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 Post subject: Rob & Sarah Live CHat: 13 Nov 08 Transcript
PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:27 pm 
Black Sun Thug
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In this box is the uncut transcript, starting at the first question. It's a bit out of order due to the lag, but that's the way it came in. Don't ask about the colors, they are random. I broke it up into sections becuase it was quite a long chat. Here it is:

[spoiler]‹Fool› #1) Sarah: How did you reach your position as Brand Manager for Star Wars Miniatures? Were you hired/promoted into that position, or did you request to be moved here?
‹WotC_Sarah›I started my career at Hasbro....worked there for a little over 6 years, and decided to move to Seattle.
‹WotC_Sarah›Luckily, I was able to stay with the company and got a job on the Magic team
‹Fool› Did you move to Seattle specifically to join aboard with WotC?
‹WotC_Sarah›I worked on magic for a couple years, then jumped at the chance to work on Star Wars when it opened up
‹Fool› Have you always had a love for Star Wars or were there other reasons why you wanted to be in the Brand Manager position?
‹WotC_Sarah›I love Star Wars and it was a great opportunity
‹Fool› There you have it . The next question then is:
‹WotC_Sarah›Oh yeah....Rob just reminded me that he also put in a good word for me based on what he heard around the company
‹WotC_Sarah›Sorry if some of this seems out of order - we're getting a little delay over here
‹Fool› #2) Sarah: What exactly does a "Brand Manager" do? In other words how are you involved with the Miniatures Process.
‹WotC_Sarah›good question....this is one of those things that always comes up when I go to dinner parties....
‹Fool› I know that feeling
‹WotC_Sarah›A brand manager handles everything from setting the long-term strategy (i.e. who is our target audience, how are we going to reach them, etc)
‹WotC_Sarah›We also oversee all the marketing and promotion of our products, like ads and PR
‹WotC_Sarah› We set the vision of the brand, so R&D knows what they should be designing - for example, I could tell Rob we have a demand for maps and unique figures, hence the design of our upcoming Map Pack[/spoiler]
[spoiler]‹Fool› Interesting. So you're totally involved in most facets of the game, it's development and future then?
‹WotC_Sarah› Yes - I have a hand in everything that has to do with Star Wars Miniatures and Roleplaying Games - I also set the financial budgets and goals, and I'm held accountable to them as well
‹Fool› On that note, how many Map Packs are slated to come out?
‹WotC_Sarah› There will be three phased throughout next year - they're all based on The Clone Wars
‹WotC_Sarah› All have a double-sided map and two figures (including one exclusive)
‹Fool› Excellent! That's a good lead into our next question, "Dreadtech" had the following to ask:
‹Fool› #3) Either I would like to know if there will be a starter and a scenario pack for the next 2 sets after Clone Wars? ( as these are also 40 sets)
‹WotC_Sarah› We don't typically release more than one Starter in a year....it all depends on how well our new Clone Wars Starter performs
‹billiv15›how about more scenario packs this year?
‹WotC_Sarah› Same with scenario packs - we've only done one per year in the past two years, but we have a few cool ideas we're pushing along. Honestly, I'm not sure how many scenario packs we'll have yet - again, really depends on performance of our current products on shelf
‹Fool› In their limited release, what has the success been for the current shelf products, or is it too early to tell?
‹Fool› Also, is the performance based on Domestic or Domestic/International results?
‹WotC_Sarah› Do you mean Clone Wars?
‹WotC_Sarah› This is soooo slow.....sorry!
‹WotC_Sarah› Feedback on Clone Wars has generally been great, but I know we've had some issues getting enough product to market - we tried to launch a bit earlier (originally planned for November) and suffered lower ship quantities as a result
‹Fool› Sarah, No problem - and yes it is - yes I was referring to the Clone Wars Starter
‹WotC_Sarah› I'm hoping once all the stores are fully stocked, we'll see positive results
‹billiv15›#4) Sarah - Can you tell us any more about the announcement you suggested was coming in the previous Q&A about supporting local players and growing the local game? Anything we can expect to hear about soon that you can tell us something about?
‹WotC_Sarah› Yes - we will have an announcement on our 2009 tournament structure by the end of the year. It will hopefully give players more opportunities to gather at regional events, leading up to a Championship. We're also looking at ways to expand our convention play as well. As for local stores, they will still be able to hold sanctioned events through the DCI and there will be a liason if they want....
‹WotC_Sarah› to organize bigger events. Again, more on this to come
‹Fool› That's excellent news, and I can only believe that the Competitive/DCI portion of the community will be thrilled to hear that.
‹WotC_Sarah› I'm having to post these twice, btw - just in case you see two of the same posts
‹Fool› It's time to get Rob involved so here are some more game specific questions. Bill will lead us off -
‹WotC_Sarah› I agree![/spoiler]
[spoiler]‹billiv15›#6) Rob Can you tell us more about some of the new lightsaber styles that are -coming this year? Any new styles we might see in Imperial Entanglements or Jedi Academy?
‹WotC_Rob› I know there is a mastery version of a previously seen lightsaber form. I do not intentionally try to place new lightsaber forms, but simply place them on characters where it would be appropriate to do so.
‹billiv15›Can you give us the name of the new style, or perhaps the name of the character it appears on?
‹WotC_Rob› No. And no. Sorry, too far into the future.
‹Fool› I was also wondering as well Rob we know about Niman and Shii-Choo (due to Count Dooku's Makashi style). Any ideas on what type of Jedi or Sith really mesh well with these Lightsaber styles?
‹WotC_Rob› If we did a Cin Drallig (as opposed to his previous incarnation as Jedi Weapon Master), he'd certainly be a candidate for Niman. A version of Kyle Katarn or Lucien Draay (by extension, Darth Sion?) could have Shii-Choo. Ultimately, it would all have to go through Leland Chee and Chris Gollaher at Lucas Licensing.
‹Fool› We'll leave it at that - with the lag interrupting our time, I'll ask a few quick hit questions.
‹Fool› Moving along (move along, move along) - Jedi Master Chief was anxious to know if we may be seeing a representation of Ben Skywalker in the future.
‹WotC_Sarah› ha! I just asked Rob that very question yesterday!
‹WotC_Rob› Sarah was just asking about this yesterday. There is no plan at this time for Ben Skywalker to be in a miniatures set.
‹Fool› Lobostele, one our Admins here at Gamers and Gencon 2008 final 8 finalist wants a question answered regarding the new incarnation of Darth Sidious, hologram.
‹Fool› #8) Rob Why doesn't Holo-Sidious have Affinity. Was this specifically planned, or just an oversight?
‹WotC_Rob› I would place that in the oversight category. I am certainly fallible.
‹Fool› Being that it's a potential oversight, would there be a "potential errata" possible?
‹WotC_Rob› There is none planned. Errata is mostly used to fix a broken game mechanic or resolve disparites in the rules.
‹Fool› Understood and makes sense. I'll reserve asking my "will Luke Skywalker, JM" ever get MOTF2 then...
‹Fool› Grambo another Moderator here has an intriguing question on "Counters" (such as Accurate Shot -vs- Stealth)
‹Fool› #11) - Rob Is there an intent to create "counters" to all the new primary mechanics at some later point? For instance, something that penetrates "cloaked", or other forms of attack that aren't blockable, evadable (such as disintegrate), or parryable?
‹WotC_Rob› No, there is no intent to create counters to any particular game mechanic. If it makes sense to place on a minaiture, then it gets placed on the miniature. The only time a counter of sorts is designed in with "malice" is if something turns out to be entirely too dominating on the tournament scene. Then a year later, you might see a foil to it. Thrawn got a bit of this treatment with disruptive and
‹WotC_Rob› the Tactics Broker, etc.
‹Fool› So it's possible we may see something like Han Solo, Dashing Scoundrel with "Greater Accurate Shot" or something to that effect?
‹WotC_Rob› Definitely possible, however implausible...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]‹Fool› Allrighty - because of time constraints due to some terrible lag, I'm going to bump up the "Rapid
Fire" section of the Chat. Rob/Sarah, feel free to both answer or "Pass" the question ok?
‹Fool› Here goes...
‹Fool› 1. Are there any Vong figures in 2009?
‹WotC_Rob› 1. - I can't keep track of the year figures are coming out. There are new Vong figures coming, probably in 2009, but could be 2010 for all I know.
‹Fool› 2. Any "Bounty Hunter" versions of characters like Greedo, Djas Puhr, Dannik Jerriko, Nym, Ayy Vida, Calo Nord in the works?
‹WotC_Rob› 2. No.
‹Fool› 3. One hint about Imperial Entanglements would be _______?
‹WotC_Sarah› If you weren't crazy about square bases on Alliance and Empire, you'll like this set
‹WotC_Rob› These aren't coming too rapidly.
‹Fool› 4. I say "Jedi Academy" you say _________?
‹WotC_Rob› 4. Darth Vader kills them all.
‹Fool› 5. When you think of the new Thrawn, you think of the number __________
‹WotC_Rob› 5. 1
‹Fool› 6. Can you confirm Fringe Booming Voice?
‹WotC_Rob› 6. No.
‹Fool› 7. The Number of Luke Skywalkers in 2009 is _________?
‹WotC_Rob› 7. Unknown.
‹Fool› 8. Darth Vader, ____________.
‹WotC_Rob› 8. Legacy of the Force
‹Fool› 9. Master __________________.
‹WotC_Rob› 10. Vodo-Siosk Baas
‹WotC_Rob› Oops, that should have been 9.
‹Fool› yup. I hadn't asked 10 yet. Sorry your answer for #5 didn't show up on my screen for some reason. What was it again?
‹WotC_Rob› nearly takes out his frustration with the interface on his monitor.
‹WotC_Rob› 5. 1
‹WotC_Sarah› (Smilies)
‹Fool› 10. Are there are any other new 3 point costed Miniatures coming out?
‹WotC_Rob› 10. Yes. A scary one at that. Our first 3 point shooter.
‹WotC_Rob› 10. (I think. Not sure what made it into the sets of 40 rather than 60.)
‹Fool› (obviously not including a Battle Droid with Gha Nackht) I presume.
‹WotC_Rob› Maybe that was what I was thinking.
‹Fool› Okay guys, because of the lag that's pretty much a wrap. I want to thank the site and our sponsors, but especially Rob & Sarah for taking the time to spend with the Community.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]‹Fool› Rob & Sarah is there anything else you would like to add at this time?
‹WotC_Sarah› aw....that's it?
‹WotC_Sarah› give us a couple more...
‹Fool› There are more questions if you have the time
‹billiv15›We have more if you want to stick around
‹WotC_Rob› I'm fine for another 13 minutes.
‹Fool› allrighty, full steam ahead.
‹Fool› This one comes from Bill:
‹Fool› #9) Rob: What was the thinking behind not changing the initiative rule at this time? Are we likely to see it in the future, and if so when and how?
‹WotC_Rob› What made you think I was thinking about changing or not changing initiative?
‹Fool› I read on a post on the WotC by a user there (I think Ulic Qel-Droma) about a "new initiative rule". Basically, it outlined that at the start of every phase the person going first was to activate one rather then 2.
‹WotC_Rob› Sweet, a question based on a rumor that someone posted on the internet!
‹Fool› Rumors abound! Sorry about that guys
‹WotC_Rob› Now... that being said...
‹WotC_Rob› My desire is to make the best game play experience possible.
‹WotC_Rob› The Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures game has certainly borrowed many ideas from Star Wars Miniatures, and vice versa.
‹WotC_Rob› We've been testing it internally, but are not prepared to go one way or another at this time.
‹Fool› Right, to my understanding that rule applies there (D & D). Understood, that we'll move along away from that topic for now.
‹WotC_Rob› The first place you are likely to see a change in the initiative rules would be during an update of the DCI floor rules for SWM.
‹Fool› Speaking of D & D: here is a question for Sarah from Grambo
‹Fool› #15) Sarah Is the change in DDM's going to affect SWM? If so, how?
‹WotC_Sarah› I addressed this recently on our boards....the short answer is no. We have the same challenges in terms of producing our brands in a shaky economy (i.e. cost to produce, consumer demand), but we have different audiences and we realize the majority of our fans are either collectors or skirmish players
‹WotC_Sarah› or squirmish as I said on the boards
‹Fool› While Sarah answers that Rob, I have another question about my new Favorite Piece, General Obi-Wan Kenobi and a recent errata. This question was also asked by Bill
‹Fool› #18) Either: What is the story on the creation of Soresu on General Obi-Wan Kenobi? Why are the card and glossary different, was there a change made at some point in the design process, and if so, what was it and why was it done?
‹WotC_Rob› 18. I don't remember. That question may possibly be answered best by my editor, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes.
‹Fool› Understood Sarah & Thanks for that Rob (I like him without the errata)
‹Fool› Rob - in a preview of what's to be from yesterday, you noted that you knew about Gha Nackht about "2 years ago". Does that mean we can look towards at least a couple more years of sets then?
‹WotC_Rob› Given I work more than a year out, you are sure to see sets into at least 2010.
‹Fool› One more question for Rob: Any plans for Yoda, Jedi Spirit or Qui-Gon Jedi Spirit?
‹WotC_Rob› Yes.
‹Fool› That's comforting news! Are we to assume the Live Action TV Series may have something to do with it.
‹WotC_Rob› Personally, I'm hoping for lots of new content from the Knights of the Old Republic Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game before the Live Action show.
‹Fool› Could that include more versions of already made pieces, like a Old Republic Version of Revan, perhaps?
‹WotC_Rob› It is within the realm of possibility.
‹billiv15›So Rob, will you join my groups in the KOTOR MMORPG?
‹WotC_Rob› Perhaps billiv15. I generally play MMOs with the same group of friends for the last 10 years or so (whenever Everquest came out). If they can stomach your presence, its fine with me.
‹Fool› (so no)
‹Fool› Is there any help coming for the Old Republic in 2009 now that I mention it - it seems that Carth and Atton both seem to be overcosted with the potential possibility of a Bothan Noble or Princess Leia type piece?
‹Fool› Is that a possibility to help strengthen that faction to make it more competitive?
‹WotC_Rob› I agree, the Old Republic needs some help. Only time will show what form of help they'll be receiving. I generally let Mr. Mons Johnson handle the costing because it takes a lot of work to do it which I do not have time for. I do leave notes like "This faction needs help, please cost aggressively!"
‹Fool› We'll have to get Mons Johnson on here at some point then (hopefully he will bring his Magic 8-ball for point cost)
‹Fool› Sarah one more question for you from Luke_Skywalker
‹Fool› #13) Sarah I would like to ask Sarah if we will we be seeing at some time in the future SWM's going to a form of block play similar to what we have seen happen in Magic where certain pieces are no longer legal after a certain amount of time.
‹WotC_Sarah› maybe, but it hasn't been necessary yet....we're not reprinting any miniatures sets right now, and I don't expect to any time soon. We're more focused on the new things coming out....
‹WotC_Rob› I'm generally responsible for major shifts in costs like "the 25-35 point cost jedi are all overcosted, we need to realign their point costs and make them cheaper for what you get"
‹Fool› Right - which makes sense - I have to say that a lot of hte lower cost Jedi nowadays area lot more playable for their cost.
‹Fool› Luke Skywalker, Jedi is a great example of that.
‹WotC_Rob› Some might raise the banner of "stat inflation" when I mention things like that, but it isn't inflation, it is adjustment.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]‹Fool› Finally Sarah/Rob, after Imperial Entanglements is it possible to have you two sit down with us again for another round of questions?
‹WotC_Rob› I believe I would like to go back to Wizards' chat room for future chats. We could have probably answered three times the questions without the lag we've been experiencing.
‹dnemiller› I promise if you do I will be on a dedicated server to speed this up
‹WotC_Sarah› Either way, we'd be happy to chat some more
‹Fool› yes understand Rob, this was our first go 'round and we appreciate the time you have given us. We will ensure for future chats that we will be more up to speed.
‹WotC_Rob› A Brand Manager that likes to talk to the consumers. Will wonders never cease
‹dnemiller› We are certainly blessed by that for sure!!!!
‹Grambo› Just shows you have a fine Brand Manager
‹billiv15›And that makes all the difference in the world to us
‹Fool› Allrighty you guys, I can't thank you enough for the time you've taken to answer these questions today! Again, we appreciate all the time you have given this site and the community so thanks again!
‹WotC_Rob› Somewhere, I did state "No help what so ever". But I was talking about me. If Sarah wants to give you a hint, that's cool.
‹dvader831› SARAH! Please!
‹Eruletho› woah
‹thejumpingflea› Sarah?
‹Darth Havok› Your our only hope!
‹dnemiller› Rob I would also like to thank you and Sarah again for the stuff you sent to Don.... it was nice
‹Fool› Yes!
‹dnemiller› really more than nice and above and beyond the call of duty for you two
‹WotC_Sarah› it was the least we could do
‹NickName› <single tear>
‹WotC_Sarah› I'm glad to hear they've been getting back on their feet - and SO impressed with the outpouring of support from our community
‹Fool› Sarah were you thinking of a hint for Rob's er..... "transmission" of sorts?
‹WotC_Sarah› one thing I did want to say to address any criticism on our boards - I just want everyone to know that both Rob and I work really hard on these products and we have your interests at heart. If certain choices seem odd or frustrating, please give us the benefit of the doubt that there were a lot of issues to deal with when coming to a final decision...
‹Fool› Well said Sarah We're just glad Mr. Watkins is out of Carbonite.
‹WotC_Sarah› ok...now for your hint
‹Fool› Yay :d
‹WotC_Sarah› Djem So Style Mastery
‹Eruletho› Woah!
‹Fool› Saw that coming
‹dnemiller› nice.... you guys are great
‹jedispyder› nice, thanks for the help
‹Gemini1179› That was fantastic for a first time.
‹Eruletho› that is awesome, thanks again guys. Best game I've ever played
‹Fool› Allrighty guys - that's a wrap thanks again Rob & Sarah for everything
{Applauds} ‹Grambo› Thank you two, really appreciated the time
‹Joruus Cbaoth› Thank you both very much!
‹dvader831› <thunderous applause>
‹WotC_Sarah› Thanks for all the great questions - looking forward to next time
‹Gemini1179› Interesting comments about the costing, figured Rob would have had more to do with it.
‹Eruletho› feel free to come back any time
‹WotC_Rob› Have a good one, people. I hope you enjoyed our time here.
‹dnemiller› whooooooootttttt!!!!!!!! huzzah!!!!! oya mando!!!
‹Gemini1179› Thank you Rob and Sarah
‹WotC_Sarah› and may the Force be with you! (See Rob - I capitalized, you shmoe)
13/11/2008 ‹Fool› Thanks you guys
‹Gurneywars› thank you
‹WotC_Rob› She's a quick learn. *grin*
* WotC_Rob quit
‹dnemiller› padawan learner
* WotC_Sarah quit [/spoiler]

Edit By Fool: Just cleaned up the Q & A Format to account for the lag.

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
Boba Fett


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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:19 pm 
Jedi Battlemaster
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Eruletho, man thank you for posting this :) I missed the last half and I'm glad I can catch up on it.

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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:23 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Great job, Steve! Here's to more chats with Sarah and Rob on SWMGamers. :D

My favorite part:

chat wrote:
‹billiv15›So Rob, will you join my groups in the KOTOR MMORPG
‹WotC_Rob› Perhaps billiv15. I generally play MMOs with the same group of friends for the last 10 years or so (whenever Everquest came out). If they can stomach your presence, its fine with me.
‹Fool› (so no)

Click here to check out all the people who have realized the truth. Someday you will, too.

"I would really, really like to not have anything else happen at the end of the round other than things just ending." -- Sithborg

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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:16 pm 
Ugnaught Master!
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Steve, you had another one of your crazy ideas. Sometimes they flop, ~DSBoom sometimes they succeed. :mrgreen:

If you ever were to listen to me once in your life, listen to me now. You succeeded! You accomplished something truly amazing! <big pat on the back>

That's right, it's always the one in the middle you would least expect to be the most dangerous!

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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:36 am 
Unnamed Stormtrooper
Unnamed Stormtrooper
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Cool interview. Thanks for posting this. 8)


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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:31 am 
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That was great!

A big thank you to Rob & Sarah for taking the time out to chat about this fantastic game. And a big thanks to all those involved setting this up too, especially Fool, Dean & Bill.

Sets for 2010 being planned - :P

"I'm not exactly breaking the laws of time, just bending them a little."

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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:06 am 
Imperial Dignitaries
Imperial Dignitaries
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Awesome job to everyone!! And a big THANK YOU to Sarah and Rob for their willingness to participate!!

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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:14 am 
Imperial Dignitaries
Imperial Dignitaries
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Vodo? I'm happy to see that.

Younglings are confirmed for Jedi Academy. Schweet.

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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:28 am 
Imperial Dignitaries
Imperial Dignitaries

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I missed the chat due to other obligations. Thanks for getting the transcript up so fast.

Fool - You did a great thing in lining this up. You're worth every dime I pay you. :mrgreen:


Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun.

Maybe. Just maybe my boys can protect the book. Yeah, and maybe I'm a Chinese jet pilot.

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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:36 am 
Unnamed Stormtrooper
Unnamed Stormtrooper
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Thanks to everyone who made this interview happen, my schedule made me unable to attend, but the excellent questions, respect shown the game designers, and passion for SWM really shined through in all those who participated.

Great Job!

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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:06 pm 
Third Jedi from the Left
Third Jedi from the Left
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Was a nice interview that managed to persevere just fine throughout the chat issues, thats great they were ok with all that.

Kinda sad no tidbits about Mandalorians slipped out though

~Umbra: Light is only a Shadow cast by the Darkness of the Stars.

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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:09 pm 
Sith Apprentice
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Great job guys! Even with the lag problems, a job well done! And, well... I'm ecstatic. Finally....finally... there is now official evidence that the Yuuzhan Vong will be getting some love... albeit after 2 years of being put away.

Quite possibly star wars miniatures biggest...and only Yuuzhan Vong supporter

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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:15 pm 
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight
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well im disapointed i wasnt there but im glad i could see this

im a bit sad that theres no Ben Skywalker *tear*
but ill just keep hoping


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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:52 pm 
Unnamed Wookiee
Unnamed Wookiee

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Very interesting reading.

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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:07 pm 

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jhc36 wrote:
Great job guys! Even with the lag problems, a job well done! And, well... I'm ecstatic. Finally....finally... there is now official evidence that the Yuuzhan Vong will be getting some love... albeit after 2 years of being put away.

Where did they talk about the vong?


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 Post subject: Re: 13 Nov 08 Live Chat Transcript
PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:00 pm 

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empirejeff wrote:
jhc36 wrote:
Great job guys! Even with the lag problems, a job well done! And, well... I'm ecstatic. Finally....finally... there is now official evidence that the Yuuzhan Vong will be getting some love... albeit after 2 years of being put away.

Where did they talk about the vong?

Rob was asked about new Vong in 09 and he said probably 09 but might be 10 because he can't keep track of when everything is coming out.

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 Post subject: Re: Rob & Sarah Live CHat: 13 Nov 08 Transcript
PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:21 pm 
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Nice to be able to look this over. Maybe next time I'll be in a postion to toss a question for review. Of course I've had the opportunity to talk to sarah already through PM.

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