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 Post subject: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:43 pm 
Junk Dealer Extrodinaire
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Sunday’s event saw us being exiled to the old store which was basically a heated & powered open space do to the Yu-Gi-Oh tourney that was going on next door. Given the 200+ young adults and the CO2 that was being produced we made out on that deal with peace and quiet.

There were some very clever & competitive matches during the course of the afternoon and we were introduced to a new Sith Force power which was used against me personally in my final swiss match against Darth Malus. Duly dubbed Sith Confusion, I completely imploded with less than three minutes on the clock and at the time was comfortably up on points, “alas poor Storm Commando, I knew him General Weir.” "Rakghoul?!?" "Where?!?!?"

However in the end dueling GOWK, Mace Critdu & Foul squads duked it out for the Maul FX. We were treated to a truly epic battle which I will leave to the players to recant; with thereisnotry earning the final victory and with no character pieces remaining on the board.

The field saw (11) players, with the following faction mix…

(1) Old Republic
(1) Sith
(1) Vong
(1) Mandalorian
(1) Separatist
(4) Republic
(1) Imperial
(1) New Republic

The Squads….

“Carrying the Load” by Josh Hinkel (a.k.a. Hinkbert on Bloomilk & swmgamers)

Mace Windu LotLS
Republic Commando Atin
Foul Moudama
Spaarti Clone Trooper x3
Rodian Diplomat
Uggie Demo
Map choice: Asteriod Base

“This Squad is Reserved” by Jack MacEwen (a.k.a. jak on Bloomilk)

Kazdan Paratus
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
Rodian Black Sun Vigo
Mon Mothma
Lobot CLO
ARF Trooper
Map choice: Offworld Transport Facility

“This Party’s Over” by Trevor Peyton (a.k.a. thereisnotry on Bloomilk & swm)

Mace Windu LotLS
Republic Commando Fi
Captain Rex
Spaarti Clone Trooper
Rodian Diplomat
Uggie Demo
Map choice: Sinkhole Landing Platform

“UGNAUGHT” by Patrick Dioguardi (a.k.a. patar7 on Bloomilk)

Cad Bane
R2-D2 Astro
Admiral Yularen
Qui-Gon-Jinn JT
R7 Astro
Echani Handmaiden
Toydarian Soldier
Ewok x2
Uggie Demo x5
Map choice: Commander’s Office

“Yo dead before you were born” by Nason Soehnlin

Master Vandar
Atton “Jaq”
Bastila Shan JM
Jedi Battlemaster
Zann Defiler
OR Senator
Uggie Demo
Map choice: Jabba’s Palace

“Girl on Girl” by Ian Gordon (a.k.a. Jester007 on Bloomilk & swmgamers)

Darth Zannah
The Huntress
Zann Defiler x2
Atton “Jaq”
R7 Astro
Salacious Crumb
Uggie Demo
Map choice: Theed Palace

“The Thicker Quicker Picker Upper” by Kris Soehnlin (a.k.a. DarthMalus on Bloomilk)

Celeste Morne
Mara Jade, Jedi
Ganner Rhysode
Kyp Durron
Genral Dodonna
Salacious Crumb
Uggie Demo
Map choice: Smuggler’s Base

“Vong? Again??” by Joe Langton (a.k.a. Juice Man on Bloomilk)

Celeste Morne
Uggie Demo x7
Map choice: Rancor Pit

“Winner” by Dean Dioguardi

Bardan Jusik
Mando Captain
Mando Scout x5
Mando Gunslinger x2
Uggie Demo
MSD x3
Map choice: Rancor Pit

“Iggy & the Stooges” by Steve Mitchell (a.k.a. captaingig on Bloomilk & swmgamers)

Sora Bulq
Geneal Whorm Loathsome
San Hill
IG-88 AD
IG-86 AD
Gha Nachkt
R7 Astro
Geonosian Drone x10
MSD x10
Map choice: Rhen var Citadel

“More General Veeirdness” by Gerry Russell (a.k.a. DARPH NADER on Bloomilk & swmgamers)

General Weir
General Veers
Storm Commando x3
Mas Amedda
Imperial Diplomat
R7 Astro
Rodian Brute x4
Map choice: Smuggler’s Base

Final Standings:

Name W/L Swiss Points

1. thereisnotry (Trevor Peyton) 5-0 8
2. Hinkbert (Josh Hinkel)* 3-2 6
3. Dean (Dean Dioguardi)* 2-2 6
4. Jester007 (Ian Gordon)* 2-2 6
5. DarthMalus (Kris Soehnlin) 2-1 5
6. DARPH NADER (Gerry Russell) 2-1 5
7. Juice Man (Joe Langton) 2-1 5
8. captaingig (Steve Mitchell) 2-1 4
9. patar7 (Patrick Dioguardi) 1-2 2
10. Nason S. (Nason Soehnlin) 1-2 2
11. jak (Jack MacEwen) 0-3 0

* denotes a bye round

Hinkbert v. Dean
thereisnotry v. Jester007

thereisnotry v. Hinkbert

Sportsmanship Award:

Best use of rolling Reserves:

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss three bucks goodbye...

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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:10 pm 
Imperial Dignitaries
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I had a hard time deciding, but for Saturday’s 200pt tournament I ended up going with…
--This Party's Over--
65 Mace Windu, Legacy of the Light Side
55 General Obi-Wan Kenobi
33 Captain Rex
25 Republic Commando Fi
09 R2-D2, Astromech Droid
05 Rodian Diplomat
05 Spaarti Clone Trooper Demolitionist
03 Ugnaught Demolitionist
(200pts. 8 activations)
My map was Sinkhole Landing Platform.

I had not had much chance to playtest this version before, but I had lots of experience with Mace and Rex (just ask Weeks!). There was really only one squad-type that I was afraid of facing, and that was a Poggle-Bombs squad, which could eat me alive if I wasn’t careful. And as luck would have it….

Round 1: Steve Mitchell and his Poggle-Bombs!
When I saw what squad he was playing, my immediate thought was, “Well, at least I might go 3-1.” I won the map roll, and so we played on Sinkhole, with Steve choosing the left. In the first round I got off some shots with Rex to kill some fodder, but I foolishly left Obi in a spot where Steve was able to draw a LOS with his IG-88 Assassin Droid, for a Pulse Cannon. I spent 2 FP on the saves, because my dice were horrible. I also lost my Spaarti clone because he was beside Obi. Then Steve won init and quad-attacked Obi with Iggy-88…he rolled a crit, and I failed my SSM, and then failed the fprr (now out of fp), and then Iggy hit another shot in which SSM failed, and so Obi was sitting with 50hp, and no FP, at the start of Round 2…not a great start to the game. I was able to snipe a few more activations with Rex and Fi, but the tide was still strongly in Steve’s favor. In the middle of Round 3, I made a gutsy move which I knew would either ruin me or give me a fighting chance. Steve had clumped 3 bugs together in the middle of the map, with 3 mice and an ug and 2 R7s touching. I towed Rex up around the other side of the main room, and then moved him to shoot a mouse which was in the way (if I hadn’t rolled an 8 it would’ve been disastrous) and then shoot the first bug of the group. All the bugs blew up, which took out the surrounding fodder and damaged one R7 and killed the other. Now I had a respectable points lead, and Steve was also short on bombs. That move changed the game, because Mace was now free to run in and smash whatever got in his way. Steve’s shooters would’ve been a problem for Mace, but his 30 defense in cover helped out a lot. Meanwhile, GOWK was sitting in the back, building up fp and trying to avoid making a fool of himself again. I eventually ended up killing off Sora with Mace and Rex, and Steve had no way of reaching me as time expired. It was only a 2pt win, but anything is better than a loss. 1-0, 2pts

Round 2: Nason Soehnlin and his OR Vandar squad
I won map roll again, and Nason chose the left. In the end of the second round I towed Rex to attack Nason’s Atton Rand, and amazingly Rex rolled all 10s and above! I was just hoping to get 2-3 hits, but all 4 was really game-changing, since Atton failed his Avoid Defeat saves. After that it was a matter of shooting down fodder and focusing fire on Vandar, who took a while to go down. Fi’s Traps were a huge bonus against a high-defense target like Vandar. Eventually Nason conceded with just Bastilla left against Mace, Rex, and GOWK. 2-0, 5pts

Round 3: Josh Hinkel with his version of Mace/GOWK
I was curious how this one would go, being a mirror match, and all. I won the map yet again (as I did all day, significantly), and this time I got to set up on the left. Josh had set up Foul Moudama in a spot where Rex could draw a line on him, so Foul started the game with 40dmg on him. Then, in the beginning of Round 2, Foul lifted Mace up into my face, where Mace went to town vs my GOWK, but with no crits and with moderately successful SSM saves. Since Foul and Mace were over-extended, I first took down Foul (Fi’s traps were huge again) to remove the CE benefit from Mace, and then I focused fire on Mace and he was gone by the beginning of the next round. I lost my Rex and Fi, but my Mace and GOWK were able to kill off the rest of his squad with little difficulty. A 26-Defense Mace Windu is a terrible thing to behold when you can only do 20dmg on your turn…. 3-0, 8pts

At this point I was the only undefeated player, so we moved to the playoff rounds.

Semi-finals: Ian Gordon and his Sith squad
I started on the left of Sinkhole again, and Ian protected his pieces well and didn’t give me a good shot vs any of his pieces. He kept them well-huddled, out of LOS as he moved them up. Exar had haunted the Huntress. Looking at his pieces, I knew I would have a hard match. Zannah is as un-killable as GOWK (more unkillable actually), and the Huntress has Evade/Parry. I knew I’d have to sacrifice Rex to take down Huntress, or else she’d cause massive troubles for my squad with her melee-survivability and poison. So in the middle of Round 2, I towed Rex up, moved past Zannah’s aoo, and shot up the Huntress, needing 6s…I rolled 3 hits, so she lived with 20hp. Rex then obviously died in a blaze of glory. Mace then charged in and set up to make some attacks the next round. Obi also moved in and set up for a powerful Push 3. Mace made his attacks, putting 60dmg on Atton, but getting no crits. Then he took a beating: Salacious based him to drop him to a non-heroic level of Defense. Zannah assaulted him, but Mace Absorbed it; Ian had done this on purpose, because I had only 2 fp left and Ian didn’t want me to riposte any of the Huntress’ attacks. I knew this, but I figured it was more important to save Mace’s hp into the next round than make extra attacks. Atton also unloaded onto Mace for 60dmg. Mace ended the round with 30hp. If I had lost the next init, I’m fairly certain I would’ve lost the game…but I won it, rolling a 17! Mace went first (obviously), killing off Atton and then Salacious Crumb, and hitting the Huntress who parried his attack. Mace had no crits this game. Mace then promptly died to Ian’s counter-attack. Now it was Obi’s turn, and I declared that I was going to use Force Push 3 on an Ugnaught and the Huntress. We had a rules dispute about whether or not that was possible, because Exar DFS was adjacent to Obi. But it turned out that Exar’s card says that he “does not count as adjacent,” so the question was settled, and the Ug and Huntress and Exar disappeared. Now it was Fi and GOWK and fodder for me vs Zannah and 2 Defilers for Ian. The Defilers were causing GOWK a ton of trouble, mining him every round (80dmg by the end of the game). Thankfully I was able to make all my saves (with some fp here and there), so I never took the full 40 dmg…but it was tight. Meanwhile, my Spaarti and Uggie were wearing down Ian’s R7 droid which was gaining him gambit. Then at the third-last init, GOWK was down to 40 hp and mined, adjacent to a 30hp Defiler. Zannah was at 50hp. I went first and activated GOWK and made my save; the adjacent Defiler failed the save, so he died. GOWK then spent fp to move adjacent to Zannah and kill off Ian’s R7 droid, which was adjacent to her. GOWK and Zannah traded attacks at each other, which resulted in Zannah being at 30hp and 0fp, and GOWK being at 20hp and 2 fp to end the round…Zannah was Ian’s last piece on the board, and I had GOWK and a Spaarti Clone, and all pieces were sitting in gambit. I won init, examined the situation, and force-pushed the adjacent Zannah to death, killing Obi in the process…and my lone Spaarti remained on the board, winning me the game! It was a VERY close match, in so many ways. Who would’ve thought that a 5pt Spaarti Clone would be the hero?

Finals: Josh Hinkel again
I won map again, and this time Josh decided to set up on the left. However, he set up 2 of his Spaarti troopers in a spot where they could be shot from my towed Rex. I did that, and we were even on activations. I sent Fi into the central room near gambit, with Rex/Obi/Mace sticking with R2 and approaching Josh’s guys from the bottom of the map. I lost Fi to Mace the next round, but I was able to send Mace in to kill Josh’s R2 and put some damage on Atin. The next round I won init so my Mace finished off Atin and killed an Ug, and walked out of the room. Josh moved some fodder, and I found a way to shoot both his last Spaarti and his Diplomat in the same turn, by locking his Obi in a room. The next round I won init again. Josh’s Mace and Foul were stuck in a room (needing 2 activations to bring Mace out to attack), and his GOWK was adjacent to my Diplomat, so he couldn’t push my pieces…I should’ve just let him go first because he really couldn’t have done much, but I made a mistake by choosing to go first myself. I used my GOWK to push his GOWK (and my Diplomat). Josh responded by sending Mace into the fray, and basing my Rex, GOWK, and R2. He rolled his first attack against Mace but it wasn’t a crit, so he rerolled, and…crit! This was huge, and I was worried at this point that I might lose the game. Mace killed Rex on the flurry and attacked GOWK with his next 2 attacks. One of those was also a crit, and GOWK’s dice were horrible (having only 1 fp to reroll), so I failed the SSM on the 60dmg crit. GOWK was now at 60hp, and he was already activated, and out of fp…not looking good. I then responded by sending my Mace in to hit his Mace, and crit him once, for a total of 120dmg between ripostes and other shenanigans. I then towed my Mace away to safety, but his GOWK followed and attacked Mace. The next round, Josh won init and tried to finish off my 20hp GOWK, but my saves were astounding, blocking all the damage without needing a fprr. My Mace put some damage on Josh’s GOWK. My 20hp GOWK then finished off Josh’s Mace (successful SSM vs Mace’s crit and the flurry on the riposte). Next round, my Mace gave up an aoo to Josh’s GOWK to move away (riposte was SSM’ed away) and attacked Josh’s Ug and GOWK, then with GMA I continued past Foul, who hit the aoo and took 20dmg back from my riposte. His GOWK was now down to 30hp (30dmg from the push, and 60 from Mace), and his Foul was at 20hp, while my GOWK was at 20hp and my Mace was at 20. I won the next init and finished off his Foul with my GOWK (my Mace Absorbed the LS Defense). The next round, his GOWK finished my Mace and hid in gambit, so I moved into gambit as well. At this point there were only 2 pieces on the board: his 30hp GOWK and my 20hp GOWK, who had 2fp. We were both in gambit (on opposite sides of a wall), but I had earned 1 extra round of gambit, and I was also closer to the center. Knowing this, Josh brought his GOWK out and ran around to base mine. I looked at the score and realized that I was ahead on gambit points. I double-checked with Josh, and we both agreed that I was currently ahead by 1 round of gambit, and then I said, “So it looks like Force Push wins the game.” For the second game in a row, I suicided myself with Force Push 3 to defeat my opponent’s last piece, and win the game. All of the pieces from BOTH squads were defeated...no pieces were left on the map! I won by a score of 220-215, in a game that was definitely one of the most crazy and back-and-forth games of SWM that I have ever played. 5-0 on the day, and 10-1 on the weekend.

I’ve lost count of the number of times that I have played in the Finals:
-in the 2008 Gencon Championships vs Bill, when I forgot to declare “Draw Fire.”
-in the first ever Vassal Regional vs Joruus, where I would’ve won if he had rolled anything but a crit against my Han.
-in the first ever Ontario Regional, where my Dash had 10 shots vs Ruhk’s Kyle, needing to hit only 3 of them.
-in the PA Epic 500pt tourney, where Kris McNaney’s OR decimated my Imperial Handmaidens.
-the day before this one, in the Epic 500pt tourney, where I lost to Kris again.
-…and I’m sure that there were at least 1 or 2 other big tourney final matches…but people tend to repress memories like this! :P

I’ve played in the finals of too many tourneys, but I’ve never once pulled out the big win…until now. It felt good to finally get that monkey off my back! I took home the awesome Darth Maul lightsaber prize, and my kids went nuts…we spent a lot of time the next day, chasing each other around in the basement, pretending to be Star Wars characters.

It was a fun and memorable day…those final two matches, vs Ian and Josh, will live on my memory for a long time. Once again, thanks to Gerry (DarphNader) for organizing the event, and to all the players for coming out.

"Try not! Do, or do not. Thereisnotry." --Yoda

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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:59 pm 
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Thanks for both reports, these list look really different from just last GenCon where there were ten mouse droids in every squad. Good to see the bricks coming out to play!! The only downside is it looks like everyone is going GOWK/Windu..

Winning a tournament always allows doing whatever is within the rules to win. - Billiv15


Sentinel for Life!

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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:25 am 
One of The Ones
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thereisnotry wrote:
I’ve played in the finals of too many tourneys, but I’ve never once pulled out the big win…until now.

My jaw dropped open when I read this. How is that possible!?! Nobody can argue that you are one of the best players around, it's hard to imagine that you've never won one until this weekend. Congrats!!! You were more than due for one.

(PS - If it makes you feel any better - I'd trade all my 1st place wins, including all 5 regional titles, for a single GenCon top 8, and you have THREE!)

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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:44 am 
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Umm.. Ill trade about 50 local tourney wins for a regional title or a Gencon top 8!!

Congrats though on your success though!

Winning a tournament always allows doing whatever is within the rules to win. - Billiv15


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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:31 am 
Droid Army Commander
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TimmerB123 wrote:
thereisnotry wrote:
I’ve played in the finals of too many tourneys, but I’ve never once pulled out the big win…until now.

My jaw dropped open when I read this. How is that possible!?! Nobody can argue that you are one of the best players around, it's hard to imagine that you've never won one until this weekend. Congrats!!! You were more than due for one.

(PS - If it makes you feel any better - I'd trade all my 1st place wins, including all 5 regional titles, for a single GenCon top 8, and you have THREE!)

Trev only plays in the big events or Vassal. Lack of local scene. The boy's got the chops undoubtedly though.



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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:03 am 
Imperial Dignitaries
Imperial Dignitaries
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Thanks for the props everyone. I wasn't concerned so much with my ability to play the game, but more with my ability to actually win a tournament (as opposed to simply doing well in one). Regardless, that's all behind me now, and the monkey has been zapped with electricity. I love this game, and it's always fun to play in a tourney, win or lose.

"Try not! Do, or do not. Thereisnotry." --Yoda

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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:57 am 
Junk Dealer Extrodinaire
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thereisnotry wrote:
It was a fun and memorable day…those final two matches, vs Ian and Josh, will live on my memory for a long time. Once again, thanks to Gerry (DarphNader) for organizing the event, and to all the players for coming out.

Trevor, it was my pleasure!

A truly an amazing weekend to be sure and I too am grateful to all of those who came out to enjoy the SWM festivites throughout the weekend.

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss three bucks goodbye...

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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:37 am 
Imperial Dignitaries
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audrisampson wrote:
Good to see the bricks coming out to play!! The only downside is it looks like everyone is going GOWK/Windu..

I hear what you're saying...but there are also some devastating auto-damage options. If GOWK/Windu and Zannah squads continue to be popular, then the auto-damage pieces will begin showing up in more squads.

Those Zann Defilers that Ian used...deadly! They did 80dmg to my GOWK by themselves, and that's with me making all my saves. Poggle Bombs will continue to cause massive headaches for Rock squads. Also, Republic death-shot squads can be real trouble, simply because of the volume of shots that will be heading your way. I dread facing a well-built Magma Pebble squad, and cloaked Vong Hunters with Plasma Eel (aka Missiles 20) will be massive trouble for the SSM characters with MotF2.

Personally, I'm totally loving the shift that's taking place: you no longer need 20+ activations to compete, and so Rock squads are starting to be viable. I commented to Josh during our match that "It's so much more fun to play with 10 activations than with 20," and he agreed wholeheartedly. In this way, the V-set designers have gone a long way toward achieving their goals.

"Try not! Do, or do not. Thereisnotry." --Yoda

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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:27 pm 
Third Jedi from the Left
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thereisnotry wrote:
Personally, I'm totally loving the shift that's taking place: you no longer need 20+ activations to compete, and so Rock squads are starting to be viable. I commented to Josh during our match that "It's so much more fun to play with 10 activations than with 20," and he agreed wholeheartedly. In this way, the V-set designers have gone a long way toward achieving their goals.

Are you suggesting the game might be more fun if your first 15 activations in a round aren't mouse droids? :lol:

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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:46 pm 
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thereisnotry wrote:
audrisampson wrote:
Good to see the bricks coming out to play!! The only downside is it looks like everyone is going GOWK/Windu..

I hear what you're saying...but there are also some devastating auto-damage options. If GOWK/Windu and Zannah squads continue to be popular, then the auto-damage pieces will begin showing up in more squads.

Those Zann Defilers that Ian used...deadly! They did 80dmg to my GOWK by themselves, and that's with me making all my saves. Poggle Bombs will continue to cause massive headaches for Rock squads. Also, Republic death-shot squads can be real trouble, simply because of the volume of shots that will be heading your way. I dread facing a well-built Magma Pebble squad, and cloaked Vong Hunters with Plasma Eel (aka Missiles 20) will be massive trouble for the SSM characters with MotF2.

Personally, I'm totally loving the shift that's taking place: you no longer need 20+ activations to compete, and so Rock squads are starting to be viable. I commented to Josh during our match that "It's so much more fun to play with 10 activations than with 20," and he agreed wholeheartedly. In this way, the V-set designers have gone a long way toward achieving their goals.

Yes thank God the Vset designers have accomplished this.. Personally I hate playing over 8 activations but I've had to pratically relearn how to play since I've come back.

The Plasma eels came out last week at our Friday local event, mixed into a Nom Bomb squad and it was a royal pain in the rear for my OR. Since locally we play a minis tournie every friday night it has been interesting watching how the metagame has developed. We haven't seen any Republic Death Shot squads yet but the GOWK vs AntiGOWK has taken some really interesting turns and developments.

Winning a tournament always allows doing whatever is within the rules to win. - Billiv15


Sentinel for Life!

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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:48 pm 
Imperial Dignitaries
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hannahcannon wrote:
thereisnotry wrote:
Personally, I'm totally loving the shift that's taking place: you no longer need 20+ activations to compete, and so Rock squads are starting to be viable. I commented to Josh during our match that "It's so much more fun to play with 10 activations than with 20," and he agreed wholeheartedly. In this way, the V-set designers have gone a long way toward achieving their goals.

Are you suggesting the game might be more fun if your first 15 activations in a round aren't mouse droids? :lol:

Actually, yes. Yes I am. :lol:

"Try not! Do, or do not. Thereisnotry." --Yoda

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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:54 pm 
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thereisnotry wrote:
hannahcannon wrote:
thereisnotry wrote:
Personally, I'm totally loving the shift that's taking place: you no longer need 20+ activations to compete, and so Rock squads are starting to be viable. I commented to Josh during our match that "It's so much more fun to play with 10 activations than with 20," and he agreed wholeheartedly. In this way, the V-set designers have gone a long way toward achieving their goals.

Are you suggesting the game might be more fun if your first 15 activations in a round aren't mouse droids? :lol:

Actually, yes. Yes I am. :lol:

To this day I can't figure out how people liked playing like that....

Winning a tournament always allows doing whatever is within the rules to win. - Billiv15


Sentinel for Life!

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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:00 pm 
Third Jedi from the Left
Third Jedi from the Left
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thereisnotry wrote:

Personally, I'm totally loving the shift that's taking place: you no longer need 20+ activations to compete, and so Rock squads are starting to be viable. I commented to Josh during our match that "It's so much more fun to play with 10 activations than with 20," and he agreed wholeheartedly. In this way, the V-set designers have gone a long way toward achieving their goals.

It was super fun and I think lower activations makes the hour long time limit far less stressful. By my count we played either 7-8 rounds, and there wasn't a piece left on the board. Before I played competitively that was how my friends and I played: annihilate the other squad, and if lower activation squads become viable that can happen in tournaments and I think that's excellent. Having a lot of activations can still be a viable choice too, but it's nice to have Mace who can be hard to hit and can deal some damage in a squad with 10 or fewer pieces.

"Anything worth killing is worth over-killing" - Darph Nader

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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:02 pm 
Third Jedi from the Left
Third Jedi from the Left
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thereisnotry wrote:
Thanks for the props everyone. I wasn't concerned so much with my ability to play the game, but more with my ability to actually win a tournament (as opposed to simply doing well in one). Regardless, that's all behind me now, and the monkey has been zapped with electricity. I love this game, and it's always fun to play in a tourney, win or lose.

I just hope that monkey is dead and not transferred to me ;)

"Anything worth killing is worth over-killing" - Darph Nader

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 Post subject: Re: FrostyCon - 200pt Constructed Squads & Results
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:45 pm 
Imperial Dignitaries
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hinkbert wrote:
thereisnotry wrote:
Thanks for the props everyone. I wasn't concerned so much with my ability to play the game, but more with my ability to actually win a tournament (as opposed to simply doing well in one). Regardless, that's all behind me now, and the monkey has been zapped with electricity. I love this game, and it's always fun to play in a tourney, win or lose.

I just hope that monkey is dead and not transferred to me ;)

The way you played in that game, I don't think there's much danger of that happening. :)

"Try not! Do, or do not. Thereisnotry." --Yoda

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