Tournament Information
Star Wars Miniatures
Draft Rules
Tournament Setup
Players are seated randomly into drafting circles (called pods) of roughly equal size. Four is the recommended pod size. Pods may not contain less than three or more than five players, and tournament officials must maximize the number of four-person pods. Example: If nine players are registered for a draft tournament, they should be seated in two pods: one with four players and one with five. They should not be seated in three pods with three people each.
A tournament official then distributes two new Booster Packs to each player. Each player must receive same product. For example, if one player receives a Clone Strike Booster and Rebel Storm Booster, all players must receive a Clone Strike Booster and Rebel Storm Booster.
Active Player Rotation
The player drafting first from the stat cards presented on the table is called the active player. The first active player is the participant in the first seat, designated by the judge. All players in each drafting pod serve as the active player once for each Booster Pack group, with the active player moving between players as follows:
* In a clockwise direction for the first Booster Pack group (beginning with the first active player)
* In a counterclockwise direction for the second Booster Pack group (starting with the last active player in the first group).
Table Preparation
Each active player lays out stat cards of one Booster Pack face up on the table, with the stat cards facing him or her and the models set aside from the drafting area. Players are given 30 seconds to review the cards before drafting begins. At the end of the 30-second review, the active player drafts the first stat card. Then each player in turn has 10 seconds to review and draft from the remaining stat cards. If a player fails to select a card in that time, the pod judge issues that player the highest-cost stat card still remaining from the booster pack.
Draft Order
The draft order moves in a horseshoe pattern, beginning with the active player and continuing around the table to the last participant in the group who has not yet drafted a stat card. The last player in the group selects a second stat card, and then the draft continues in reverse order, moving back toward the first player. Once the draft is completed, all players should have the same number of miniatures.
Example: Four players are seated at a table. They are numbered 1-2-3-4 in clockwise order. The draft runs in this pattern:
Player 1 opens 1st Booster Pack Player 1 drafts Player 2 drafts Player 3 drafts Player 4 drafts Player 4 drafts again Player 3 drafts Player 2 drafts last
Player 2 opens 2nd Booster Pack Player 2 drafts Player 3 drafts Player 4 drafts Player 1 drafts Player 1 drafts again Player 4 drafts Player 3 drafts last
Player 3 opens 3rd Booster Pack Player 3 drafts Player 4 drafts Player 1 drafts Player 2 drafts Player 2 draft again Player 1 drafts Player 4 drafts last
Player 4 opens 4th Booster Pack Player 4 drafts Player 1 drafts Player 2 drafts Player 3 drafts Player 3 drafts again Player 2 drafts Player 1 drafts last
Player 4 opens 5th Booster Pack Player 4 drafts Player 3 drafts Player 2 drafts Player 1 drafts Player 1 drafts again Player 2 drafts Player 3 drafts last
Player 3 opens 6th Booster Pack Player 3 drafts Player 2 drafts Player 1 drafts Player 4 drafts Player 4 drafts again Player 1 drafts Player 2 drafts last
Player 2 opens 7th Booster Pack Player 2 drafts Player 1 drafts Player 4 drafts Player 3 drafts Player 3 drafts again Player 4 drafts Player 1 drafts last
Player 1 opens 8th Booster Pack Player 1 drafts Player 4 drafts Player 3 drafts Player 2 drafts Player 2 drafts again Player 3 drafts Player 4 drafts last
Booster Pack Draft Rules
Players may not communicate with others during a draft.
After the 30 second review, if a player picks up a stat card, that card is considered drafted and the player may not select a different stat card. Players should only touch stat cards if it is their turn to draft.
During the draft, players must display all stat cards they drafted stat side face up in view of all players.
After each booster pack is drafted, players should collect the models that match the stat cards they drafted.
Draft Squad Construction and Registration
Once the draft is completed, players will have 20 minutes to build and register their squads from the miniatures they drafted.
Squads may not contain more points than the limit specified by the format category.
Players may choose their terrain map during squad registration and should indicate their choice on their squad registration form.
In Draft tournaments, a player's squad must be a Light or Dark squad using the following faction rules:
A Light side squad may contain Old Republic, Republic, Rebel Alliance and New Republic miniatures.
A Dark side squad may contain Sith, Separatists and Empire miniatures.
Fringe, Mandalorian and Yuuzhan Vong miniatures can be used in either Light or Dark side squads.
Draft Tournament Round Procedures
Under most circumstances, players should only play against other players in their draft pod. However, it is sometimes necessary to set up matches between people from different pods with the squads built from the first draft. In this case, the organizer need not conduct a second draft. Choice of map, which player sets up first and which player goes first are as per Section 640 (Rules for Sealed Tournaments)
Glossary, Errata, and FAQ
- Errata
- Glossary
- Destiny of the Force
- Renegades and Rogues / Battle of Theed
- Vengeance / Cantina Brawl
- Scum and Villainy / Jedi vs Sith
- Galactic Heros / The Old Republic
- Command of the Galaxy / Vehicles of War
- Armed and Operational / Invasion
- Shadows / Undying
- Warfare and Subterfuge / Diplomacy
- Evasive Action / Rebels