:
Omg that is funny, what is it from?

Super Troopers. "The snozzberries taste like snozzberies!"

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 Post subject: Re: 200 Point Friday(/Saturday) Vassal Tournament!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:09 pm 

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"I won the following initiative, but it was all over by then anyway. Han made short work of the "Trapped" (Yay Wicket!) Ugnaughts, and Jaina ran up to kill Han leaving Kyle to face my entire squad."


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 Post subject: Re: 200 Point Friday(/Saturday) Vassal Tournament!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:23 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Jeff....it's REBELS dude, REBELS. :lol:

Anyways....sounds like you guys had a blast. Wish I could have joined in on this one, as I love the 200 point games.

For what it's worth, in IKG's report, for the game against DLV, I'm not sure if it sounds like you guys did your reinforcements correctly. There isn't an 'order' for choosing reinforcements. You both choose them in secret, and then reveal them to your opponent BEFORE you roll for a map. Yes, you do it after you know what your opponent's map/squad are, but from the way IKG talked about it, sounded like you did it after you picked a map, and then soudned like IKG made DLV reveal first based on who set up first. Maybe I'm just reading it wrong. Just thought I'd point it out though just in case.

Oh, and IKG, I didn't realize you were in Germany. 3 am to play on Vassal....now THAT's dedication! :D

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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